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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. alas! alas! Newcastle, you've broken my heart again... "since to enjoy thou dost deny, assist me to resign".
  2. at what point does our goal differential become seriously endangered?
  3. Mike Ashley has a bizarre sleeping pattern. Q.E.D. Looking out for the American fans.
  4. No, but the benefits to morale and future performances would be well worth it. agreed. i just type sloooow... so, we'll need some luck too.
  5. yes, of course...would set us up nicely for the next match as well...
  6. if Caulkin is right, and everyone, fans & players give their heart & soul 100% tonight---do we win? not a pisstake, i want to know, do we have enough to do it?
  7. i understand you to mean they 'see' the game as from a spectator's point of view...? sort of a way of articulating 'awareness'...
  8. i'm curious what we all really think this phrase/term means. we hear it tossed about all the time but it seemed to have been a sticking point in the 'ability' thread... so, what is it? i've always taken it to mean that a player is intelligent vis a vis football. the player w/ a good footballing brain, imo, has good vision--in the sense that he spots the open pass to make, or the open man needing to be closed down etc... but also vision in the sense that he has a plan to 'ask questions' of his opponents, or answer those asked. i'm sure there's deficiencies in my definition & it falls short... so, i'm askin'---what is a 'footballing brain'?
  9. i agree with nixon's dad. and i've always wanted to use this smiley-->
  10. bulivye

    Jonas Gutierrez

    not that this means loads, but commentators gave him an "8 or 9"
  11. bulivye

    Jonas Gutierrez

    we can criticise his end product, but just imagine this match if he weren't in it!
  12. That's totally to be expected though, mate. are you saying i have very low standards?! :-[
  13. heh heh... for his GOALS, silly!
  14. i know i'm being irrational (see op) & i know this isn't european tourney play, but gimme a break, how am i gonna watch NUFC here in the states if we go down?!!! AAAARRRRGH!
  15. but his missed sitter (from the last match) is looking very big now
  16. i admit upfront this is a thread born of frustration, but i just remember his goals back during another dire season. we could sure use them now!
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