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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Well there's always two sides to every story, and you can choose to believe either side and demonise the other or you can step back a bit and keep studying - trying to work it all out. It may be a hopeless task but I'm certainly going to do the latter. I think Ashley/Llambias probably want him gone in an ideal world. I think Pardew is probably ambivalent about it provided he can replace him. Would like to keep, perhaps, but not too bothered if he loses him. What's Joey's game here? He was offered a new contract back in January and chose not to accept? Has that offer been withdrawn, or are the club just refusing to alter the terms of that offer? Or was he offered anything, was it all hearsay? Why does Barton feel the need to join Twitter and make this public, more so than it was already being discussed anyway. What does he hope to gain? Is it in the best interests of Barton/McKay or Newcastle United? What was wrong with staying on another 2 years if he loves the club so much?
  2. Mr Logic

    Darren Pratley

    Midfield hardly seems a priority. Gosling hasn't played for us yet, well he has but it barely counts. We have Pardew hinting at a continental mid almost done and this strong rumour re Pratley, with, probably, a right mid/wing still to come. Unless Barton and Nolan are on the departing list it seems an unnecessary signing.
  3. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    That's the next step I would expect from the club following this. It could get messy.
  4. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    Well that's consistent, almost verbatim iirc, to what was said at one of his recent talk-ins. So either he's consistent or Wraith has nothing new really.
  5. I doubt either of them will be seen much next season if at all.
  6. Mr Logic

    Darren Pratley

    Almost certainly, the bar is not that high.
  7. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Sewelly, I was absolutely delighted to see you'd changed that horrendous 'chiken' avatar - and even thought your new one was amusing.... until I suddenly noticed all that may be missing was the Mr.
  8. Mr Logic

    Leon Best

    You do realise what a fucked up statistic that is don't you?
  9. What was wrong with the old thread - locked?
  10. I'm waiting for mimifrench's input.
  11. I think so, but wasn't it in close proximity with the word cunt?
  12. @cwarr07 Legal proccedings initiated against unnamed N-O administrator
  13. Mr Logic

    Nile Ranger

    I, on the other hand, fail to understand why so many are quick to condemn him - like they never made mistakes in their lives? I think he'll make the grade as a player, don't know about as a person but he has time on his side for both.
  14. What, sort of like a 'Two Ameobi's, One cup' sort of wild?
  15. Would hope he is offered a new contract in the summer.
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