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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. ... and TBh could Fergie or Wenger do any better with us this eason


    I like your optimism over Roeder, but to say SAF could have done no better this season? Oh now come on. :laugh:


    we might of gained a couple more points here and there, but are you honestly saying we would be challenging for a champions league or even automatic uefa spot.


    SAF would have already bought better, made better team and tactical choices, and not been such a cretin.


    to even pretend SAF couldn't do better than a pathetic, lying, woeful piece of shit manager exposes a painful lack of knowledge of football.


    and if you try to pretend there's an injury crisis, you're a liar and an idiot.



    ITK  :lol:


    f*** it, you know nowt, lets not pretend otherwise, and let you embarrass yourself any further.


    Bet you 50 english pounds he does not


    genius, a bet with someone you'll never meet.


    instead, how about you share how you know he won't.

  3. he's proven himself incapable of identifying the right players out of our squad. it'd be suicide to let him bring anyone else in.


    the lying cockney wanker.


    injury crisis? get to fuck. we had two players out today, effectively.

  4. NM, do you have any hobbies outside of following NUFC? I'd recomend smoking weed and jerking off at least once every few days. May make you less insanely pissed off all the time.


    i am neither a stoner nor a wanker, unlike some on here.


    apologies for being pissed off that a lying cunt is managing a team of Championship players. i wish i was able to accept it more, but hey, i can't pretend its good enough. cheers.

  5. Luque was very good player before he came here but Roeder just dont like him as a player and never gave him a chance

    You cant prove youself as a player when you play 10min every 1month


    you've clearly seen him play dozens of times live for Depor. have you ever seen him play for us?


    because he has shown fuck all ability, team play or worth, beforethe lying cockney arse was unfortunately appointed.


    he's been bloody awful, and its mainly been his fault.


    thank god he'll be away soon.

  6. 1 - its not about us making change through complaining on here. its about us having the ability - and the right - to voice our opinions.


    2 - anyone who says keep him as assistant is an idiot. he's a fucking cretin, and can't be trusted to have ANY say in the future, organisation, or anything else of our club.

  7. Theres been so much talk over the last 2 months or so about Parker leaving, being replaced and what have you. e.g the Sidwell threat. But there is no way he will leave, hes got a long contract, he's the captain (captains are captains because of their dedication to the team), and Glen bloody loves him, cause he does give it everything he has all the time. So why people even talk about this as an option i don't know...



    there's plenty of shite that gets talked about on here that is never going to happen


    doesn't stop the tards speculating


    yes, GOD FORBID that people who actually care about the best interests of the club, and talk about things that would improve us massively, like getting rid of cunts like Roeder and rubbish like Parker.


    imagine the nerve of such "tards",  talking in such hopeful terms about these positive things happening.


    every newcastle fan who doesn't meekly accept the pathetic shithouse that manages us, and the numerous below par fools who play for us, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. you make all right-minded armchair fans and spin-friendly sheep sick, and rightly so. :(


    glad I make you sick tbh, makes up for having to read the hundred or so anti-Roeder posts you make a day. you're a tiresome bore tbh. you don't want Roeder. we get it.


    for the record, not that your one dimensional rabid mind would have caught it, I don't want Roeder here either, but i'm not daft enough to think whining and bitching on a forum will change the stone cold fact that he will see out his contract.


    How marvelously naive of you to think you have any influence in what happens at NUFC btw


    when I see you burning your season ticket on MOTD I might think about retracting. Then again I might just laugh at you


    please state where i have ever said that i thought what anyone said here would change anything.


    i was under the impression that this forum was for voicing opinions, not making direct changes.  my apologies for getting that wrong, i'm just not as bright as you.


    as an aside, do you think all managers see out their contracts? did you think Souness would? unless you're ITK of course, in which case i'll be even more in awe of you than i already am. which might seem hard to believe, given the reverence that your wise and thought-provoking posts normally invoke in all of us.

  8. Theres been so much talk over the last 2 months or so about Parker leaving, being replaced and what have you. e.g the Sidwell threat. But there is no way he will leave, hes got a long contract, he's the captain (captains are captains because of their dedication to the team), and Glen bloody loves him, cause he does give it everything he has all the time. So why people even talk about this as an option i don't know...



    there's plenty of shite that gets talked about on here that is never going to happen


    doesn't stop the tards speculating


    yes, GOD FORBID that people who actually care about the best interests of the club, and talk about things that would improve us massively, like getting rid of cunts like Roeder and rubbish like Parker.


    imagine the nerve of such "tards",  talking in such hopeful terms about these positive things happening.


    every newcastle fan who doesn't meekly accept the pathetic shithouse that manages us, and the numerous below par fools who play for us, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. you make all right-minded armchair fans and spin-friendly sheep sick, and rightly so. :(

  9. just seen the pathetic excuse for journalism that Anal wrote today.


    obviously we can take anything the fatman says with a bucketful of salt. but i must admit, being forced to contemplate life next season with the worst manager in the premiership is a depressing one.


    if it wasn't for the fact that FFS is such an idiot on football matters, i'd not be scared, but he is. so the threat of a relegation battle next season under that incompetent liar Roeder has to be considered. fuck.

  10. No, he couldn't get the best out of top players for England, how do people expect him to get the best out of wor lot? He's a charlatan whose record isn't that great when you pick away at it.


    Tactics - poor

    Motivation - poor

    Preparation - poor


    He's another Souness, needs a big chequebook and has built a career on a flimsy CV.


    But hey, he's a big name right. I'd honestly rather stick with Roeder.


    For shame. The man is going to fuck us up at least as much as Souness did. We'd be better off with a short-term manager until the end of the season.

  11. even though the story is bollocks, it's fucking sad that so many people will take a huge risk like Erikson just because he would be an improvement on Roeder. Totally fucking blind, in 18 months it would be the same people saying anyone but Sven


    Yay, lets stick with a manager who will, inevitably, make even mid table seem like a far off, promised land.

  12. Would it really hurt to play Carroll alongside Martins for the rest of the season? We are safe now and Dyer/ Le Sib are not contributing beside Martins anyway so there is nothing to lose. If nothing else he is given the opportunity and the experi3nce in the way clubs like Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool give their young players a chance when things are sealed and delivered in the seasons gone by.

    Of course it would hurt. Firstly we are only 5 pionts of the Intertoto and we have games against our fellow Euro contenders like Pompey, Reading and Blackburn. Then there is the fact that every league place is worth £500,000, so if we drop 4 places we lose £2 million.


    But the other options -

    Sib: not really up to it

    Dyer: nowhere near a striker

    Erm......oh, hang on -

    Owen: not fit

    Ameobi: utter s****

    Martins on his own: does not work.


    We need to do SOMETHING.

    Though Sib complimented Martins very well against Sheffield United. I'd start that pairing against Pompey.


    He can't do it consistently, or even for an entire game. He was worth it for half a season, but he's past it now.

    What does Carroll offer though? Who knows how he'd handle a hostile and pressured enviroment like Fratton Park in a game we cannot afford to lose.


    While I agree he needs to be broken into the first team soon I don't think Saturday is the right time ot do it.


    When is, then? I suppose we could bring him on when Sib inevitably tires, but there is no-one ele i'd play.

  13. Would it really hurt to play Carroll alongside Martins for the rest of the season? We are safe now and Dyer/ Le Sib are not contributing beside Martins anyway so there is nothing to lose. If nothing else he is given the opportunity and the experi3nce in the way clubs like Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool give their young players a chance when things are sealed and delivered in the seasons gone by.

    Of course it would hurt. Firstly we are only 5 pionts of the Intertoto and we have games against our fellow Euro contenders like Pompey, Reading and Blackburn. Then there is the fact that every league place is worth £500,000, so if we drop 4 places we lose £2 million.


    But the other options -

    Sib: not really up to it

    Dyer: nowhere near a striker

    Erm......oh, hang on -

    Owen: not fit

    Ameobi: utter s****

    Martins on his own: does not work.


    We need to do SOMETHING.

    Though Sib complimented Martins very well against Sheffield United. I'd start that pairing against Pompey.


    He can't do it consistently, or even for an entire game. He was worth it for half a season, but he's past it now.

  14. Would it really hurt to play Carroll alongside Martins for the rest of the season? We are safe now and Dyer/ Le Sib are not contributing beside Martins anyway so there is nothing to lose. If nothing else he is given the opportunity and the experi3nce in the way clubs like Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool give their young players a chance when things are sealed and delivered in the seasons gone by.

    Of course it would hurt. Firstly we are only 5 pionts of the Intertoto and we have games against our fellow Euro contenders like Pompey, Reading and Blackburn. Then there is the fact that every league place is worth £500,000, so if we drop 4 places we lose £2 million.


    But the other options -

    Sib: not really up to it

    Dyer: nowhere near a striker

    Erm......oh, hang on -

    Owen: not fit

    Ameobi: utter shite

    Martins on his own: does not work.


    We need to do SOMETHING.

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