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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Santon, Ben Arfa, Santon, Ben Arfa, Cisse rebound Cabaye. GOAL!!!!!
  2. Done, but still a long way to go.
  3. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Interesting about the Barca videos, and tunisia's post.
  4. As I read the first sentence I automatically said to myself 'Cabaye isn't a holding midfield player', then was rather shocked to discover it was a Carver quote.
  5. Mr Logic

    LOL at Lolro

    Anyone else tickled by this comment? It's such a pointless, boring, lazy and utterly empty sentence. Befitting of Lawro. Tickled isn't the word I would use but I know what you mean. And Ba wasn't that far of having a hissy fit it seems, fortunately it didn't last long. Fingers crossed.
  6. Lovely little trip down memory lane.. you know where. Newcastle United - Tino Asprilla's debut Then.. TINO ASPRILLA VS BARÇA -DIEZ
  7. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nice little skills vid.. Hatem Ben Arfa & Mehdi Abeid | Skills | Newcastle
  8. Certainly looks like he can be a petulant little brat if things aren't going his way.
  9. Have I ever mentioned I love Ben Arfa. There, I'm out of the closet.
  10. This bit I find hard to believe, especially concerning Demba Ba's contract, which is rumoured to be heavily incentivised. Exception to the rule?
  11. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He won't want to leave as long as Pardew is playing him.
  12. Christ, saw Reina offering to see Perch after the match was over and he looked quite threatening. After seeing that pic I wouldn't be too worried if I was Perch. Bite his own tongue off in a fight.
  13. I feel kind of sorry for him now if I'm honest. Who among us hasn't made a decision that we've later come to regret.
  14. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He started the whole move with a defence splitting pass and then raced into the mix with the last touch, or at least fumble, so yes - he was quite influential in both goals.
  15. Also thought Gerrard was anonymous but Carroll had a decent game, just didn't get the little bit of luck he needed. (Thank goodness,) ((And apart from that ridiculous dive.))
  16. Haven't read the thread yet but I really don't understand how anyone has a problem with it. Even in the studio Danny Murphy was saying it wasn't a goal for him, how thick do you have to be to fail to understand it?
  17. Fantastic game and result, thought 'pool started the better but once we score that goal, sorry, that goal (brilliant), it looked quite comfortable. Commentator hadn't a fucking clue what he was on about, he could understand Carroll getting a little boo but was perplexed by Enrique's. Know nought tit. Biggest tit, Carroll for that dive, I knew it was a dive without seeing replays, thankfully so did the ref. Perch would have got MoM for me but for the way he went down under Reina's 'headbutt'.
  18. Was sure it was an April Fool but as time dragged by I began to wonder.
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