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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. 98/99 closely followed by the claret and blue number from 95/96
  2. Any other fucker going to this or am I going to be on my todd arguing with people from the Premier and Football Leagues that the fit and proper persons test should extend to fat lads from Bucks who made their fortune flogging cheap sports gear?
  3. By leaving a relegated club he has shown his true colours.. jeez. It's like we developed him from a child, some of the responses on this board. And I think developed him from a child is a bit OTT He's a young lad who came from obscurity and was given a chance to shine rather than spend a year edging his way in from the bench, and for him to be the first player to say he wants out is pretty disloyal if you ask me. "Given a chance to shine" We played him because he was good enough. Simple as that. No ulterior motive, he was in the side because it was better for the club rather than better for him. The way you're going on it's as if we knew he was shit but played him anyway and somehow turned him into a Premier League standard player. If you were at a company which weren't paying you a lot and were going down the swanny and you knew there were bigger and better companies that wanted you and would pay you more you'd move, aye? Same with Bassong. It's refreshing to see a bit of honesty from a player if you ask me, especially when the likes of Martins and Duff are pledging their future so they're entitled to their loyalty bonus come the day we sell them.
  4. Can't blame him for wanting to go. He's good enough to play in the Premiership and he has no real emotional tie to the club so I understand why he's looking to leave this joke of a football team. He showed much more heart and desire on the pitch last season than half of our other players while on a fraction of the wage. If they'd played to the same level as Bassong then we wouldn't be in this position. I've no doubt where ever he ends up he'll be a success. Good luck to the lad.
  5. No idea how reliable it is as it's not from one of the usual suspects.
  6. Source? http://www.skunkers.net/reunited/showthread.php?t=509 If true it bodes well for the takeover too, I suppose.
  7. Shearer himself expects an announcement to be made by Friday.
  8. Shearer's short managerial career so far hasn't seen many ups, has it
  9. No thanks. i like being able to wear our kits in public. Adidas is better than every other kit maker It's a long standing belief of mine that anyone who wears a football shirt outside the confines of a football ground or while not actually having a kick about should be put down. Why Football shirts were a life saver for me at university. Not once did I use an iron in my 3 year tenure thanks to the wonder of the football shirt. Bet you were still a virgin when you graduated though... Incorrect Sticking your cock in an electrical appliance doesn't count. As for why I hold those who perpetually wear football shirts in disdain. It makes you look like a fucking scruff.
  10. I was all for Shearer at the back end of last season for the simple fact he was the only man who could put pressure on MA to start running the club properly rather than anything to do with his managerial ability. Now Ashley is selling up he's pretty redundant but it's clear he's going to be the first choice of the majority of fans "becoz its SHEERAAA!" I don't buy into any of this shite about him knowing what the club needs/fans want. Frankly the whole 'Geordie Nation' guff wore really thin towards the end of Shepherd's time here so the idea Shearer is the only man for the job is complete bollocks. If i'm totally honest i'd much prefer we took a chance on an upcoming manager with a few years experience under his belt rather than someone with 8 games but i'm resigned to getting Shearer. There are some plus points, if he does turn out to be good the feeling around the club will be fantastic despite the fact we're in the Championship and if he's a failure then at least we know the answer to the Shearer question. He'll not be hanging around like Banquo's Ghost whenever we sack a manager.
  11. Source? Not the most reliable, actually: newcastle-mad.co.uk. Might as well say you saw it daubed in human shite on Byker Wall.
  12. No thanks. i like being able to wear our kits in public. Adidas is better than every other kit maker It's a long standing belief of mine that anyone who wears a football shirt outside the confines of a football ground or while not actually having a kick about should be put down.
  13. "Oooooooooooooooh. Did you here that Mr. Omani Sultan? Steve McMahon says you don't have the balls to pay the £100 million asking price. Are you going to take that?"
  14. He has had a lot of money on the way up. I'd be wary. I still rate him as a very good manager and i'd much prefer him to the usual suspects.
  15. Darren Ferguson for me. Yes, ahead of Shearer too.
  16. It's also entirely possible that many of our players are only declaring their intention to stay due to the fact it'll almost certainly net them their loyalty bonuses when they are eventually sold. After all none of them played with any heart or passion. Apparently we've got to pay Owen a substantial fee over the next few weeks as he saw out his contract too.
  17. I'd get rid and bring in someone with a bit of Championship pedigree. Martins probably would be quite handy in the Championship but I want to see the back of almost every player who took us down. Now I understand such a major overhaul is impossible but Obafemi Martins, being one of the highest earners, most injury prone and lacking in ability, would be near the top of my 'Get rid' list. If we're down we may as well make an attempt a restructuring the financing of the club. There are half a dozen players capable of scoring enough goals in the Championship to bring us back up so we may as well take the risk. We can attract any player in the league so it's not as if we're going to be left with the dregs nee fucker else wanted.
  18. Go back to bed Newcastle-Online, articles were doing the rounds a few years ago all but confirming it had been shelved. Anyway, thank the lord. The idea of a statue of Shearer outside St. James' this soon after his retirement (and before he's had a proper chance to ruin the club as a manager) makes me sick a little bit in my mouth. Lets wait until he's at least in his 50's, or he's got a terminal illness.
  19. It's not official, it was hoyed up by fans. There's another pointing the way to St. James' with some Fizzy Pop jibes underneath but it's on the wrong side of the road so those heading in that direction can't actually see it EDIT: Well, you can see them be technically it's on the wrong side.
  20. Tripe, tbh. Can you say 'dividends'? I know Freddy could. He could also say stuff like... I didn't want to be known as the man who shot Bambi. Newcastle girls are all dogs. England is full of them. You should only say good things when somebody leaves. Robert has gone - good! When we have got 52,000 fans at each home game, the last thing we are worried about is clubs in the third division." Yep all of that and he is still slightly better than Mike Ashley. FYP
  21. Tripe, tbh. Can you say 'dividends'? I know Freddy could. He could also say stuff like... “I didn't want to be known as the man who shot Bambi.” “Newcastle girls are all dogs. England is full of them.” “You should only say good things when somebody leaves. Robert has gone - good!” “When we have got 52,000 fans at each home game, the last thing we are worried about is clubs in the third division."
  22. it's like i'd rather have my leg sawn off (fred) as opposed to my head sawn off (ashley) plenty given the choice between the two would rather have fred whilst thinking all in all it's a pretty shitty choice. It's hard to believe that even after everything that has gone on under Ashley you and others are still coming out with idiotic tripe such as the above. To be more accurate it's any of: Ambition as opposed to no ambition knowledge of the game as opposed to no knowledge of the game someone who cares as opposed to a cockney market trader in it for all he can get Take your pick, they're all valid. Fred is a massive step up from the wide-boy. I just hope if it happens it happens in time, because Ashley is going to take this club down at least another division if he stays much longer, he may even totally destroy the football club. No doubt you'll still be trying to convince yourself that regular European football is no better and that Fred is just the same... What about those who'd rather chance their arm with someone completely different? Yeah, Ashely was someone completely different, wasn't he, mate. At this point in time, with the club in a huge downward spiral, it really needs someone with experience who knows the business and who knows what they're doing. There are are still no guarantees, given the state of the club now that should be obvious, but I'd rather go with someone known to have been there before and who has brought some ambition and degree of achievement to the club than some unknown entity who may know less than you and me about the real business of running a football club. Individual choice. If that's what you want that's upto you. I couldn't care less what others want, tbh. I had enough of the rabid types who wanted rid of the most ambitious Board in 60 years to be too much bothered what some others want now. Basically, if after all that has happened some people are still unable to appreciate what the previous Board brought to the club they are beyond any kind of rational thought on the matter. And that is the exact reason I wouldn't go for Fat Fred. I don't want every managerial appointment to be met with a groan and every press conference to be soured by a daft comment from the bloated cunt. I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about the Geordie nation. I want success and neither Freddy or Ashley can deliver that. There has got to be very few people out their as unprofessional as those two bumbaclots. Shepherd used us as a cash cow and Ashley ran us into the ground due to gross negligance. If I have a choice between Freddy, Ashley and the mystery box i'm going for the mystery box. Every. Fucking. Time.
  23. I worry that history is going to be rewritten with regards to the sale of the club to Ashley and it's going to be painted as some bloodless coup which angered the fans. Fact of the matter is almost everyone was happy to be rid of that chubby mess, his embarrassing soundbites and his grubby fist which seemed to be perpetually in the coffers. Just because Fat Fred was slightly more paletable than Ashley doesn't mean we should pretend he's something which he isn't. He's did a lot of damage to this club too remember.
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