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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Last night a ball bounced, Shola waited for it, he held his man off, let the ball bounce again, still pushing the man back, put his foot up to trap it, miss controlled it, fell over and lost the ball. The time it took you to read the above is still faster than Shola....I've never seen a more slow motion player in my life,
  2. Broadband has it live at 745am EST. And to add to Sniffer who ever has Setanta Extra/Alt will have it on live....Call up Cricketer's Arms. Thats the best spot in my opinion. And let me know if you go - live right around the corner from it and may come out and give you company.
  3. I live in Orlando currently and will prob watch on Setanta Broadband at 645 pm EST
  4. Beautiful Orlando, Florida
  5. Kanji

    Mind your language

    I'm not seeing that myself. Nearly every response in here is backing him on his comments. He's certainly gone up in my estimation, gone up a lot. As others have said, let's hope it rubs off on the players and they go out against Everton and put in a decent performance. hah...you're right, i read through the posts again - maybe i'm just angry at negativity of a few people and what I'm reading on other boards from newcastle supporters and people who have no idea what we have gone through. i agree though, i support the hell out of him now. even just for the sheer determination and fire to him.
  6. Kanji

    Mind your language

    he's f**kn human, he lashed out and from the comments by these journos "no joe, thats not the way its supposed to be" "thats not our intention" "thats not the way its run' - well than Journos...How IS IT supposed to be run? Report the facts, the journos don't write for a story-talk paper. Not reporting facts as they are meant to be means you lose your f**kn job. I'm a financial analyst, I report incorrect numbers. I am wrong. I am held accountable, if I continue to do it - I am fired. A journalist reports for a reputable publicaiton, they report incorrect facts with slanted opinions, etc. they are wrong - they should be held accountable, continue to do it - they SHOULD BE fired. I don't find anything the journos write - a peice of professional writing - they need to be held accountable and in this case, JK can rip them a new one for all I care. He has every right to tell them what he thinks. Off or on the record. I'm sure if Sir Alex or KK or whoever the f**k you respect did the exact same thing you would be clapping and approving, and saying "well said." Im beginning to think people want to see JK fail, and im referring to people on this board. Support the club, those who aren't are making me sick.
  7. Mort looks like a top businessman too. He was ace.
  8. I'm praying that this happens. Nothing more would make me happier than to see new owners put Keegan and or Big Al in charge. Don't care abotu moving on and all that, its my opininion that all will be okay (i hope) if KK came back. What a story that would be... KEEGAN RETURNS AS MANAGER Best show on earth.
  9. CTtoon, I'll join ya. I'll throw in 500.00. We've now raised $657.73
  10. f'ng love oba martins. if there was an exodus, i'd be saddest to see him go. he's by far my fav player in a toon shirt. say what you want about him, but hes always been positive, always lively and has never once sulked for our squad. he loves it here, and i just hope to god we appoint a manager who can keep this squad together. cant wait to see him play with xisco and owen up top.
  11. When I think of Zico - I'm thinking this is a high profile man who could potentially keep the peace with some of our players. They will be missing KK - but the likes of Owen, Given, Oba, Jonas, Colo, and perhaps Xisco and Nacho will like a big name like Zico. I'd be happy with it.
  12. hes the man. wish he was 10-15 years younger and could take control of this team again. hes the only one besides KK in my eyes who "got it" in terms of the area, the people, his role.... still hurts me to think of the manner in which he was let go. sickening
  13. HTT, I was saying yes to everything except the final sentence about swapping out for the EPL. No offense mate, just saying.
  14. Kanji


    Ridiculous. You're right mate, what was i thinking....
  15. Kanji


    Dare I say.................. I miss Fat Fred? This whole resigning thing has made my mind spin. I need a drink. I cant beleive I'm starting to believe that.
  16. (double post) i guess what i'm trying to say is there is a time to be upset and be angry. and they have every right to question the board and its intentions. But in the end of the day, they have to move on.... Just my opinion, hope i'm not pissin anybody off. Like i keep saying - i'm still in shock about all of this. Just 1 week ago I was telling people how great it is to have a passionate owner like Fat Mike with KK in charge...Head is still spinning
  17. This sort of obstacle shouldn't affect the players too much....if they are professionals...I'd like to thinnk the older ones on the squad will describe that to the younger and newer lads. I'd like to think the Givens, the Tayls, the Butts and Geremis will explain that they've seen tough situations like this before. Sulking and demanding a leave is an easy way out. While they remain loyal to KK and were loving working with him - as professional footballers they need to not let the younger and newer members think too hard on it. In my opinion, a strong leader, a strong captain or an old head who is respected can rally the troops and tell them to fight on and proove to the naysayers, play for KK's honor, play for hte new manager coming in, play for the loyal supporters or whatever reason they want to use. Where's Big Al, Speedo, or Rob Lee when you need them? If the lads on the squad are so upset about KK leaving and want to leave as well, I guess I can understand that. But if KK had a chance to talk to them one more time, I would imagine he would tell them to play their socks off, play for the fans, and prove to the board and anyone else that this club's playing staff is United. KK may have been their leader, and that the players are playing for him - but in reality, they are playing for the Toon Army and the supporters of the club. God I wish Big Al was around sometimes, his presence in that dressing room - I would see him being hurt by the departure of KK... My inspirational romantic part of me is still speaking - sorry lads if what I wrote isn't as composed as it can be. Random thoughts at the office today.
  18. Hats off to him. I wish him all the best - Ticks all the right boxes as far as attitude goes and from waht all the Depor supporters have been saying. He's no primadonna sulk... His statement about how a year ago he was playing in the Segundo on loan and now hes at a Premiership club with massive support - I hope he bangs the goals in from the start.
  19. Shearer is the only manager that make me happy again, the romantic in me is talking. And I just know that won't happen. I don't even know what to say about who I want as manager, it has not sunk in that KK is gone. Still a bad dream I guess
  20. What really makes me angry is all the press laugh-about. I'd be first to say I've not once laughed at another club's sacking/resigning of a manager. Its football, its a job, and its what happens to all clubs. But what really irks me will be some of the coverage across seas, notably in America on Fox Soccer Channel - that horrible show will once again say "The club is a laughing stock" and poke the usual jokes about us. Well, you know what? Maybe it is funny to the outside person, but I'd like to see this happen to their beloved clubs. I'd like to see how they would feel for years we have been part of this roller coaster of highs and lows, and when we are high we're kicked down and when we are low we are stomped further down. I'd love to see some of these pundits put in the same boat as us for a few years. F Them. Despite this heartbreaking news, I will always support and love this club. Maybe not the men who run it, but my respect what the club stands for, the players, and you lot will never falter. Howay KK, You will always be a legend in my eyes.
  21. Gonzo - Guthrie/Butt/Barton - Jonas ----------Owen------------ -------Xisco---Oba-------- I'd imagine Gonzo/Butt/Barton/Guthrie will all be vying for that one side and the center role. I can also Geremi looking to get into the fold as well. But like everyone else, we know F all about this lad until we see him play. I am very very very excited to see how we line up in our next few matches when Owen and Oba are fit with Xisco and Gonzo in the team.
  22. Clear levels of job description that can't be manipulated by the press. Its a sad day that the media can manipulate such bull and morph a man's job into something its not. sickens me. I think it could work given clear indication of the roles and boundaries. and sadly, it would almost need to be stated at the announcement what the DoF would be there for and who he answers to. Thats the only way it would work for me. Any unanswered questions is instant material for the snakes who write in the papers.
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