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Everything posted by James

  1. Nice flick out wide, ball came over and Nolan volleyed it into the ground, rebounded twice to Lovenkrands and he tucked it away neatly into the corner. I thought it was Raylor with the volley?
  2. As has become usual over the last few months, we don't know what they've done to help him. We do know that Ashley has been at the training ground and Llambias has spent even more time with him. Nobody can put anybody under stress, the only person who can do that is the person who is potentially suffering. People can try but it's up to each individual to learn to cope with situations. I've had enough jobs and situations in life where I could have suffered but didn't allow it to happen, it wasn't because I didn't care, it was because allowing yourself to suffer does nobody any good and will only make matters worse. Some jobs are more likely than others to induce stress and that's when people who can deal with it usually do a better job, it's the same job or type of job but the people doing it are different. Absolutely, and it is very hard to disagree with you. But if I was an employer, I would now be assessing what I could be doing to take any unnecessary pressure off my employees to stop it happening again. For me, it's not about not putting people in stressful positions, it is about alleviating pressure. Joe Kinnear is a person, and a human being, and this week he was publically and proffessionally humiliated by Charles N'Zogbia. Now whether Kinnear's illness is stress related or not, it doesn't matter, Derek Llambias should have done more to publically protect his employee.
  3. Both me and Robster are speculating that if the illness is stress related, he could have had more support from the board from our perspectives. Very valid Ashley related argument in my opinion assuming what we see from the outside is what actually goes on behind closed doors.
  4. Come on woman man. We're shit as fuck but he'd still drop Swansea like Xisco to come here. Yep chance to manage a Premiership team, or at worst he'd be a strong candidate for a manager if we wanted to come straight back up.
  5. It still is, and has been for a few months a straight contest between Martinez and Ketsbaia for me.
  6. That is absolute bollocks, sorry. The club like every other employer have a duty of care towards its employees but football is a stressful business, no employer could protect him from that. From an outside perspective, Kinnear looks to have been left to face immense pressure from the press, the fans, the players and other members of the board, with minimal support from anyone bar Hughton. A similar comparison between now and the past when someone has done much better in a similar situation would be Freddy Shepherd. Robert was mouthing off at Souness, and Freddy Shepherd spoke to the media and his his buffoonish manner, supported the manager and quashed the player. Derek Llambias should have done something similar to N'Zogbia this week. Yes, there is always stress, but there are ways of making the job less stressful, and from the outside, it appears that the likes of Llambias haven't done as much as they could have done.
  7. Is it? Someone into employment law might know better, but cancelling a contract and withdrawing another based on health reasons for which NUFC may be culpable if stress related would have me consulting my lawyers if I was Kinnear.
  8. This could be a legal minefield. JFK has time on his contract, and apparently has a hard copy of a contract the club wish to give him. NUFC could be liable for millions if they do something wrong.
  9. And what the fuck has Kinnear being unwell got to do with Ashley ? If the illness is discovered to be stress related, it is ultimately down to Ashley and Llambias in that they haven't provided the necessary support for Kinnear and have effectively left him out to dry. Kinnear could have a very good legal case against NUFC if this turns out to be the case, more so than Keegan does.
  10. Panic stations at boardroom level if that happenned. They wouldn't know what to do.
  11. Perhaps we didn't spend as much in this window to be able to afford Xisco. Will be like a brand new signing.
  12. Good shout. Well .cock says Hughton's in charge, but at least he has a more senior support team this time around.
  13. His health is an issue though, people who have had heart attacks are told to avoid stress as all costs and football is a stressful business, you can't separate the two. Like I said, I hate Kinnear the manager, but I just think it would be unfair on anyone to jump to the heart problems conclusion while we await further news.
  14. I know what you mean Mick. Ever since he first came to the club, I've worried about how his health might affect all of this. I wouldn't be suprised if this was a heart problem. The man is a fucking awful manager, but I hope he gets well soon As far as we know (and should hope) it could be something minor like suspected appendicitis turning out to be a bad curry. I'm no fan of Kinnear the football manager, but unleess he has something that will negatively impact his work on a day to day basis, we shouldn't be making his health an issue.
  15. James

    Blackburn got 10,000

    You mistake hate for shock mate. I was genuinely surprised at the attendance last night. No hatred involved. I'm not surprised. One of the poorest regions in the country, a recession, loads of rival clubs, a long exile out of top flight football until 1992, a midweek game, a small population. A non-ST game. A poor team. Happenned before and will happen again. You'd see similar happen at the likes of Bolton and Wigan.
  16. James

    Blackburn got 10,000

    I've read less unnecessarily outraged hate in the Daily Mail.
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