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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. This game is utter shit. Stoke play in slow motion I swear.
  2. Fuck that knee to the face was BRUTAL
  3. Think Dummy and Sammy definitely deserve a chance on Saturday. Debuchy won't be dropped. Think he might go with 4-4-2, Shola and Cisse up top. Can see him playing Gosling as I thought he did pretty well last night. Krul Debuchy Colo MYM Dummet HBA Sissoko Gosling Sammy Shola Cissse My predicted line up (but not my preferred)
  4. La Parka

    Paul Dummett

    He's decent enough going forward too. Struggled for the first 20 minutes, but settled down and played really well.
  5. His main weakness is his decision making, but that will improve in time. He was our best player last night, always looking to go forward and take on his man.
  6. Did pretty awesome I thought.
  8. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1150345_421384654639701_643431398_n.jpg It made the thread better, but we've got a spot for this stuff.
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