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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Paul Dummett

    There are plenty of cheapish LBs who are decently competent at both ends of the pitch but we spend fuck all on player
  2. Would be hilarious if Mitro got sent off today.
  3. I thought he was saying if you were Wealthy and owned the club you’d push the same advertising thing that MA was alleged to have done. If I’m incorrect in how i read that; I do truly apologize to the shinpad.
  4. Question was best of Pardew’s players under Rafa management / formation.
  5. It’s not in the best interests for Mike Ashley to continue running this club the way he has been running it. He has repeatedly failed to sell the club at every “attempt” and has lost a million chances to cash in and become liquid again. In terms of his cash flow, MA’s net worth is tied up in sports direct shares that are losing value, property, and other investments. He is lucky enough to be able to sell Newcastle free and clear of any actual bank loan encumberance, so when he sells he’s likely to get 300m +/- of cash that he doesn’t actually have ATM. He’s also playing in a dangerous time where the value of this club could easily plummet if relegated to a lower divisions and/or any economic downturns harm investor confidence and capital markets. When he adds these redic. clauses to these deals, he’s hurting the upside for a buyer who could be working on new lucrative commercial deals that help underwrite their value they are willing to pay. If Mike thought like a normal business person, he’d realize that type of thinking is not market and doesn’t get deals done. He continues to overvalue something that isn’t quite there yet. If he ran us properly from the get go he’d be wealthier and have flogged us for a handsome multiple on his equity. That English good enough for you, if not and in all cases, bugger off.
  6. He probably needs a legal team to make sure that any sales contract is watertight in his favour, and once he's gone, the new owners can't just have a bonfire with all of the SD advertising, and/or put SportsRedirect signs everywhere, whilst calling the old regime a 'bunch of c***s' to curry favour with the fans. Because, lets face it, if we were all wealthy and purchased the club, it's exactly what you would do... No I wouldn’t. It’s not in the best interests of him. That’s the problem. He hasn’t the brain to want to grow us not the humility to accept he’s made mistakes and sell the club he has no connection to. You’re quite a thick poster man. Legit don’t understand how you formulate such weird opinions and posts.
  7. Find it odd that mike allows outside counsel to do so much of his transaction work if a deal isn’t even struck or an LOI Isnt in place - he’s paying these legal folks hourly to get a deal negotiated. Like that’s unheard of over here in the US. If business parties agree on a framework of a deal with basic terms done - then it moves to legal - this shit could take ages. Anyways, it would be nice to hear that a deal is struck. Fact he’s using outside to do this at this stage before a deal is in place with exclusivity is so dumb. So costly. so different to the way we / American businesses do M&A Work. Would love to get more isngiht because if it’s American money doing this purchase I could prob dig into the stage it’s in and know where they are on the buy process side with some more info and estimate better. Ho hum.
  8. Trying to think of mine - Feel like Ba is his perfect ST. #10 of HBA or. Nolan? Wingers he loved pace and hard working players but HBA right wing. HBA - Nolan - Moussa BA Moussa - HBA - Ba Cisse HBA - Moussa - Remy Ba
  9. What would be the best Pardew squad 11 under Rafa?
  10. Kanji

    Miguel Almirón

    Deuce jinxed the deal Oh and he’s the best player in THE MLS Tomato Deuce[/member] THE MLS Tomato Deuce[/member]
  11. Kanji

    Transfer rumours

    The joy we’d all get from a player you hate would be worth every bit of it.
  12. Kanji

    Transfer rumours

    If kaka doesn’t want him, then I hope we sign him.
  13. Kanji

    Paul Dummett

    Good point about his fitness record.
  14. Kanji

    Fabian Schär

    Schar and Lejeune pinging the ball about would be incredible. Insane to me that our media kept saying that neither Schar or Fern were good on ball, lol. They know nothing.
  15. Conspiracy theories like MA and Bishop are brilliant warlords of misinformation, misdirection and spinning fake stories so they can avoid spending money in a transfer window in football. Classic posts where people proudly say “don’t you know it’ll never happen?” - gotta love NO.
  16. Kanji

    Jamaal Lascelles

    Still have no idea what tackle people are talking about regarding JL
  17. Howe would be treated like shit by the fans and the media if he ended up taking any of the big jobs in England. The press are relentless and the weirdo fans about don’t help either.
  18. Lol, your material is limitless
  19. Why are they so adament on a temporary hire of an external guy? What am I missing?
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