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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Dossena is a fucking plank. If they sign him I'll widdle myself. And you'd be lucky to get half a dozen goals a season out of Borini. If those two, along with Ki, are the sum total of their deadline day business I can see PdC walking.
  2. I was saying that in the build up to his Bolton goal. I was sat next to someone saying that for about an hour prior to the Bolton goal. I asked him how he liked them apples. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnq3l7ej5F1qbv78wo1_500.gif
  3. He looks a bag of nerves at the minute which is understandable considering the situation he was thrust into when he signed. He spent most of last season playing alongside a bright orange bloke who got his name wrong, waved his arms about like he had a medical condition and tried to flog him Herbalife gear. He'll be fine in a few months, probably once we sack that useless twat of a manager.
  4. Do you reckon he's still butthurt after Colo kicked him in the face?
  5. Pardew's a very good PR man. Journalists like him.
  6. I don't know how he's meant to score when he's not being given any chances.
  7. Jonas out for a month? http://media.twirlit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/stephen-colbert-celebration-gif.gif
  8. I'm going to turn up early on Saturday and boo the lassy on the desk in the Milburn reception.
  9. There are thousands of players who could affect our first team. Buy a few of the cunts.
  10. http://24.media.tumblr.com/20f9a500231859a71bd876dd5b967491/tumblr_mrwbibWUr71socbbto1_1280.png http://jamtomorrownufc.tumblr.com/post/58937120343/pardew-blames-001
  11. It would be a new low if a deal for Gignac fell through because JFK rocked up mortal and started to chew him.
  12. Done Cheers, so they're reporting we've made a bid and OM will negotiate for less than the release clause. Sounds slightly promising. Nowhere in the article does it say we've made a bid. Eh, excuse me. We've "checked the name". It's practically a done deal, man.
  13. It'll be someone you don't expect, like Dan Gosling.
  14. If it's from the Times it's probably from Caulkin. And if it's from Caulkin it's probably true.
  15. The International Stadium is a really, really shit place to watch a game.
  16. http://i39.tinypic.com/2d817rm.png
  17. He had a fucking wicked bucket on MA's private jet. Apparently Ashley's the king of the stitch.
  18. What really concerned me was the reaction of the players. That's not the way a happy dressing room conducts itself. Almost every card we received came from an act of petulance (apart from Taylor's, which was sheer idiocy). I know the players were really quite fucked off last summer with the lack of transfer activity. James Perch told me as much. God knows what they feel like this summer, when they see the same mistakes being repeated yet again. When they have to go to the training ground day after day and listen to a manager who has shown himself to be patently incapable of the job he's given and is insisting on repeating the same mistakes as last season. There's no easy solution, because the chain of command is rusted beyond repair. There's no one person at the club from Pardew upward who I trust to get the big decisions right. Ashley's a great businessman but incapable of looking beyond the bottom line. Kinnear's a fucking joke. I'm not sure where we go from here.
  19. Kinnear's here to rustle Pardew's jimmies. To get him out without having to pay off his 8 year deal and take over on a short term contract for the next 18 months before he can fuck us off.
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