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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Hope he can be signed sealed soon. Don't Cry if we miss out on him.
  2. Had my season ticket for 22 seasons, fairly fed up like probs be the same unless some miracle happens. Got a bairn on the way (In next day or so) and in all honesty don't enjoy the match whatsoever these days, it literally is just something to do on a Saturday. I used to get excited as fuck at thought of match and couldn't wait for kick off, that seems so long away. Part of it may be getting older but a big part is the way this club have gone on over the years, it's just sad to watch Congrats. I don't get excited by the match anymore but then I'm not a kid. I still enjoy match days, there's something about the buzz around the town that I absolutely love, but like anything it's markedly less fun when we're losing. If we were having this conversation 12 months ago when everything was sweetness and light I'd probably say different.
  3. The problem is encapsulated by that banner that was being held up at Motherwell. Many of our fans will, rightly or wrongly, continue to go to the match because it's they feel it's their duty.
  4. Based on his performances for a substantial time now, why would anyone? He needs a manager who understands his limitations.
  5. Nah, it was from last year. June 2012 to be exact.
  6. That would mean JFK as manager, I'd rather have Pardew I think. If it's as inevitable as some would have you believe, I'd rather it happened tomorrow, get it out of the way. I dunno can't see JFK's health holding out for long, just keep Pardew till Kinnear gets ill again. His lifestyle by the sounds of it is not exactly that of an Olympic athlete and with his previous issues and his age etc. I dont think JFK himself wants to be a manager but he will bring his own trusted man. “I would consider something like a director of football post. But I would do that for just one reason and that is to get myself back into full-time management. If I was a director of football and the manager was struggling and got the old tin-tack, I would tell them that I’d take over.”
  7. The pictures that leaked a mere six months after he held a very public FIFA tournament in said casino, the same casino he's been openly visiting since he arrived. Aye, that's what swung it
  8. But I thought he only wanted a move/new contract?
  9. He'd be like a new signing.
  10. Interesting line in Caulkin's latest article... I'm now of the opinion we're not signing anyone this summer. Kinnear doesn't want to strengthen the team and potentially Pardew's position when his only concern is getting back in the dugout. And I don't imagine the owner is too upset that his mate Joe is telling him to put his wallet away.
  11. I am continually staggered by our kit makers inability to get black and white stripes correct. Even Adidas produced some dross for us.
  12. Who gives a f*** about what Allah demands? (I certainly don't anymore. ) Cisse is free to choose what to follow and what not to follow with his religion. Me, if it means Cisse wont wear a top with Wonga written on. Despite the fact they give revenue to the club that then pays his wages - indirectly Wonga pay Cisses wages. My point is that Cisse is free to practice his religion the way he wants it, as long as it doesn't break the laws of the land he's living in. Basic human right, no? Yes he is, and it is my personal opinion that it isn't his beliefs that is stopping him wearing the top. It is a smokescreen to cover his reputation as he trys to get a move elsewhere. My opinion by the way. Why would he need to protect his reputation? Players agitate for moves all the time. If you're a big boy you can cope with rejection.
  13. Is that genuinely part of the Muslim handbook? Whey, it's not a fashion choice. All Muslim men must grow a beard no smaller than the size of their palm, or something. Has to be fist length! Growing a stubble was the limit for me. (And even then that wasn't a great look. ) You poor thing. I look lush with a beard. I'd make a great Muslim, me.
  14. Is that genuinely part of the Muslim handbook? Whey, it's not a fashion choice. All Muslim men must grow a beard no smaller than the size of their palm, or something.
  15. Jonathan Edwards refused to go jumping on a Sunday for much of his early career. Michael Jones refused to play rugby on a Sunday.
  16. All about Santa and booze tbh. Fuck the religious side, apart from the times at school when they forced your into carols and shit who really does it? It's still a religious holiday though, innit? Or at least it has been since those mad Christian cunts hijacked our lovely pagan festival. Quite a few people celebrate Christmas while railing against religion. Rather hypocritical by the standards we've set for Cisse. I bet few of those who celebrate Christmas aren't as keen as giving shit up for Lent either. And since an all in or all out policy for Cisse and his religion has been adopted by some on here it's only fair anyone criticising him either stop celebrating Christmas (no holidays, no presents, no watching The Snowman) or, alternatively, throw themselves into Christianity. All of it. Even the shit bits. hahahahahahahahahahahaha no. 1. Christmas isn't even christian in origin - it's a borrowed holiday. 2. Compared to gambling/lending/drinking, it's not a specifically condoned or prohibited act. It's not mentioned in the bible at all, except I think a passing reference to the (pre-borrowed) heathen practice of decorating trees for a festival. There's no similarity here. None. Give it up. 1. Read my very first sentence. 2. Not mentioned in the bible, except the part where that lad and lass (pregnant virgin. Aye right, must be from Pennywell) ride on a donkey and give birth to the son of god in a barn. It's very similar. It's religious hypocrisy, which is exactly what Cisse is being accused of.
  17. All about Santa and booze tbh. Fuck the religious side, apart from the times at school when they forced your into carols and shit who really does it? It's still a religious holiday though, innit? Or at least it has been since those mad Christian cunts hijacked our lovely pagan festival. Quite a few people celebrate Christmas while railing against religion. Rather hypocritical by the standards we've set for Cisse. I bet few of those who celebrate Christmas aren't as keen as giving shit up for Lent either. And since an all in or all out policy for Cisse and his religion has been adopted by some on here it's only fair anyone criticising him either stop celebrating Christmas (no holidays, no presents, no watching The Snowman) or, alternatively, throw themselves into Christianity. All of it. Even the shit bits.
  18. Does he participate in Ramadan? According to N-O you can pick and choose which rules of the religion to adhere to. Do you celebrate Christmas?
  19. He's probably contracted to do a certain number of personal appearances next to wankers on Wonga jumpsuits too.
  20. What would the stance of posters on here be if one of our non-Muslim players came out and said "Here, I love playing for this club an' that but am I fucking wearing anything sponsored by that shite. Soz like hewz"?
  21. "Grassing up" - It's common knowledge anyway and, in my opinion, he's trying to force a move away. I thought some might see it as bad crack but everyone has their choice and opinion. Fair enough. The chances of us seeing the situation resolved have reduced dramatically as a result and we've no chance of finding a better striker than Cisse. But at least you got your name in the paper. You serious? He is refusing to wear the shirt for religious beliefs he isnt following himself. Can't see how anyone but Cisse is in the wrong here. Unless he's opened up his own fucking payday loan company that statement makes no sense. There isn't one catch all law in Islam that encompasses both gambling and legal loan sharking, yer kna?
  22. I'm going to just reiterate the "some of our fans are helmets" line. I haven't been in here for a few days and it's no surprise to see the same shit is being trotted out time and time and time again. Andymc1 can do what the fuck he wants. Only in the eyes of some of the turbospastics that follow this club does him gambling bare any relation whatsoever to his stance on Wonga. It just fuels that fire.
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