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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. i didn't mean to sound like i'm slagging KK. i was coming at the question from more of an "ambitious" player-trying-to-prove-his-worth-to-himself sort of an angle. being the big fish in a little pond is one thing, but should you then get that pond recognition, because of your personal contribution, as one of the best ponds around... well, i think it proves the value/impact of the fish. just being another fish in a very big pond doesn't, or rather, wouldn't mean as much to me. just my opinion like
  2. all i wanna do is say, fuck you 'cuz you can't play football stephen carr you really changed games cuz' no one is slower than you are.... to Tah Geggy's - Driving In My Car
  3. nothing wrong with saying it. what you say is, in fact, obvious. what i'm on about is more in the "proving something to yourself" catagory. a top player might ask himself, "can i believe i'm the best (player at my position, player in the world , whatever) if it can always be argued that by playing for (e.g.) real madrid, others carried me?"
  4. just to clarify, the words after the link, beginning with "to my way of thinking", are mine. you do see what i'm on about though, right?
  5. That's not Luka Modric, Luka Modric is the bell, not the tower/clock. i thought it was the 2 faces that caused the confusion.
  6. been reading some of the articles on icnewcastle.com and i'm struck by a remark KK made about there being a "pecking order" of top teams that good players are expected to sign for. “Even if someone gives you a barrel-load of money you have to be honest and say you’re not going to get the best players. There’s a pecking order,” he said. “If I’m a player and I get the option to go to Chelsea or Newcastle, the Press would slaughter me, asking where my ambition was (if I chose Newcastle).“All the great players will go for where the honours are and if they don’t make it there they’ll drop to a Newcastle.” http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/sundaysun/tm_headline=concern-rises-in-owen-saga%26method=full%26objectid=20865968%26siteid=61634-name_page.html to my way of thinking, a player can show HUGE ambition by signing for a weak team and being instrumental in that team's rise to the top. who's the better player, one who joins a team where everyone at every position is in the top 4-5 players in the world, or one who's presence & play at a "weaker" team brings them up to winning things? where am i going wrong?
  7. Just getting a tad overworn now Nuke Alex. not a member of greenpeace by any chance?
  8. i agree! but he sometimes can't be arsed either...right? don't people say that?
  9. it really gets my goat that spurs have got our croat let's punch'em in the throat and kick'em in the scroat!
  10. Its meant to be a lovely holiday, my friend certainly enjoyed her holiday over there. Can't remember where she went now like. my wife's parents holiday there quite often. every pic i've seen of their trips have been postcards. well, except for her goofy brother's great bald melon blocking out the sun!
  11. hmm.. a holiday by the sea in croatia....i would love a croatian vacation.
  12. must not be a teacher eh?
  13. oy! 105£? that's over 200$ i'll have to abstain for the time being...
  14. why are there matches on sunday anyway, isn't it for TV revenue?
  15. who's the leader of the club that's dear to you & me? M I C K E Y O W E N !! Mickey Owen Mickey etc... i'm sure the disney rat wouldn't mind.
  16. for those of us far far away, is there a way to get these? perhaps an online source or summat? cheers
  17. I am directly above right hand post, about half way between crossbar and top of picture, blonde hair, grey wooly jumper on. looks like i am saluting hitler, but it was so rammed, you cud only move one arm at a time. the crowd was over filled, cos the turnstile bloke was letting you in for £5, if you didnt have a ticket, and there were hundreds getting in, he was making a stack i knew it! didn't really think you was being a nazi, you know.
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