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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I'll get the bedsheets ready now. Two U's three E's please I've barely started painting the K man.
  2. Not on the same level, and I wasn't there for Man City, but the atmosphere at the Brighton game was something else just for the sheer, unrelenting negativity from the very beginning. It was an absolute shitshow from kick off to full time. Maybe it's nerves, maybe it's due to our recent form, or maybe the post-Christmas drink was catching up with a lot of them but it was soul destroying to try and get behind the team and count three people in your entire block, including yourself, who show any interest at all in vocally supporting the team. Especially this XI, which is really quite brittle confidencewise but play with a lot more pride in the shirt than some of the dross we've had on our books. Screaming "Try man you stupid bastards!" repeatedly probably isn't going to do a lot of good. I don't mind whinging on principle, god knows I've done my fair share in recent years, but at least make a token effort to get behind the lads before you lose your rag. I'm sick to the backteeth of arseholes who show up 10 minutes into the match, plonk their arse down and immediately start checking their acca only looking up from their phones to shout abuse because we've tried to keep possession rather than lump it forward. Towards the end of the game I ended up in a slanging match with someone who threw a paddy for that exact reason. It was genuinely the most angry I have ever been leaving one of our matches, more than after any of the recent derby defeats, and it was entirely down to the people sat around me rather than the 11 blokes on the pitch.
  3. The difference being Rafa is having a go at the club, Pardew was sticking up for it. Its completely different, and comes from a man that actually knows what hes talking about. Don't really care tbh, i don't want to hear excuses regardless of what the reasons are. It's bullshit at the end of the day, we all know Ashley is a cunt of the highest order so what point are you making. Also you know damn well if anyone else said that they'd get lambasted, regardless if they are having a go at the club or not. Have you hit your head son?
  4. Its a Chinook. Most likely an army training exercise. They prefer to be called Chinese, you racist bastard.
  5. Would they be a good owner? Who knows. Would they be better than Ashley? They'd have to be spectacularly shite not to be.
  6. It's probably not worth getting too wound up about the finer details now. There'll be all manner of manuvering going on from both sides. I'm guessing any relegation clause is being used primarily as a stick in case Ashley drags his feet, this goes on well into the January transfer window and PCP can't invest in the playing squad. I'd expect there'll be a second bid without any sort of clause that's offered on the proviso it's done by the New Year. Some of us have spent literally minutes reading up on football finance and takeovers I'll have you know.
  7. Any of them embarked on a letter writing campaign yet?
  8. I'm also very skeptical, but I do wonder what she'd get out of this if that was the case. She appears to be a serious businesswoman in control of vast sums of wealth.
  9. The only issue I can imagine is if it turns up some ridiculous, watertight, Rangersesque deal that funnels all merchandising revenue to Sports Direct until 2050 or something.
  10. I can't believe they've won the parking. This hurts more than the six in a row.
  11. Efes and baklava when Ashley fucks off.
  12. I'm not saying I'm desperate for Ashley to fuck off, but I did have a dream about us getting taken over last night
  13. Rafa's quite close with the fanzines now, isn't he? It's apparent Michael Martin has known about her/her clients interest for a few weeks hence the banner in the Percy. Perhaps TF have got a message to Benitez about it and he's basically taken upon himself to grease the wheels.
  14. https://trends.google.co.uk/trends/explore?date=now%201-d&q=%2Fm%2F0gg7qw3 Big in Whitley Bay.
  15. Presided over some tremendous times and, unlike the current proprietor, actually had ambition for the club. That said his ambition for the club was only bettered by his ambition to fatten his bank account, was a complete gobshite and made some absolutely awful decisions that really damaged the club. RIP.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/GetShortOut/ I'm beginning to see why they don't protest. Literally running them into the ground. The SoL is now several hundred feet below sea level
  17. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/safc-womens-team-to-train-in-newcastle-and-play-in-shields.1390930/page-3 Lo and behold, it's all the fault of the Geordie Mafia
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