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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. Bad Mongo

    Joey Barton

    The Nazi salute is supposed to be done with the right hand, AFAIK.
  2. You're a fucking loon. TBF, he's part joking. And part hoping to get another "I told you so" moment in a couple of years.
  3. WTF, I just started checking the match thread at 1-0 and page 8, and everyone was either complaining about Nolan being shite or complaining about the complaining. Then the first post on page 9 is Nolan scoring and it's 3-0 before I'd even stopped laughing.
  4. Bad Mongo

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Of course he's "good enough" if the rest of the team is in balance. Ever noticed that excellent passing of e.g. Arsenal or Barcelona? Ever noticed the equally good movement in the same teams? Jonas would certainly not be good enough for either of those teams, but he would certainly be good enough for a Newcastle with slightly better movement down the middle. It's not like the right back, the attack and the central midfield aren't bigger problems right now.
  5. Bad Mongo


    Routledge and LuaLua are the only genuine ones AFAIK. How can Nolan's not be genuine? It's far too boring to be fake.
  6. To be fair, you deserve ridicule. You've defended this inept moron ever since he proved that he was one, and now you continue to do so. Martin O'Neill got Aston Villa to where it was by spending a load of money. He walked when some of his players had to be sold. How the hell do you think someone like Ashley, with a tradition of selling players behind the manager's back without even putting the money back in the club, is going to attract O'Neill? How the hell is Ashley going to attract any manager if he continues not supporting them -- and even sacking the more successful among them, like you suggest? Only a no-name manager like Hughton, or someone who's been out of a job for years, like Kinnear, will work for that man. You're a fucking idiot, man.
  7. Bad Mongo

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It does. But your tits are of some consolation.
  8. Anything? I don't think a top 7 is possible, as we don't have a single quality striker, and our midfield is fairly shit.
  9. Bad Mongo

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    And now Huseklepp scored as well, so we won't get him either.
  10. I had to google that just to see his list, and O'Neill seems to be number 4, after Eggen, Capello and Benitez, and before del Bosque, Cuper and Houllier. Seems reasonable enough.
  11. I assume you've googled her at some point, if not get to it, your life will be that litte bit better He's right, your post inspired me to do it for the first time in a while. My day is automatically better. Yep. But I don't get why this isn't worthy of its own thread.
  12. Which teams have gone down playing 'attractive' football?
  13. Bad Mongo

    Fraser Forster

    Yeah, if his form had a dip towards the end of the season, he's finished. How about not messing with the spot that depends most on stability when it's the least (or second least) of our problems?
  14. David Beckham. I'm clearly finished, but I'm still this incredibly handsome and likable superstar.
  15. Bad Mongo

    Jonas Gutierrez

    FYP Incorrect. He also has very Argentinian hair.
  16. That's really just propaganda, though. Maybe it's what happens, maybe it's not. Take it with a sack of salt.
  17. They've been playing well. Some modest individual skill there as well, but excellent organisation and work rate.
  18. Sorry, perhaps that means "he's shit" in some obtuse dialect of the moron language, but not in normal English. What? It was when he absolutely wasn't finished as a top class centre forward. And? It still doesn't mean "he's shit".
  19. I'm pretty sure the fixture list is uncopyrightable everywhere except Britain. Oh, and that means only the British leagues have copyrighted fixtures.
  20. One of England's main problems is that Harper pretty much is England standard, sadly.
  21. The commentators have given Jonas credit for his hair, but not much else.
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