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Everything posted by James

  1. Would say a house like that would fetch 600k to 1.5m in the UK depending on location so would be worth more than James Perch. UK average price is 170k so in UK terms it is at least three times average. Aye. But he lives in Raleigh, NC. This forum is in the UK however so it is going to be seen by the majority of UK posters as a very nice house far exceeding what they will ever be able to afford.
  2. Would say a house like that would fetch 600k to 1.5m in the UK depending on location so would be worth more than James Perch. UK average price is 170k so in UK terms it is at least three times average.
  3. Always happy to provide real estate advice to our Scandinavian and US counterparts
  4. For the benefit of Kaizero and other Scandos and Yanks, this is what a below average house in the UK looks like: http://www.k-roofing.co.uk/images/re-tiled_council_house_roofs.jpg
  5. Do you live in Beveley Hills or something?
  6. I did notice in the last batch of training pics a load of those stupid phrases on the wall that others had mentioned. Mentality maintains momentum What does that even mean???
  7. Unfortunately for Cabella I don't think he is a winger at all, more an attacking midfielder. However we also signed two other attacking midfielders that summer in De Jong and Perez. So rather than continue to persevere with him out of position a swap with a winger will help.
  8. James

    The Coaching Staff

    Given his status on the board you would have to say that if Moncur says that Cathro has joined and Steve Black is set to join that it has to be true - or otherwise he is completely clueless about what his own board are up to.
  9. James

    The Coaching Staff

    The only thing I can sensibly think of is that McClaren wanted to spend the first day or few days of the training to exclusively get to know the players and retained training ground staff, before introducing the new coaches to the players today or Monday.
  10. Post season tours are never a good idea like last year when Yaya Toure was made to go to Abu Dhabi whilst his brother was dying in a Manchester hospice and the owner didn't even give him a birthday cake.
  11. James

    Paul Dummett

    He is getting a first team pay apparently.
  12. James

    The Coaching Staff

    I'm wondering if Cathro applied for the job or whether he was specifically picked by McClaren. If the former it goes to show that McClaren is building a coaching team based on job aptitude which is encouraging.
  13. James

    The Coaching Staff

    Once, with 16 years, driven by the effusive enthusiasm that characterizes premature genius, burst into a neighborhood store demanding the trader a bag of balloons with the carefree disdain who asks a package of snuff in the slums of poor death. Knows Mike Ashley then?
  14. To be fair to the club, the last manager to be appointed in the summer, Sam Allardyce, just splurged a load of money on players he wanted to buy for Bolton. Remember David Rozehnal? I would hope McClaren is studying our last few seasons trying to figure out what players we can bring in to make best use of the talents we already have.
  15. James

    The Coaching Staff

    Imagine the players shock when they come back for pre season to find themselves being coached by a professional unit.
  16. James

    The Coaching Staff

    I hope he gets some sort of responsibility for the academy in addition to being the ass man
  17. They might be our scouts, except they are a player management service with multiple clients at the tournament. Also they are not our scouts. Probably why I recognised the name then...Well perhaps I've identified the wrong agency, but we definitely outsource so our name was never going to be on the list.
  18. New Breed Sports Management are our scouts, so we are there.
  19. In talks with Ladislav Krejci - if Pavel Srnicek is to be believed...
  20. James

    Steve McClaren

    The media are still allowed in the newsroom. The just have not paid for the privilege
  21. James

    John Carver

    Is Woodman jr. really any good? Honest question. He's the No.1 for whatever England youth teams he is at. So for his age you would have to say so.
  22. James

    Steve McClaren

    Bobby Robson rejected the job twice. After Keegan left, and before we came back with an improved offer when he was actually appointed. Bobby Robson was at Barcelona. Steve McClaren was at Derby County. Just let that sink in. He was unemployed for the second rejection. It's in his book.
  23. James

    Steve McClaren

    Bobby Robson rejected the job twice. After Keegan left, and before we came back with an improved offer when he was actually appointed.
  24. James

    FIFA World Cup

    It was quite trade focused. This Japanese man designed the new subway vehicles, this Japanese man is working on a cure for cancer at Harvard etc. Please trade with us. Same week Japan came over to see Obama to mark VJ dAy
  25. James

    FIFA World Cup

    Clearly the World Cup should stay with AFC, perhaps a staunch US ally from the region with recent experience in hosting this kind of tournament could step in... Aye, Japan all the way. Sick of shite no mark countries getting the nod Walked right into that one To be honest the Americans hate the Japanese. Seventy years after the war and the Japanese still buy adverts on TV channels in the states to try and show they are no longer the enemy. ...I'm pretty sure that's not true It's blatantly not true I saw the advert!
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