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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. He's picked the side we all wanted to see. We're going to get bummed.
  2. Scumbag who bled the club dry. He took a lot of money out of NUFC.
  3. Daft cunt should start the reserves. Problem solved.
  4. Go you SUPER FAN! So do you think they are making a big statement by not going to a 3rd round capital cup game? Loads of little statements will do for the time being. As your lass always tells you, size isn't everything.
  5. We could be playing LEAGUE THREE football if Ashley left and another twat bought the club. Think about it.
  6. Very well put. That is just an embarrassing mentality to be honest. Oh no, we shouldn't try and improve the club's situation as there is a slight risk the next owner might be even worse, as unlikely as it is. By the same token we may as well keep Pardew for the duration of his contract regardless of relegations or results, because you never how the next manager is going to fare. Would you consider Ashley to be worse than Shepherd - Hall? Much of muchness really. I loathe Shepherd more than I hate Ashley, but they're both absolute w*****s. Absolutely, so if we accept that the last two / three owners have been utter cocks (Two of which were supposed to be fans before owners), why should the next owner (who is unlikely to be a fan - unless we see some bizarre lottery win / massive change of heart form Ashley) place the fans interests above hard cash? I can respect a "beer glass half full" attitude, but to assume that the next owner(s) would be any less frustrating than the present incumbent is, at the very least, optimistic. If there exists a benevolent prospective custodian who has the long term interests of the club & the region at heart & the funds to back it up perhaps someone should give them a call & tell them to get there asses down to the Orange Tree pretty fucking pronto to thrash out a deal. Shepherd and Ashley are two very different types of twat though. The former had ambition, but was a crap businessman and a simply horrible individual, whereas Ashley has zero ambition for NUFC but clearly knows how to run a business. I don't think this is a situation that can be dismissed with "better the devil you know" any more. We're going nowhere under the current regime. I want this club to be the best, the dream that we may one day achieve that is what keeps me forking out for my season ticket. The knowledge that those in charge simply want us to exist in the midtable of the Premier League so they can continue to take cash out of the club isn't something that makes me want to continue to pay into NUFC. We are to all intents and purposes a rather lucrative advert masquerading as a football club.
  7. Very well put. That is just an embarrassing mentality to be honest. Oh no, we shouldn't try and improve the club's situation as there is a slight risk the next owner might be even worse, as unlikely as it is. By the same token we may as well keep Pardew for the duration of his contract regardless of relegations or results, because you never how the next manager is going to fare. Would you consider Ashley to be worse than Shepherd - Hall? Much of muchness really. I loathe Shepherd more than I hate Ashley, but they're both absolute wankers.
  8. The absolute bastards advertise cars as well. Don't they know how many people are KILLED on our roads every day by these MACHINES OF DEATH?
  9. Any campaign needs to be coordinated, have one very simple, easily articulated demand and avoid the petty People's Front of Judea/Judean People's Front squabbling that usually kicks off when one party floats an idea that an other disagrees with. As much as I loathe them Liverpool's campaign to get Hicks & Gillett out, while hysterical in places, was very well done.
  10. Boycotting SD is actually probably a much better way to hit him, if that's what you want to do. Boycotting 'NUFC Direct' = boycotting Sports Direct
  11. Just caught up on the last few pages. Bugger me. We know he loves an outsource, but this does go some way to explain why our commercial revenues are in the toilet despite the fact we've been apparently having super duper kit launches. On the plus side this makes any boycott (and anyone who buys any of the tat the club are churning out needs a slap) a lot more effective because it's not our revenue that takes the hit, it's Sports Direct.
  12. Wheelie bin may give away less fouls than Ameobi Offside less than Cisse? More intelligent than Steven Taylor? Better final ball than Jonas.
  13. I love the line "we would lie there in the pitch black until we dropped off to sleep". Is there another, better way to get to sleep Michael? Have I been doing it wrong?
  14. The Man U one didn't work cause of shit like this... http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2010/4/28/1272486059622/Manchester-United-green-a-006.jpg
  15. I've no doubt he wants out. You don't streamline the club in the way he has done, begin to pay down the money owed to yourself etc. if you're in it for the long haul. He's taking his cash back while at the same time tarting up the balance sheet. Does that mean something's on the horizon? No. Not unless we find a benevolent billionaire who is desperate for a football club, but I think those days are long gone.
  16. He claimed he was in fear for his safety, but Northumbria Police reported that no complaints had been received about any specific threats. It was probably just bluster to try and win some public sympathy. Dekka still went to every game and he survived.
  17. Have we read his article in the Telegraph? He comes across like an entitled berk... Spent ages in a hotel at Real Madrid's expense because he was too cheap to buy a house, made no effort to learn the language or adapt to the lifestyle. What fucking pricks both he and his wife are.
  18. I'm sure the last time this idea was floated the SBR Foundation wanted nowt to do with it, presumably because the club have been pretty supportive of them. The thing with protest shirts is they only really work if they're distinctive. That's why Man United's green and gold campaign got a lot of coverage - the shirts and scarves stood out.
  19. Where's the Fat Cockney Rapist banner? That really upset him.
  20. they need that new ground. mself and a good few mates (and I'll bet thats repeated through a few newcastle/sunderland fans) would be very tempted to go to gateshead but watching football at the international stadium is a sole destroying experience. Why's it so rubbish, out of interest? Quite some distance from the action due to the running track and unless it's a relatively big game everyone's in the Tyne & Wear Stand, so it just looks and feels empty. That said, I went to the game against Tamworth when they got promoted back to the Conference and ended up behind one of the goals and I'd have killed to be in the Tyne & Wear Stand. They'd left the bloody net up from the hammer throwing. I could barely see a thing. I was going to go to Gateshead this weekend with there being no Premier League football on but the ground is putting me off. I might head to Birtley instead. It's only because Washington are playing in the arse end of Durham.
  21. People won't stop going to the games (understandable, it's a huge part of many people's week) and people won't stop buying the shirts (not really understandable, because they're fucking awful). Fuck, it's hard enough to get people to stop buying pissy pints of flat Fosters in the ground when you have to remortgage your house to actually afford one. It's the only way to have an impact, but unless he anally violates Monty Magpie in the centre circle while wearing a Sunderland shirt most of our fans simply won't do anything that drastic.
  22. they need that new ground. mself and a good few mates (and I'll bet thats repeated through a few newcastle/sunderland fans) would be very tempted to go to gateshead but watching football at the international stadium is a sole destroying experience. Why's it so rubbish, out of interest? Quite some distance from the action due to the running track and unless it's a relatively big game everyone's in the Tyne & Wear Stand, so it just looks and feels empty. That said, I went to the game against Tamworth when they got promoted back to the Conference and ended up behind one of the goals and I'd have killed to be in the Tyne & Wear Stand. They'd left the bloody net up from the hammer throwing. I could barely see a thing. I was going to go to Gateshead this weekend with there being no Premier League football on but the ground is putting me off. I might head to Birtley instead.
  23. He's already out of favour apparently. Benched against Palace for no discernible reason.
  24. We'll try and fail with Gomis again. We'll sign no one and lose no one.
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