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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. It's a very valid concern, but I'd rather we gone down this route for the time being. Building from the back and shorter term experienced signings. I just hope Allardyce does have plans to bring in younger and more creative players further down the line, because although we can name a few flair players he's bought, relatively speaking he hasn't bought many in his time. I do think the Smith money should have gone on a genuine winger, we knew for ages Dyer and Solano wanted to leave. That's taken the shine off the window for me, our squad lacks options to change a game but I think a lot of us accepted a while ago that we're gearing up to play Bolton football, it's not pretty but it gets results, I guess. Overall though positive strides forwards, let's just keep our fingers crossed Zog and Milner stay fit because without them we are a bit screwed. Can't think of anyone who would have come for the wing to sit on the bench though.
  2. Disagree Milner, Zog, Emre, Martins (to a degree), Duff (if ever fit) are all creative players.
  3. Welcome Habib! Looking forward to seeing him play! Anything is better than Carr
  4. Do you want Carr? I think I'll stick with the whitespace if that's OK Haha. You should have kept hughes
  5. http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/large/lold-44854.jpg
  6. Beye? Milner has overtaken him for RM. Geremi is backup for RB and RM.
  7. Nope. He couldn't afford the petrol so stopped here on the way up.
  8. I can't believe I said that! You heard it here first! Hahaha congrats sir.
  9. I agree. One playmaker and I could see us doing exceptionally well.
  10. Yeah. Jees. We were all mardy fuckers (Quite rightly to be fair) If only we knew how good things would be a year later!!
  11. Will be useful when his pace and power will be an asset against physical sides. Plays across the back and can play defensive midfield. I'm not complaining thats for sure.
  12. WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://www.arsenal.com/article.asp?thisNav=News&article=480922&lid=NewsHeadline&Title=Club+Statement+-+Arsenal+Sign+Lassana+Diarra Now can we f*** Song off please omg trhat transfer hasd mate me unttypably happy Quality signing.
  13. Our defence is fucking SICK. Compared to last year especially.
  14. ...............Given................ Beye Cacapa Roz Enrique Milner Barton Geremi Zog ..........Owen...Martins...... Much much better than I could have imagined. We have a squad, depth a quality manager and a new chairman and owner who are really loving the club. I am absolutely delighted.
  15. Aww.. I feel really sorry for him. Can we have him back please.
  16. signed for psv Well ive seen nothing confiming that can anyone help me out?? Nothing official. Just have to look out on Getty to see where he is training at...
  17. ... mint We have two proper full backs For the first time in...err...in my lifetime at least. Er... Warren Barton & John Beresford? Hmmm... I will have to think about that. Though they are the best I can remember..
  18. Thought they would be a bit old for your liking mate All those who went to bed are now gutted I bet.
  19. We have two proper full backs For the first time in...err...in my lifetime at least.
  20. Good news. Strange in this modern day communication is still so shit
  21. Hahaha!!! So *thats* why he changed his name...
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