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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. bulivye

    Peter Beardsley

    Beardsley is one of the reasons i became a Newcastle supporter.
  2. i like that he puts a bit of pressure on opposing defenders & keepers he'll chase a bit trying to force an error, and i had to chuckle when he gave the sunderland keeper a bit of cold shoulder. carroll & lovencrayons for me, if oba ain't back...
  3. hadn't shay thrown his toys out of the pram at least once before, or do i mis-remember? thought t had to do w/ losing a start or summat?
  4. http://www.cnnsi.com/extramustard/images/McLovin.jpg http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:fdt8SocWWDPftM:http://www.picturefish.com/images/things/crayons.jpg
  5. can he be left back? as in, when the the club go to play a match & get on the team bus, make sure smith is left back.
  6. bulivye

    Red or Blue

    that would be a good poll! and whilst i agree in hoping for video footage to be available for those of us stranded overseas, i did vote for red to win...
  7. Apologies if this has been mentioned but anyone taking a camcorder along.... show everyone the highlights There's only one problem with that idea. Aye sorry. Dont know why I asked. Just with not being able to see it I would have been interested to see how it all passes off. i really would like to see this as well! somebody should be issued a press pass!
  8. Really? I was always under the impression that it was where the foul originally took place. Mind you, it's been a few years since I went through the laws of the game... Aye it's in the 'advice on application' bit at the back. "If a defender starts holding an attacker outside the penalty area and continues holding him inside the penalty area, the referee must award a penalty kick." Although that does seem to encourage players to just dive when they get into the area. does it specify how far out? b/c there was certainly some back & forth ( grabbing/holding by bassong & pushing off by heskey) that should mean that the continuity of the hold was broken...
  9. you know, i'd like to hear what the linesman was waving his flag for, the foul, or the offsides!?
  10. as i see it, bassong & heskey were simply hand-fighting throughout the long 20 odd yards from the original contact where (heskey was offsides btw) the linesman waves his flag. i'm not sure how much advantage there actually was. the only way heskey was going to score was from a poor decision from a wanking referee. the spirit of the rules was violated, in my opinion!
  11. i could only watch from minute 52 on... how did beye get done by c-mole?
  12. Shove your realism where it hurts man There's no excuses when it comes to a club like Wigan, I don't care if people call me stupid or not but Wigan are a small time club who always aim for the draw hoping to nick a win. We should have done better today and this result shows that we are in desperate need of a central midfielder to keep Butt out. i just can't understand how they've been our kryptonite like. is this how spurs fans feel!?
  13. how many matches have we won with zog at left back, any? it's just a bad idea to play him there...hell, should have swapped him and duff! speaking of duff, i'm starting to suspect that the goal he scored to get us 3 pts was actually a mishit. today we saw the true "quality"!
  14. bulivye

    Merry Xmas

    Merry Christmas!
  15. will there be someone with a laptop at the match to post up to the minute commentary for those of us unable to be there?
  16. i like this one. too bad it violates point #2 of the rules--relatively timeless. i do think mike ashley will sell the club eventually so nee point in using his likeness...
  17. haha did he do it or jus fall over? plus, maybe its a positive that hes enjoying the goal so much. If I'm honest, as long as he stays until the summer, I'm happy. The mess this clubs been in of late I wouldn't blame any player checking their options. didn't actually do it just made as if he was going to... was a nice little nod to oba for the setup.
  18. i heard the announcer say that stoke will have the advantage b/c of a slope in the pitch at SJP...is this true? never heard of it before.
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