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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Perch Gosling Ben Arfa Tiote Sol Campbell Only Perch and Tiote cost fees, with Ben Arfa being on loan, and the others free transfers. Could be argued we had retained a better 'core' of players that went down... incl. Nolan, Barton, Carroll, Enrique, etc. Could There'll never be a Championship team with that amount of quality ever again.
  2. His shithousery is tremendous. He's always in the refs ear. He reminds me of Nolan. I'm surprised it's taken him this long to get a ban
  3. I don't see the massive conspiracy here lads. Our Chief Executive was taken into custody for the day, ostensibly to stop him from potentially getting rid of evidence. I think our prominence in the media has thus far been entirely justified.
  4. They'll be in League Two by the time the tax stuff comes to a head.
  5. Did you see Derby at the start of the season?
  6. Knowing tax law* there's a distinct possibility that whatever they find probably isn't within the spirit of the law but not technically illegal, which would make us bastards but not much else. Also, what happens if we've been party to some tax breaches in France but nothing we've done would contravene UK law? *I know fuck all about tax law.
  7. I genuinely thought they'd win tonight too
  8. That's just the nature of a press office in a relatively big business. It can be painful getting any statement signed off for any sort of minor event, let alone when it involves an ongoing criminal investigation. They'll have lawyers pouring over every word too.
  9. I don't see how any investigation, case and appeal process could be wrapped up within the next three to four month. Realistically this could take a year, maybe even more. We're fine for now, but this is going to drag on.
  10. Can you imagine Charnley being interviewed by the bizzies? "Cup of coffee, Lee?" "I'll tell you everything!"
  11. Realistically we're likely to get at least a season of Premier League football before any case can be ruled on, so we might as well enjoy the next 12 months.
  12. So we're either totally, absolutely, completely fucked or there is nothing to worry about? Great stuff.
  13. Doubt they'd send 180 officers to arrest Lee Charnley because he's been selling hooky phone covers on eBay and didn't declare it.
  14. Charnley's misspelled Saivet on the documentation and HMRC are looking into why we've spent £5m on a serviette.
  15. It's obviously way too early to speculate on what exactly the bizzies have discovered, who is responsible and what the impact will be but fuck it let's do it anyway. Income tax and NI suggests it's related to the club and payroll rather than Charnley personally, so if he is on the hook then it's reasonable to think that others will be too. You'd also expect an investigation that takes in numerous clubs and countries to take a while to complete, so the immediate threat probably isn't that great (innocent until proven guilty, and all that shite).
  16. Even they want to know when we're going to spend the Carroll money
  17. 3. Parts were enjoyable, parts were a slog. You couldn't even revel in the wins too much as there was always a feeling that we shouldn't really be here.
  18. He's got to play the game. Unless he properly gets the rug pulled from under him he'll stay.
  19. Hull and Sunderland have stripes on the back IIRC. Having just had a look Sunderland do, I also noticed that you can buy a kit from there official site for £10 Seems expensive.
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