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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Just got a text off a mate - a non Mag - saying sorry, he can see why i have been so pessimistic. He set out in a single text the things that wanker Roeder can't see.


    There were also people on here saying give Roeder next season as well - you were wrong, most of us knew you were, and now you should own up.

  2. Never been good enough, but even a month or possibly less, there were mentals on here defending him.


    Useless fat wanker. Potential? Oh yes. He has the potential to be a match loser every game.

  3. Come on then - all those who have defended Bramble:


    Where is his so called pace? He just got fucking roasted off a not particularly fast player.


    And where is his so called ability? And don't fucking say potential, he's shown none of thatr either - he's proven himself to be totally out of his depth in the premiership.


    I take back my "fat monkey" comment, and instead wish to use "dangerous stupid fat monkey".


    Fuck off Bramble, you cretin, and take Roeder with you.

  4. Mick


    You've given him no credit, you've credited Martins to luck.


    Its a shame one's bitterness and bile can rule out reason.




    How would any Manager outside the top 4 have done with our injuries? Relegation would probably be the most likely outcome.


    The fact that its so difficult to prove how much better Allardyce is than Roeder should speak volumes, but some of you are far too insular to give into reason.


    I'd back Roeder to finish above Allardyce next season with a sensible injury list and not the one we've just had.


    I'll give you two in particular 12 Months and you'd be calling for his head.


    By the way, hows MON doing in his honeymoon period, remember DOL nearly took that squad into Europe......


    Stupid comment.


    We had an injury crisis of a very few good enough players. The rest were utter, utter shite that the cretin Roeder FAILED TO REPLACE - his fault.


    Get to fuck Roeder, here's hoping something happens to end your NUFC career.

  5. NUFC06 im guessin that since your bulgarian you have never seen woodgate play at st james and thats the reason for you not knowing how good he really is. if this is the case you should have kept your mouth shut.  O0


    Why should i need to watch him at st james park to know how good he is?

    Have you ever heard of that thing called TV?

    I watched him live in 99 when England played Bulgaria in a European qualification

    Judging by your nickname i guess in 99 instead of watching the game you were playing with your LEGO...


    Its irrelevant if you watched some players live or not to decide how good they are. O0


    You genuinely think you get a complete view of the game. and the players within it, on telly?? :lol:


    I shouldn't laugh, bearing in mind your posts historically, but nonetheless: :lol: :lol:




    Not complete because when you are on the staduim you can concentrate watching only 1 player

    But when you are watching on the TV you are able to see everything that is happening on the field and then you can make your own conclusions about players,teams,perfromance etc.

    How many times have you seen Ronaldihno,Zidane,Kaka,Messi etc.etc.not to mention some legendary players like Pele,Maradona etc. to make your opinion about them???

    How many times have you watch them?

    I doubt its alot but you still are making comments about them dont you?

    Its not necessary to watch some player live to make i firm opinion about him.You can watch him on TV too and still if you understand something about football you can make a good judgement about him.

    I think 80% of the users here have never kicked a ball in their lives and still thinks that they now something about football.



    hahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaha!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Stupidest, wrongest, ridiculousest and most obviously mental comment. Ever.


    You, my 'tard friend, are a fucking gem. Comedy gold.

  6. NUFC06 im guessin that since your bulgarian you have never seen woodgate play at st james and thats the reason for you not knowing how good he really is. if this is the case you should have kept your mouth shut.  O0


    Why should i need to watch him at st james park to know how good he is?

    Have you ever heard of that thing called TV?

    I watched him live in 99 when England played Bulgaria in a European qualification

    Judging by your nickname i guess in 99 instead of watching the game you were playing with your LEGO...


    Its irrelevant if you watched some players live or not to decide how good they are. O0


    You can't see how well a player is positioned on TV until the ball comes near him, you also don't see what they do off screen. Two important parts of being a defender is your poisitional awareness at all times and how you manage those around you.


    Once again you come across as an clueless fool.


    Agree with you points but are you telling me that if i havent watched some player live i cant decide if he is good enough?

    Because thats the whole point of this argument


    In the case of defenders, no you can't.

    Respect your opinion but i dont agree


    This is f****** great stuff.


    ...and you are?


    .....more knowledgable than a know-nowt like you?


    If you're stupid enough to think that you can judge a player without actually seeing him, you must be gullible enough to believe in fairies, the loch ness monster, and Roeders worst injury crisis since the dawn of man.

  7. What makes everyone think Lee Clark is a shit scout?


    Why would we think otherwise? He was an average journeyman player, seems ot be a relatively ok coach, and fucking totally unproven scout. But yeah, lets send him round the world, rather than an actual scout. Genius, that.

  8. mrmojorisin75, :thup:


    The truth is we need investment/development in a few different areas, which is bad news with the finances as they are. In this case we need someone who can find and get the best out of cheaper players, and I don't trust Roeder in this regard. Allardyce I would.


    i said somewhere earlier in all this that if allardyce were coming in with the remit of operating on a budget and looking to bring in cheaper players and get the best out of what we have then fair enough, i agree


    however the noise coming out of the club is that they'll spend money in the window to "strengthen the squad" which i read as spending significantly...i don't see an argument for giving allardyce cash ahead of roeder...


    Here's one - Allardyce has not shown himself to be a lying, incompetent, shite manager. Roeder has. End of chat.

  9. Roeder has brought in 6 players and one of them has improved the team, thats not a ratio that gives me confidence that he will spend well in the summer.


    personally i think the way he's operating in the transfer market is to the benefit of the club as a whole - no manager has a 100% success record in transfers do they?


    so far martins has been very good, sib has exceeded expectations and duff has been a disappointment (but is hardly to be written off at age 27)

    rossi should have been used more (but then he was tied for quite a few games), bernard was/is a joke and gooch has not been as good as we'd hoped


    all in all the 6 players he's brought in haven't damaged us too much have they?  he hasn't panic bought a 9.5m player yet has he?


    i have to believe that roeder, and the club, have learned from their mistakes to this point and will take steps to rectify them this summer....


    the alternative as i see it is another season of a new manager coming in and "assessing" the players we all know need to leave before then not being given the chance to change things round


    if roeder doesn't act this summer then he's pulling the trigger on himself, simple as that....


    Jesus. You WANT to let him bring more players like fucking Gooch into the club??


    you TRUST a man who automatically plays Carr???


    Roeder has been woeful, he'll learn fuck all because he thinks he was right, and he'll drag us down.

  10. you get to see the player more if your actually at the stadium watching them because you see things you wouldnt see on the tv or maybe you couldnt get your tv working in the mud hut you live in in bulgaria




    What a genius

    Well done :clap: :clap:


    Jesus, you're unbelievable. and not in a good way.

  11. NUFC06 im guessin that since your bulgarian you have never seen woodgate play at st james and thats the reason for you not knowing how good he really is. if this is the case you should have kept your mouth shut.  O0


    Why should i need to watch him at st james park to know how good he is?

    Have you ever heard of that thing called TV?

    I watched him live in 99 when England played Bulgaria in a European qualification

    Judging by your nickname i guess in 99 instead of watching the game you were playing with your LEGO...


    Its irrelevant if you watched some players live or not to decide how good they are. O0


    You genuinely think you get a complete view of the game. and the players within it, on telly?? :lol:


    I shouldn't laugh, bearing in mind your posts historically, but nonetheless: :lol: :lol:



  12. Do Boca Juniors have a relationship set up with any clubs?


    If not, it would be worth trying to follow it through. Imagine having an exclusive link with the club with the best academy and youth scouting setup in South America.


    ...and a manager with no fucking clue.


    It's be even more annoying than it is now. At least now we know our squad are in the main bollocks. It's be even worse torture watching Roeder destroy us with good players.


    Tbh, the amount of quality in our squad is depressingly high.


    No, its not. But please feel free to put on some rose tinted (or in some cases entirely opaque) glasses about Ameobi, Dyer, Shambles, Babayaro, Moore, Duff, Luque, Sibierski, etc.


    Players like Ameobi, Dyer, Duff, Given, Harper, Taylor, Solano, Milner, Parker, Emre, Butt, N'Zogbia, Martins, Owen ... represent the bulk of what could be a very good squad. Obviously, there are some duffers in the squad aswell. However, there is no doubt about it in my opinion - the individual talent on display there is of a high standard. It's case of getting the right manager and the right set-up to make it work and get the best out of the players.


    Well, i think you're wrong, but hey ho, thats football.


    In my opinion, Dyer, Emre, Parker, Harper et al can never be in a "very high" ability list, indeed some of them shouldn't even be on the park.

  13. I'd say about 6 new players, obviosuly of a certain quality* and a new manager.



    *The quality, on average, in our squad is of a pretty high standard anyway, we've just got a numpty coaching set-up


    * No, its not. We have:


    1 great keeper, 1 passable one (Harper), 1 with potential (Krul)

    2 decent defenders (Nobby and Taylor), 6 shite (Moore, Ramage, Shambles, Carr, Babayaro, Gooch)

    2 midfielders with potential to be very good (milner and the zog), 2 who are ok most of the time (Emre and Dyer), 1 who is poor (duff) and 1 who offers nowt (parker).

    1 great striker (Owen, if he comes back ok), 1 past it journeyman (Le Sib), 2 shite (Ameobi and Luque).


  14. Karate Kuyt and Gejon - When the family braincell is back in your ownership feel free to engage in a debate with me.




    It's totally irrelevant because we dont have a time machine.


    Managers do get 12 Months here, they may last a little longer than the 12 Months before they get the bullet (or resign if you believe Freddy) but they get 12 Months and we all know it.


    I agree Roeder is no better than Souness, neither is MON, but what they do have is an association with this club and a great media personality which has (and would) have bought them a little time.


    I also agree we (nearly) always appoint the wrong Manager, but there is no dead-cert in appointing a Manager, SBR had the credentials to win something, Daglish had, even Gullit and Souness had.


    Allardyce certainly hasnt and is no better than Roeder, despite being given the priceless commodity of time at Bolton.


    To re-iterate for the Simpletons, I have no problem with changing Managers if it a definite step up and if I had said anything, you'd be able to quote me.


    Bold: utter bollocks. Roeder is the worst manager in the league.

    Italics: Anyone would be.

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