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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Pete Graves from Sky said we have an option to buy.
  2. With... Anita - Cabaye - Sissoko Behind it. Watch Pardew fuck it up. That is my ideal lineup as well really, with Marv introduced at select times. ] But is Pardew even thinking of a 4-3-3? He mentioned he wanted to revert back to it earlier in the summer, but he's also said he wants to play two strikers at all times which suggests he wants to play 442. I doubt we'll find out until an hour before the Man City game.
  3. We still need another striker to make sure of it. Not really fussed if it's Gomis or Bent now though.
  4. With... Anita - Cabaye - Sissoko Behind it. Watch Pardew fuck it up.
  5. 331 followers and a fake verified badge.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvbMYWjhEDY
  7. I'm still waiting for the two internationals to sign on loan from when he was managing us.
  8. The poor, poor cunt "Alright Bafe, get on the edge of the six yard box and wait for this lad to head it back across the box.. 0% of the time it works every time." http://images.footballfancast.com/players/300px/newcastle/Mike-Williamson.jpg
  9. I bet we sign him and he becomes the new Ched Evans.
  10. If he's taking money out it suggests to me he's planning to sell in the next few years. It's not as if he's fucking skint.
  11. I don't want Bent, but the farce that is this deal does confirm my worst fears - Kinnear is either hopeless or he's deliberately trying to make Pardew's job as difficult as possible.
  12. I've never realised how funny that word was until I saw it written down.
  13. During the 2010/11 season he was immense. The rest of his time here he was shit. I'll always have time for him because I have a real soft spot for the team that got us promoted, but he does come across as a massive tit.
  14. Makes no sense we'd leave a bid on the table if the issue is Gomis' wage demands.
  15. The man needs to be given a chance to right the wrongs of last season because, frankly, the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.
  16. Sporting was soul destroying. It was such a weak fucking quarter final line up. I was convinced we were going to win it even with Souness after the raping we dished out to Olympiakos. Never thought we'd beat Man United, so I wasn't that upset.
  17. Cole leaving was the worst for me. I've had abandonment issues ever since. http://kairoswarriors.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/i-has-a-sad.jpeg
  18. Big Business Stinks! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-f-8iUnZYr80/T9CwuSGmuXI/AAAAAAAAF58/alhAXV_3Gpk/s1600/Wolfie.jpg
  19. We have some absolute whoppers following us, make no mistake. I travelled down to Peterborough in the Championship and saw quite a few middle aged blokes clad in Wallsend EDL polo shirts making twats of themselves.
  20. I assume that's the huge commercial deal Llambias talked about before he left.
  21. Fairly sure that will be the case and then where do we go, can't see us getting anyone in now Bent out of the picture? Pardew seems to be the only person at the club who actually wants Bent.
  22. The time to start whinging about loyalty in football/players only being interested about the money has been and gone. It's nothing new. Even Saylor and his agent get arsey come contract renewal time. Frankly I believe Remy would've been stupid not to go to QPR for the money they were offering him.
  23. I'll believe it when they're pictured holding our shirts aloft. Until then I'm convinced we're not signing a soul.
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