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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. wanting him back, for me, is like wanting my divorced parents to reconcile--a longing for happier times of my childhood. it could never be the same, blame would have to accepted on both sides. in fact they'd both have to be falling all over themselves, "i'm sorry." "no, I'M sorry" "no, really i should never have..." "shush, it's my fault really..." and then walk hand in hand into the sun... sigh...couldn't happen. but i still want it to b/c if they DID get it right, we all live happily ever after. voted yes.
  2. zog should not play LB xisco-bittersweet he scores but he gave the ball away very cheaply, catching all of ours on the back foot, which led to the penalty ameobi once upon a time there was a thin argument that could be made for him. now, well, thanks shola for your brace vs the mackems & staring down dennis wise on your debut. it's a shame you didn't leave w/ those 2 feathers in your cap.
  3. in my heart i agree with this, as long as kk got the necessary control. but, in my head well, meh, my head's been done by all this.
  4. Yeah, remember that. i guess wise trod upon shola's foot, or summat? i haven't seen it, was it class?
  5. is it true that shola, on his debut, stared wise down? would love to see an image of this!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCZ2ebBF9Yc
  7. No Terry Mac took it cheers, i can't keep up with all the developments sat here at work.
  8. is it fair to say that when either one is "feeding on scraps" owen controls the ball and usually does something positive, and ameobi can't seem to even control it. certainly not today. i saw one header that had any hope from him. owen on the other hand, managed a shot even with ameobi in the way!
  9. i was hoping our lads would really get stuck in, and they DID...in mud. our fastest players even looked sluggish compared to the arse boys. zoggy was, as usual, a defensive liability. want to beat NUFC? direct your attack wherever n'zogbia is "playing", and it's just a question of "when" not if you'll score. (i did think the pen was harsh on him though.) as for his getting forward, i swear watching him "run at people with the ball" is like watching my grandmother drive a lamborghini in a traffic roundabout--can't see the outlet that will take us where we want to go, and even then somebody's always in the way... am disappointed in the selection of shola. we surrendered any chance of 3 pts right there. i've always had time for him due to his mitigating goals against s'land, but, really, it's like trying to watch eskimos pour syrup when he's laboring to trundle his oddly fat AND lanky ass anywhere. (seriously, has he gotten heavier?) would love to have been a mind reader when he bungled up little mickey's chance b/c i doubt owen had any charitible thoughts towards him.
  10. what's next, Amazon Patroller, Mississippi Guide?
  11. So I missed out a word! I was angry. i know. just having a bit of fun is all. but then i thought was he using slang? e.g. anyone who uses commas, like, should be shot.
  12. There is no room for logic in football.. that makes sense! Thats just it though, we are not used to this club showing logic, the whole Mike Ashley way of doing things is going to take some getting used too, everyone hated Fat Fred but we are all still so used to seeing the club blow massive money on one player and getting everyone excited. Fred's way did not work now its Mikes turn and we need to be patient, its not going to be easy but its how its going to be so there is no point fighting against it. He knows we need players and he also knows its not easy to run a club and make a profit from it, the mans not daft we must have more faith in him and his logic.. i agree. i wasn't trying to pass judgement with my theory, just offer an explanation. i want long term stability at NUFC. i suppose most supporters do. i also want KK as mgr of a free-flowing football team that plays the beautiful game in a way that's enjoyable to watch. i guess my question is, can we have BOTH?
  13. There is no room for logic in football.. that makes sense!
  14. well it's a head/heart thing. KK has his heart on his sleeve, the board are being logical...
  15. it appears to me that the board/Ashley want to: 1. stabilise the organisation for the long term and 2. make money. winning trophies is only 3rd of their priorities. it occurs to me that KK wants give priority to the silverware 1st, then make sure there's stability with the money being 3rd. could this not be an explanation for the "turmoil" at the club? soz, didn't know which thread to stick this in. mods do as you see fit with it.
  16. well, they ARE our rivals and i'll wager that the top 4 will all do the double over them...
  17. oh! 48 people have voted. good! i was all set to delete the poll b/c i screwed it up so much. glad i checked the results first.
  18. ok, i added Draw options reset the poll to zero. we're starting over everyone. sorry.
  19. so i SHOULD edit the poll, huh? ...but, won't that screw up everyone's voting?
  20. i realise i left out many options... shall i edit it? i was just being lazy really...
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