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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. You concede the fallibility inherent in the process, yet give no reason as to why you think it is important that process is maintained. Given the topic title, subsequent video footage should be one of the areas that empower the FA imo.
  2. It would appear.. ..equates to 'Tiote snubs a move to Chelsea', can't see any other quote or reference to the headline.
  3. Doesn't help when his team mates pile unnecessary pressure on him, saw at least two occasions yesterday where Tiote passed to someone who immediately returned the ball to him despite the fact he already had a man on him. I'd say some of the team rely on him too much at times, add to that a slightly off day on his part and we'll see a fair few mistakes. Overall he's still solid though.
  4. Tbf his bookings are becoming less frequent, probably as he adjusts to the premier league.
  5. Some encouraging reading in those two articles, be very nice to see it all bear some fruit over the next couple of seasons.
  6. One of the points I was trying to make, you've just got it across better. In my opinion it would have been better to award the contract to him at the end of the season, rather than to throw it at him in an attempt to appease the masses/players. People were saying Carroll wasn't worthy of a payrise because he'd just had one, and most were of the opinion that offering to renegotiate in the summer was a fair offer. The Tiote situation is different in pretty much every aspect.
  7. Great news. Some of the negativity voiced in this thread has been quite frankly astounding.
  8. Mr Logic

    Local Hero?

    I think the spine of the team is THE factor, and wether that spine contains locals or not is neither here nor there. According to Wullie's logic I should be questioning why I support NUFC because I prefer watching HBA perform to Shola. (Admittedly none of us have had much chance to watch HBA perform, I've personally had plenty opportunity to watch Shola underperform.) I personally believe the reason there was some squad unrest following the sale of Carroll was precisely because of the idea of a spine though, he was viewed as a core element of the team, this 'group of lads'. Don't think it mattered to Enrique or Barton that he was a Geordie.
  9. Some poor bastard who has the misfortune to look like him maybe got a hiding. Those pictures just don't look right, going to take some time before I get used to seeing that. Hope to fuck he doesn't score against us later.
  10. Mr Logic

    Nile Ranger

    I've got a lot of time for the lad, reckon he's better than any of the other strikers on our books at present but needs game time to settle and become productive. He arguably has the potential to be very good and, although it's no use crying over spilt milk, could have proved to be a wonderful partner for Carroll. Be rather ironical if we sell him for 20m+ in a couple of years and he and Carroll end up Englands first choice pairing. Mind you, I could be wrong, there's some on here have said he's shite.
  11. Do you think that Ashley (or Llambias) is aware of the tremendous fillip the team spirit contributes, and further, how easily and quickly that could be eroded by continually transferring the better players out whilst crossing ones fingers about the players transferred in? So far we only have the sale of Carroll to hypothesise on, sales preceding that one were at a different time and under different circumstances. I am uneasy as he (Ashley) can be such a loose cannon, but am prepared to wait until the end of the summer transfer window before I make any deductions about what the future holds. Nope. They come from a different world, more Apprentice-style shouting, bullshit and betrayal than teamwork, loyalty and contentment. Sadly, as I read your response, I got the distinct impression you'd hit the proverbial nail.
  12. Logic would suggest he could be correct on this issue No I wouldn't. Seriously though, 2 or 3 months ago you can find quotes from Enrique about how much he loved it here and how he never wanted to leave. The sale of Carroll may well have prompted this mood swing, but that's all it is for me, a current mood. One that can swing back again in the right circumstances, that's perhaps what we have to hope for.
  13. Like Luke Edwards has his finger on the pulse.
  14. I doubt that, they will put up with a lot of shit but they won't put up with continual shit. You can shave off 10-15k quite quickly under the right (wrong) circumstances.
  15. Do you think that Ashley (or Llambias) is aware of the tremendous fillip the team spirit contributes, and further, how easily and quickly that could be eroded by continually transferring the better players out whilst crossing ones fingers about the players transferred in? So far we only have the sale of Carroll to hypothesise on, sales preceding that one were at a different time and under different circumstances. I am uneasy as he (Ashley) can be such a loose cannon, but am prepared to wait until the end of the summer transfer window before I make any deductions about what the future holds.
  16. Gstusso completely losing it there. Nutting Jordan.
  17. Mr Logic

    Nile Ranger

    Due a goal, he's had some pretty good efforts in his cameo appearances.
  18. Hope Pardew makes his subs a bit earlier if it still 0-0 at 60 minutes then.
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