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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. They're going to get 10 minutes injury time if they don't score.
  2. Would probably take Ranger off for Ben Arfa. Fuck sake Now do the same for Shola. You know he's a confidence player, he'll get a hat trick.
  3. Follo 3 - 2 Rosenborg That's a cup game. Follo are at the bottom of the second division.
  4. I think neither Jonas nor Løvenkrands has any sort of leadership abilities, whereas Nolan has been chosen as club captain for some reason.
  5. Watching Manure give away an easy victory through amateur defending is almost as fun as watching how shit Liverpool have become.
  6. I can think of two: Mike Ashley and Derek Llambias.
  7. Hopefully he'll swap John Carew for the black Milan Baroš.
  8. I agree with matta. What Solbakken did with Ham-Kam was a greater achievement than what Drillo has done with Norway. He got them into the top division, kept them up, and even made them play some sort of football. When you realise what a shit team they are, how bad their supporters are, and how incredibly shit their ground is, then you realise that Ståle Solbakken must be able to walk on water while turning into wine in the process. Even when you consider how bad the Norwegian top division is, Ham-Kam playing there is almost like competing in Formula-1 with a first generation Moskvitch.
  9. Yes, on the condition that it's still better than Sunderland. So I voted no.
  10. Yeah, usually they start off with buying someone young, foreign and exciting, and then sell their best players at the end of the transfer window.
  11. That was probably just our initial offer. They're supposed to haggle.
  12. They have a chance if the club continues to progress the next few seasons. I don't particularly care that the club is being run by two absolutely despicable cretins, I care about which direction it's heading.
  13. Bad Mongo

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    300 pages. Acceptable or not?
  14. The other José Enrique thread was named Joke Enrique for a long time, as there were quite a few people on here who thought his passing was dreadful. And statistics proved them right. But he was also among the players who attempted most passes, meaning he actually made himself available (you can't pass if you never receive the ball) -- or that the others didn't. And of course his passing would be shit if there was no one to pass to.
  15. The cross, the run and the finish for that last goal. Really fantastic.
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