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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. it's like i'd rather have my leg sawn off (fred) as opposed to my head sawn off (ashley) plenty given the choice between the two would rather have fred whilst thinking all in all it's a pretty shitty choice. It's hard to believe that even after everything that has gone on under Ashley you and others are still coming out with idiotic tripe such as the above. To be more accurate it's any of: Ambition as opposed to no ambition knowledge of the game as opposed to no knowledge of the game someone who cares as opposed to a cockney market trader in it for all he can get Take your pick, they're all valid. Fred is a massive step up from the wide-boy. I just hope if it happens it happens in time, because Ashley is going to take this club down at least another division if he stays much longer, he may even totally destroy the football club. No doubt you'll still be trying to convince yourself that regular European football is no better and that Fred is just the same... What about those who'd rather chance their arm with someone completely different?
  2. If Fat Sam was the right man at the right time why was he such an unmitigated disaster? the change of owner played a massive part, obviously Not really. He still managed to pick up the majority of his first choice transfer targets and arguably had the biggest backing of any of Ashley's managers. The performances and results simply weren't good enough and i've no doubt they'd have been the same under Shepherd.
  3. If Fat Sam was the right man at the right time why was he such an unmitigated disaster?
  4. There are so many times when he looked as if he was getting it right. Sacking Souness, not rushing into an appointment midseason when Roeder was doing the business, sacking Roeder. He never learnt from his mistakes and i've got no reason to believe Fat Sam would've done any better here under FFS. In fact he'd have been sacked earlier than he was under Ashley and we'd have been managed by someone like Aidy fucking Boothroyd.
  5. The Carrick thing was in Robson's book too IIRC and Souness wasn't shy about telling the world how he was done over by Shepherd when it came to signing Anelka. I'd like to think Freddy is savvy enough to sue when he's being defamed. Souness wanted Anelka and Boa Morte. Shepherd brought in Owen and Luque. God help us ... Didn't Souness want Luque as well as Boa Morte and Anelka but said he was worth no more than £3 million? Luque defnitely said he was pursued by Shepherd throwing ridiculous wage offers at him and offering a huge fee to Deportivo. Also I seem to remember reading an interview with Souness when he said that Luque was not his signing. And whilst we are at it Roeder definitely said that Duff was not his signing, he was told about it after the event. Shepherd = Ashley minus the craftiness.
  6. The Carrick thing was in Robson's book too IIRC and Souness wasn't shy about telling the world how he was done over by Shepherd when it came to signing Anelka. I'd like to think Freddy is savvy enough to sue when he's being defamed. Souness wanted Anelka and Boa Morte. Shepherd brought in Owen and Luque. God help us ... Didn't Souness want Luque as well as Boa Morte and Anelka but said he was worth no more than £3 million?
  7. The Carrick thing was in Robson's book too IIRC and Souness wasn't shy about telling the world how he was done over by Shepherd when it came to signing Anelka. I'd like to think Freddy is savvy enough to sue when he's being defamed.
  8. Fuck Shearer, lets get Martinez in.
  9. Like when he backed Bobby with just Bowyer when we needed to push on when we had the chance, or go for his own choices like Carr over Miguel etc. Meh. Besides, what is the point of backing managers when the managers you pick are for the most part penny dreadfuls. Sorry, not having a go, just need to vent when there is a prospect of the fat man returning. Aye, just like when he backed Souness with Owen and Luque instead of Anelka and Boa Morte, who probably would have cost about £13.5m less!!. Didn't Sir Bobby also say (in his book) that Gary Speed was sold by Shepherd without his (SBR) knowledge - and he (FFS) even denied what he had lined up when confronted about it by SBR? Aye, wouldn't sanction a move for Carrick either so we got Nicky Butt.
  10. Just a shame most of the managers he picked were shit.
  11. The more reliable reports say the £100 million debt to him was included, that's good enough for me. He simply couldn't sell the club if he was asking £200 million. I know there is a few million pounds worth of debt as seen in the last figures that'll probably come on top of the £100 million but anyone interested shouldn't be put off by that due to the scale of the wage problems anyway. They've got to have some income that they can pump into the club because we'll ruin someone with just the £100 million.
  12. no names, no quotes, but atleast its another story. Atleast perhaps something is happening sooner rather than later? I'd be more concerned if there was quotes. Serious potential buyers don't usually go around shouting their mouths off ala Chris Nathanial.
  13. He must have backing. If not it could be a fucking disaster.
  14. Yeah, the arabs will fucking love fatboy ckming back begging them to buy the club for a fraction of what he originally wanted. I hope they make the fat cunt do a belly dance first. http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/truffleshuffle.gif
  15. Going back to Dubai makes a bit of sense, especially if we're talking to that Zabeel Investments again. They almost bought Charlton after Ashley fucked them off if I remember correctly so they're obviously not put off by Football League status.
  16. The Sultan. Whey it hasn't been confirmed, just strongly suggested.
  17. Keeping hold of the club is going to do anything but keep his wallet fat.
  18. No, it just shows that I've strong beliefs that every human should be free, and that I'm not morally bankrupt like some people. What about the kids who work in sweatshops to produce the shoddy clothing sold in Mike Ashley's shops and online businesses. Do they prick your consciences too? Are all your clothes fair-trade? Do you only buy chocolate that is fair trade? And coffee, tea and sugar? And cereals? Cos I bet you that you don't. I refuse to drink any tea or coffee. The only sugar I have is that which is mixed up with other foods, and I don't eat Nestle. It is hard to get fair-trade clothes, but I try to shop in places that are a bit more reputable. Ultimately, those being exploited in their home countries at least have a choice, and can bring home money to their family each day. Unlike those in Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE and suchlike. Fact is, in India, there are practices that were going in the UK a hundred years ago, while the UK abolished slavery over 200 years ago. Let this Sultan in without complaint, and you are accepting one of the biggest evils in the world. Those from the plantations in the US were restricted in terms of human rights 100 years later, but the progress came eventually, and as such, exploitation is a lesser evil generally representing the transition from slavery to free will. You can't just go and free every child in a sweatshop, progress must come within. However to do business with a country which has shown no willingness to improve its human rights is pretty much as bad as you can get. Does it annoy you that i'm sat here clad in Primark gear, drinking Coca-Cola with one hand and swinging a small brown baby around with the other?
  19. If you were calling him s*** after his first season then you need your head read Am I the only person who can remember long periods, usually as much as five or six matches at a time, where you'd forget he was on the pitch before he'd decide to put a shift in and then revert back to being anonymous? how many strikers have managed 17 goals in their first season in english football? pretty good return if you ask me, even if general play was erratic How many of them came against Slovakian pub sides in the UEFA Cup?
  20. How many people have tattoos that no-one else has got at some point? djmattis is the bastion of originality. He has a caricature of Monty Don shoving Fruit Pastels up his ring piece on his right thigh. Nee fucker else has that.
  21. The only decent design in this entire thread. Kudos. In my opinion football tattoos look scruffy. Anyone who has one is up there with people who wear replica tops for stuff other than the match/having a kick around in the "what a doyle" stakes.
  22. Why so soon? Just a gut feeling. Obviously I don't mean club handed over lock, stock and barrel to a new owner by the end of the week but if these rumours are spot on i'd imagine the wheels would be in motion by Friday/Saturday. There is every chance these rumours aren't true though, so don't quote me on this.
  23. We probably wont see any real movement until the end of the week.
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