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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. Bad Mongo


    I don't follow any footballers (since most of them are vacuous morons), only a sports journo or two, and the club's official news tweets. One of the nice things with Twitter is that you ignore everyone you don't actively choose to follow, by default.
  2. Bad Mongo


    As Twitter is pretty fucking huge and aggregates all sorts of stuff from all sorts of people, I would imagine almost anything notable that shows up on the web is mentioned there, along with everything else. Today, I spent quite a lot of time reading this article about Afghan drug trafficing in Harper's Magazine, tweeted by Harper's themselves. Not really football related, though.
  3. Bad Mongo


    Why would anyone follow people who write about when they eat, shit and go to bed? I use Twitter to get news. People link to what they find interesting elsewhere on the web. Caulkin is pretty good for football related stuff, but just now he was stupid enough to click a phishing link.
  4. Bad Mongo


    CaulkinTheTimes: "Get bigger and have sex longer. go here" followed by a link (in a direct message).
  5. Thats part of the problem you ball-less prefect. He's the only player we've got who's capable of filling the space left by Mark Viduka.
  6. Didn't our dip in form coincide with the injuries to Jonas and Enrique, the two (now three, with Routledge) players we have with genuine pace? The rest of the players may have some technique and ability to pass, but that doesn't matter when the team is entirely static.
  7. If she's good enough, she's man enough.
  8. Well, i always consider Brann to be more of the NUFC type of clubs tbh. They've won the league just a few seasons ago, man That said, if they hadn't I'd have said them over Lillestrøm. For the first time since 1963. LSK have won it four times since then, and won the cup in 2007. They're hardly starved for success. Despite that, they only draw half as big crowds as Brann do, and their fans aren't nearly as fickle.
  9. Bad Mongo

    Wasted Talent

    Isn't playing for Middlesbrough the very definition of wasted talent?
  10. SBR was honest and modest as well -- perhaps a bit deluded from time to time, but he was old. Since then, we've had immodest managers (Sam Allardyce), dishonest managers (Joe Fucking Kinnear), deluded managers (Glenn Roeder), and all of them rolled into one (the Scottish twat), and they've all been a bit shit. I don't think it matters all that much. You can be immodest and deluded only if it's inspirational; dishonest when speaking to the press.
  11. The one thing I don't get with this slagging off Hughton nonsense is: who the hell is going to manage us? It's not exactly a dream job, with an owner who will flog the club at the first opportunity, without much money to spend, and in a dire need of a new central midfield. Shearer was certainly no better, and there's no reason to believe he will be.
  12. Wouldn't of said panic - given the assumption that Hughton would of had a list, and before Best, seemed to try and target them. Although 'cos we didn't get Moses, then I s'pose, but i wouldn't compare it to the likes of Sibierski, Bernard & co. Have.
  13. Bad Mongo


    Definitely staying, according to Brann.
  14. He does get a fair bit of cheap advertising. That's got to account for some of his "losses".
  15. You've clearly lost all faith in nufc. when did this happen I cant blame the lad for thinking of going to wigan but i still think we have summik to offer the lad. Well, there is one thing Wigan and just about every PL and Championship club other than Newcastle (and Pompey) have going for them: they are professionally run clubs that try to make the best of their resources, and not only because their owners want to flog the clubs at an inflated price. An ambitious young player could conceivably prefer Wigan to Newcastle simply because of that. A lazy, self-obsessed idiot looking for glamour would always prefer Newcastle, though.
  16. Spurs have been the only English club outside ManU, Liverpool and Arsenal to turn a profit before they panicked and brought in Redknapp. They've been a consistently average selling club since the Premier League started, and only the last few seasons have they spent big money. Basically, they were the blueprint of what Fat Ashley wanted to do with Newcastle, but they managed to turn it around before they were relegated.
  17. Bad Mongo


    Well, I've always liked Huseklepp, and as I'm a fan of Brann, I naturally know a lot more about him than what you can gather from reading Wikipedia. As I've said before, he's a decent player, and a player type we need (the one with legs).
  18. Bad Mongo


    If you believe in superficial statistics, yes. He's famous for being a late developer, but he did surprisingly well in his first season when he was bought as emergency cover for old Brann legend Raymond Kvisvik, who had to leave the city due to his gambling addiction. Huseklepp's problem was that Brann had already bought another, more experienced replacement, who was only coming in the next season, and for something like 30x the money, so he found himself down the pecking order the next couple of seasons (and he also had some poor form in 2007).
  19. Nile Ranger. I never thought he'd become a legend before even kicking a ball.
  20. Bad Mongo


    He's more of a striker these days. His career stats are unimpressive, as he only started scoring last year (15 goals in 30 apps). A decent player with pace, movement and very good technique, for a Norwegian.
  21. Of course, but have you ever seen an Irish woman? Case closed.
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