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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. IIRC Moat and Shepherd had a bit of a falling out a year or two ago so I doubt Fat Fred would be involved. I believe it's true. It seems a bit bizarre for The Times to come out and name a buyer like that so it wouldn't surprise me if details have been leaked by Keith Harris to try and force Ashley's hand.
  2. http://toon-talk.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3750 Touched a raw nerve
  3. Are you just pretending to be a idiot. The information on both sites come from reliable sources, we just happened to be first one to run it. Why threads like this then? http://toon-talk.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3746 Look mate you got no idea what your talking about, that threads stems from conversations we have had in the past about our lack of activity on newsnow. You cant just make assumption after reading 1 thread. Our board is small in numbers compared to this one, but all the lads on there are honest good lads. One of our admin got the information and I posted it, it bound to generate members, you'd be a idiot if you thought other wise. I see a board notorious for dealing in the worst kind of rumours, I see a thread which makes much more sense in the context of the story being complete bunkum and I jumped to conclusions. I'd apologise but you've conducted yourself like an arsehole. http://i30.tinypic.com/24payv5.gif Wildcard, bitches.
  4. Thomo and the member hungry wankers at Toon-Talk Link us to the Arabic site.
  5. Are you just pretending to be a idiot. The information on both sites come from reliable sources, we just happened to be first one to run it. Why threads like this then? http://toon-talk.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3746
  6. People on Toon Talk made it up to get more visitors.
  7. Personally I think it's complete bollocks but i'm not going to join in the Thomo witchhunt if it doesn't turn out to be true. He's passed on info he believes to be credible, not his fault if his source has been misinformed.
  8. Doesn't matter if he's standing in the centre circle holding a scarf above his head come our first home game of the season i'll still not believe he actually exists.
  9. They don't really seem to know who he is either, just that one or two have actually heard of him before. Not much chance they'll know.
  10. You just know there'll be some knob dancing around outside SJP with an inflatable nuclear warhead. While making complete inaccurate racist comments. "Whey I git love tha' pakis. Singat who lives doon me street is a lovely blerk but he always fookin' honks of curry! Me an' me marras call him tha' Punjab Pong!"
  11. If this is true then the first twat to duck tape a towel around their bonce (I'm looking at you Skirge) will get a bellend slap from me.
  12. That image makes him look like the head of the Politburo.
  13. I've been told that Keith Harris is on holiday because Seymour Pierce are in the process of cutting all ties with Ashley. They're fucked off he wont accept a realistic offer for the club and they believe it's impacting on their reputation quite badly.
  14. To an extent I agree, but I think this is the right time for Shearer. Also, his shadow will remain over whoever comes in if they don't get us promoted immediately, regardless of circumstance, which is a major issue. We won't get screwed too badly if Shearer comes in (i.e. we won't go down again, probably top half) and I think this is the right time to show what he's made of. He's done nothing in his eight games at the club to prove that. He's very raw and in our current state i'd rather we weren't relying on an effectively untried and untested manager to haul us out of the shite. Once the situation is sorted out by all means let him have his bash in the hotseat so he can bring in his own players and backroom staff but to give him the job now would be suicide for the club and himself.
  15. I think he means he hoyed a bet on. My opinion of Shearer is this: i'm not mad about him, he struggled last season (although to be fair who wouldn't) and I think our current situation needs stability rather than another fucking 'messiah' and that's why i'd much prefer a Strachan or Curbs type figure.
  16. Win it? Debatable. Take us straight back up? Yes.
  17. Beckham has every right to tell them where to go IYAM. Mickey Mouse league.
  18. Haruna Babangida was in his early 20's for about a decade and a half.
  19. did i say it was ? whos fault was it that we hocked everything we had and still made losses. do you think in that situation the banks would fall over themselves to loan us more to invest ? Yet still Fat Fred managed to sell the club for a tidy sum taking the banks out of the equation. Was that his fault as well? and what position were we in when he left ? what position had we been headed for 2 or 3 years priior ? This is the question you really need to ask Mike Ashley as he thought it was a good buy at the time. and he got it wrong ? still doesn't mean fred didn't leave us in a financial shitheap. So do you think after Ashley bought the club, he should blame the problems on Shepherd? some. if the halls/fred had the club at heart they would have warned ashley as to the hidden stuff they knew he didn't check (which he only has himself to blame for)...they found a sucker, very,very lucky for them. He could've walked into any pub in the north east and he'd have been told our financial situation. It's not as if it was a secret, there were websites dedicated to it. It's a buyers prerogative to check the books out. As an aside, I feel I must point out to those claiming Ashley was trying to get us on a more sensible financial footing our wage bill rose under Ashley. A mean feat considering the damage he has done to the club.
  20. Shepherd didn't lose a personal fortune AND get the club relegated. Compared to Ashley, Shepherd is a financial genius, which isn't saying much btw. Ashley had plenty of chances to step back from the brink but he failed to invest a few million at the right time to avoid disaster. This isn't an endorsement of Shepherd, more of an indictment of Ashley's monumental cock ups and there's a long list of them I haven't even mentioned here. shepherds net worth is nowhere near ashleys...both started off with nowt. I am talking about this from the perspective of Newcastle United as a football club. So someone who cornered themselves into a position where they had exhausted all available lines of credit and were forced into realising future cash flows immediately at a much discounted price...over someone who lost their OWN money plugging the holes created by said person. Don't really think you can call shepherd a financial genius (in relation to Ashley), he had no idea of the world outside of NE1, Ashley has a poor footballing knowledge but at least got us onto a more stable footing. Deary fucking me Aye, it looks and feels like we're on a more stable footing at the moment. Twat.
  21. It was never really intended to leave the board. It was just a daft rumour someone posted to take the piss out of a few other posters who were claiming to be ITK. Obviously some people who read Skunkers have picked up on it (completely missing the white text at the bottom saying it was a piss take) and started e-mailing it around. It's not really the fault of the poster that it's got to the point where national newspapers are running with it
  22. Not the end of the world. We know that people have been visiting, it's just not TAK.
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