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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    Phil Airey

    We had quite alot of reviews of home reserve and academy fixtures last season on the front page, but the guys who did it got jobs/started university and stopped doing them. Nufc.com and .cock also supply short match reports, but you can't really learn anything from them.
  2. Manchester United have looked the best they do for ages this season, with a team that can pass, move, and hold the ball up. Owen and Rooney have never clicked for England, and I cant see Manyoo looking a better team with Owenin their starting XI. For that reason, I doubt Fergie has even considered it.
  3. Would just be like going back to square one.
  4. If I was an admin, I would sort out that semi-colon, it is really bothering me!
  5. Comparing the appointments of Dalglish and Gullit with the appointment of Wenger is laughable. Dalglish and Gullit had proved that they could win trophies in England, were established names, and management style was to splash the cash on players good enough to bring success. They were ambitious, and they were a statement of intent. In contrast, although he had some success abroad, Wenger was greeted with 'Arsene Who?' headlines. He did not have the name to attract the world class players that Newcastle or Chelsea were signing at the time, and he wasn't even big enough to win his own players. There seemed to be no short term vision of ambition, no apparent intent to turn the corner. Instead, it was a long term decision to revolutionise the club from its roots. In the end, it was the move to change things long-term that was going to ensure a prolonged spell of success, whereas Newcastle, with their short term ambition, have stagnated and declined. We are still waiting for our revolution. And we wont realise our potential until our chairman puts it in place.
  6. It isn't up to Owen whether or not he plays for England. All registered players are the property of FIFA. If a player is called up to an international game for their country (or what is registered as their first country in the case of dual nationality players), he has to play, unless the club appeals, and he fails an independent medical. Despite lack of sharpness, and match fitness, McClaren could pick Owen for a Newcastle game tommorrow, and Owen would have to play. In the end of the day, the decision rests solely with McClaren. Although common sense would likely make McClaren willing to rest him for Brazil, given the friendly nature of the game,it would be better for him to get Owen as sharp and fit as possible ready for the Estonia game, which will be the first meaningful and competitive game in which Owen will feature. There is no cance of McClaren resting him for this game, so he may as well play versus Brazil.
  7. Every time we have played Portsmouth, Redknapp has come out and attacked Roeder.
  8. Harper Solano Taylor Moore Babayaro Milner Butt Dyer Duff Martins Sibierski
  9. James

    Eriksson For Toon

    Is that why a handful of them came out after the World Cup and openly criticised his tactics, selection etc.? Because they were all releasing autobiographies which were ghost-written by journalists that wanted to stick the boot in?
  10. James

    Eriksson For Toon

    I seem to remember Alan Oliver hinting at Martins being a possibility, and then the following day, The Times and a few others ran with it. No the Times was weeks ahead, it ran a two lined piece at the bottom of another aticle, and it was a long time before anyone picked up on it. Here we are, Times were 4 days ahead of Alan Oliver: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=27381.0
  11. James

    Eriksson For Toon

    I seem to remember Alan Oliver hinting at Martins being a possibility, and then the following day, The Times and a few others ran with it. No the Times was weeks ahead, it ran a two lined piece at the bottom of another aticle, and it was a long time before anyone picked up on it.
  12. James

    Eriksson For Toon

    Dickenson also got the Martins to Newcastle story weeks before anyone else.
  13. Ourfirst team squad literally is 16 first teamers on high wages, and then reserves on low wages. No real difference from what you are suggesting to what actually exists in reality.
  14. The only time I felt scared at a football match was when a policeman grabbed one of my mates while we participated in a pitch invasion. EDIT: 200 13 year olds on the pitch, end of the season Division 3 pitch invasion, nothing too zany/exaggerrated/made-up.
  15. It is impossible to chart league positions over time, and create as model of us going up or down. Sport is a random walk. We have a moving average, but it is unusual for us to match our average, instead finding ourselves in a position above or below, with probabilities determined by either a normal distribution or a negative skew.
  16. I expect diminishing rates of marginal returns, with less effort required to increase league position at the lower end, and a huge amount of effort required to move from 2nd to 1st.
  17. James

    Coleman Sacked

    I actually wrote something, but realising, I quickly pressed back.
  18. James

    Coleman Sacked

    Sanchez knows how to get small time players to punch above their weight. I think he's been looking to get a foothold in Premier League management, and this is a perfect opportunityfor him to show what he can do.
  19. James

    Sell Dyer?

    Yes, as far as i'm aware, Dyer is on £60k, and Owen on £80k, but the media/fans always add an extra £20k to both.
  20. James

    Sell Dyer?

    Can't wait till Ally sees that No way is he near being one of the best players in the world, but ask any opposition Premiership manager who they'd least like to see on the ball just past halfway, with wingers to his right and left, and strikers in front of him, they'd say Dyer each time. Ok, you toddle along and ask Fergie, Benitez etc if they'd rather have Scholes, Gerrard etc or Dyer. I'm talking more like the 40-60 yard area. In the attacking sense, neither Gerrard or Scholes can destroy in that region. However, get Dyer facing goal with ball at his feet, he can open gaps through the opposition with a surging run from deep, before delivering a pass to feet to either wideman, or the striker that holds things up. In fact Dyer is perfect with the right personnel: Drogba Rooney Ronaldo Scholes Dyer Gerrard That is perfect football imo. Dyer brings the ball from midfield to attack, and the other players get the goals in.
  21. James

    Sell Dyer?

    Can't wait till Ally sees that No way is he near being one of the best players in the world, but ask any opposition Premiership manager who they'd least like to see on the ball just past halfway, with wingers to his right and left, and strikers in front of him, they'd say Dyer each time.
  22. James

    Sell Dyer?

    In form, and deployed correctly, Dyer is one of the most destructive players in the world. We need to find a way to get him back in form and being deployed correctly on a more regular basis. If we can't manage this, it'll be another failure for the club, but we may as well sell.
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