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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. No sponsor ruining the stripes...
  2. A shame they could not get Jon Stewart who played at his uni and was actually quite good.
  3. Close for Torres... very cheeky. Love it. Torres should start every game IMO.
  4. Its a reach, but why not. Cabaye is half or a 1/4 Vietnamese right? So his mum is also from South East Asia just like Cahill. Seems like a racial slur is unlikely.
  5. CaliMag

    Leon Best

    Increase his chances playing for Ireland.
  6. The only thing I find possible in this is Dempsey getting a brace against the woeful Spurs... who are probably his next employers if I am honest with myself. We don't have long to find out, either way what a season. Yeah, amazing really. I hope you are right for what it is worth. Just from past eexperience I think Suprs and Arse will both lose... and so do we.
  7. The only thing I find possible in this is Dempsey getting a brace against the woeful Spurs... who are probably his next employers if I am honest with myself.
  8. Rich - I admire your optimism and think it is possible, but I still voted "No" becasue we are still NUFC.
  9. Madras is right. Ba v ManU is in the top 5 at least. He was well marked and hit it from a near impossible angle. It came at a crucial moment in the game as well.
  10. If we win this one to we're going to have to raise money and fly OldType out from South Korea everytime we need a win. Could get expensive.
  11. CaliMag

    Papiss Cissé

    ... with his "weaker" foot as well.
  12. I am certain this is a commmon question but... Who is that increadibly beautiful woman that works for Chelsea (a doctor? fitness coach?)?
  13. Would much rather Citeh won the title. Seems bizarre that any of our supporters would want ManU to win it. After all the shite we've endured from the glory hunters' team, fucking Noel Gallagher's quote and even De Jong's tackle pales in comparison. Desperately hoping for both us and Swansea winning on Sunday. Highly unlikely but it would be pretty awesome to have ManU choke after a result for us.
  14. CaliMag

    NUFC Kits

    http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxciel8bSk1qcpv8wo1_500.jpg TBH
  15. CaliMag

    Papiss Cissé

    I love the whie flag smiliey... it strongly reinforces racial stereotypes though.
  16. I hope the lads play well and regardless of what the result everyone should stay and applaud the team, manager and coaching staff... ... and I pray for a Swansea win.
  17. CaliMag

    Papiss Cissé

    13 goals in 12 appearances... F*CK ME! He has beaten that silly poll at the top and the only ones that voted for 12+ were having a laugh. ... Cisse wasn't.
  18. hes an officer in the chinese Army man Steady on. No need to do a Liverpool and drag this conversation down further. FAO others: OldType is an officer in the South Korean Air Force
  19. Howay OldType, give us a confirmation from your banana phone already!
  20. If we can keep up the intensity second half will be ours along with another goal. So far.... Tiote and Perch
  21. Perch has gotten considerably quicker. I assume a combination of more training and nandralone.
  22. What I would like: Krul Santon Willo Colo Fergie Tiote Perch Cabaye HBA Ba Cisse It is harsh to drop Jonas and I would consider bring him back on late for his fresh legs, but starting Perch and Tiote would bring more agression and harder tackles. We need to remind Chelsea that this game is just not worth it and they shouldn't bother.
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