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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. WOooooooooooooooo. I'm OBA the Moon! Awesome! (We are almost alwaysd shit at the start of the season so this is a very nice change.)
  2. won't play backup. Ben foster. I was drunk obviously last night haha
  3. Apart from the bit about Spurs (never liked them), I agree with you there. Thirded. Doc and Brummie add a lot to the board, while there's a good deal to be said for safc and 1878 as well. I wouldn't mind having one canny poster from each team on here, like. Just one though. You forgot Ash- Resident gooner! Its nice to get an outside perspective though. We all drag each other down so much in here lol..
  4. (In the country tune) (Also shit but who cares) Shay, Shay Saves all ways Super keeper!
  5. Good work guys. You should somehow get people to know what you are singing though. The owen one is top lol.
  6. costs 100k per lifetime on average to support a premiership club. (Read it in the paper)
  7. They get £45 in the last two years off me. One day I will be able to afford a ST. Or even to go see them again. Fucking uni!
  8. Yeah he WAS a cunt lol...
  9. La Parka

    Toon Ultras

    f*** off man. I guess you would rather watch in silence? Well done to the Toon Ultras. As highlighted by everyone else "Ultras" ain't what you should be associating yourself with IMO way too much negativity around that word. True,if you went to Italy or somewhere with a name like that you'd probably not come back. Cant really think of another catchy name though really,but i will try and think Everything I think off is cheesy. As far as I know though the Ultra's aint interested in changing their name. What are their reasons for not wanting to change? I presume they realise the negative connotations. If you google Ultra Hooligan you get a link to Blog on the tyne BBTN btw. toon ultras is our name if people dont like it so f***! why should we change, if so called fans wont join us because we have ultras in our name then how sad are they? The four core points of the ultra mentality are: never stop singing or chanting during a match, no matter what the result never sit down during a match attend as many games as possible (home and away), regardless of cost or distance loyalty to the stand in which the group is located that sounds like us Not sad, they just dont want to sound like a bellend. Like said above, good work, bad name. You wouldn't call yourself a word of similar vein like gestapo though would you? I think the name is insensitive.
  10. He is a hard bastard though. knows some martial art or something. (or so my dad said at the time)
  11. Agree with those 4. Reading can bugger off too.
  12. Top stuff will be worth a listen/read If you're spanish
  13. Yeah that gash was rough. Skin flap of all skin flaps lol.
  14. Refereed the unibond in the early 90s. Was a twat back then too.
  15. La Parka

    "Fatty" Carr

    There will be games where it is suited. Ones where we require the cover on the wings. Can't go hell for leather against some teams.
  16. We have a good bunch of posters from other clubs like Everton, Arsenal, Villa, Sunderlun' Shame about spuds. Think Sunderland will stay up. Good luck SAFC for the season (Till you play us of course)
  17. So basically it the same old carry on. Twat.
  18. La Parka

    "Fatty" Carr

    Agree. I think he will do better this season. Nobby stepping last in must have been some motivation along with Sam getting him fit. He has been impressive in pre season and has shown good link up play with Nobby.
  19. Basically I agree with this. He will be away at the end of the season anyway once we've gone down. Isn't he like one of the most expensive goalkeeper transfers ever? Prem record isn't it? When fully paid up it will be the Premiership record. I believe Barthez currently is at around £8.5M I don't think you are going down. Agree. Derby, Wigan are much worse. I think several teams could be dragged into the other spot. Reckon you will stay up SAFC.
  20. Basically I agree with this. He will be away at the end of the season anyway once we've gone down. Isn't he like one of the most expensive goalkeeper transfers ever? Prem record isn't it?
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