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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. - Cracking hair - Looks a happy sort - Hours of entertainment watching our fans trying to fit his name into a song Sign him up!
  2. Starring Jason Statham as Demba Ba. Morgan Freeman as Alan Pardew.
  3. It's quickly turning into the plot of a Hollywood movie. I fully expect the Mirror to run with the story that if he doesn't sign for anyone else by July 31 his knee explodes.
  4. http://gifsforum.com/images/gif/do%20not%20want/grand/will-smith-do-not-want-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-385.gif
  5. So Cameron Jerome pretended to not be Cameron Jerome? What a fucking spenk
  6. I'm sure they'll change their tune when he leaves them. He's told the club privately he wants away.
  7. I was out with some Mackems this weekend and they would not have it that Santon was anything other than complete shit. They asked me to name one good game he'd had, I reeled off several and they insisted I was lying. Absolutely mental.
  8. And yet he's still probably one of their better performers
  9. Very good manager and a top bloke. He'd do a cracking job for WBA. EDIT: Ignore Ronaldo. He's a massive racist.
  10. As someone on there has pointed out to them David Meyler (and James McLean before upset half of Norn Iron) is always having daft little pops at Newcastle supporters on Twitter. It's just fucking banter
  11. How on earth do they know they're disabled? Absolute mentals, the lot of them.
  12. He'll be worth £25 million in six months once Pards gets to work on him.
  13. Newcastle United FC @NUFCOfficial Reply Retweet Favorite ·More #nufc have confirmed that French midfielder Romain Amalfitano, 22, will join the club when his Reims contract expires on 30 June
  14. It's heskey to Sunderland. Fuck Romain. If it's that I'd laugh my cock off.
  15. He had a rather large hand in the dreaded DoF model/employment of Dennis Wise so it wasn't all sweetness and light. However he was also the driving force behind the NUFC Foundation and singing section, so I do believe his heart was in the right place.
  16. Just me, but I'd start with the fact they think the current Italian under-21 captain who we signed for a mere £5 million and helped his side to a 5th place finish in the Premier League in his first season was a flop and work my way back from there
  17. Has someone invited them to the group?
  18. £25 million plus. He wasn't as imperious last season as he was in his first but he had a pretty broken up season, seemed to be trying to stay out of the referee's notebook and when he did have a good game he was absolutely phenomenal. When he's on form he's our most important player by a mile, he completely changes the dynamic of the game. I can't see Mulumbu being anything other than a squad player. Lose Guthrie, gain him and Amalfitano.
  19. Do they still have the shit club's own commentary? I remember the 2001/02 being awful because of it.
  20. It's bogus. The "jersey" he's giving away was being sold on Twitter not long ago according to Google images. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?start=80&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=w4RNUSu_NumSgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ALAN-SHEARER-GENUINE-HAND-SIGNED-AUTOGRAPH-NEWCASTLE-UNITED-9-BLUE-AWAY-SHIRT-/230682216110&docid=OM8KX-6i1nULRM&itg=1&imgurl=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxMjYx/%2524(KGrHqV,!iME5jq)(nrlBOiz772Fi!~~60_35.JPG&w=236&h=300&ei=hrG2T7fIDKfU0QWduKX0Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=628&vpy=94&dur=670&hovh=240&hovw=188&tx=73&ty=132&sig=113951753344944192363&page=4&tbnh=139&tbnw=109&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:80,i:9
  21. Holt's the white Michael Ricketts.
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/9426553.stm http://files.sharenator.com/1262764895263_More_Pics_and_Gifs-s286x237-53294-580.gif
  23. That's simply fucking amazing
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