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Captain Underpants

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Everything posted by Captain Underpants

  1. http://www.wallchan.com/images/sandbox/68184-neil-with-it.png
  2. Did we ever establish if the twitter account was real or fake? He has tweeted "Newcastle!!!" 3h ago.. EDIT: And uploaded a pic from inside St James Park..
  3. Imagine having to go to bed with her every night. Oh the lack of sleep. Id be like a hungry baby on them nips. Served frozen?
  4. Imagine having to go to bed with her every night. Oh the lack of sleep.
  5. Sporting having a shocker arent they? Financially knackered and doing as bad as us in the League. I think so, yes. But the article says they turned down €18m last summer.. Good player though.
  6. Portuguese À Bola likning us to van Wolfswinkel. On my phone so cant give the actual link.
  7. https://twitter.com/MapouYangaMbiwa Giggs? Says he departed for Newcastle six hours ago.
  8. He has all but signed for Fener hasnt he? Fell through. Maybe we hijacked the deal, a'la Redknapp?
  9. I'd only want Blanc tbh. Adkins is probably a good manager, but wont take us further than midtable anyway. Even though thats what we all might have to settle for under Ashley..
  10. Run him over with a bus. Twice!
  11. Thread bumped, new rumour? http://gifsforum.com/images/gif/excited/grand/Jake-Gyllenhaal-excited-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-628.gif no.. http://gifsforum.com/images/gif/disapoint/grand/2542178244521.gif
  12. http://gifsforum.com/images/gif/rage/grand/rage-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-1407.gif
  13. http://gifsforum.com/images/gif/awsome/grand/7854.gif
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