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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. Bad Mongo

    De Jong

    City are a big club now.
  2. Not many of those arseholes are losing money during the recession.
  3. Bad Mongo

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I kind of agree. It was a poor and dangerous challenge, but I've seen worse and certainly a few with more obvious malicious intent. Not something that necessarily needs an investigation for violent conduct, but most people not blinded by club loyalty would agree that a red card wouldn't be controversial. What makes it so infuriating is that the spineless cunt of a referee saw it and failed to give anything.
  4. Bad Mongo

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    A bad fall? You're crazy. De Jong snaps his leg off, not the fall. I'm sure he didn't mean to break his leg, but he did mean to make a tough tackle and take out the player. Taking the ball would just be collateral damage.
  5. How anyone can pretend that's a fair challenge is beyond me. It's a straight red card.
  6. I thought Beckford reminded me of a young Andy Cole. I was right about James Milner, though. Thought he was one of the best – and certainly the most consistently good – players at the club.
  7. They were probably thinking of switching sides, as Ferreira did a better job than Jonas winning the ball for us.
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