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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Does bring up a sad thought though that article, yes we will be getting rid of Bramble but we will still have the even worse Peter Ramage who will have possibly jumped the pecking order to boot! :(


    Accentuate the positive: Bramble is going.


    Eliminate the negative: if Roeder doesn't get a decent centre back, he's gone anyway.



  2. Souness had injury problems too. Maybe the most he had out was about 8 whereas Roeder has had about 11 out at its worst.  I agree Souness killed a good squad and that Roeder has steadied things. My point is should Roeder be doing better.


    As for the comments about Souness having Shearer, come on he was in is last year but Roeder has Martins who has probably scored more goals this season than Shearer and Bellamy did combined that year.


    They both had Dyer thoses 2 seasons qouted. He scored 6 goals both those seasons. He only played 4 more games for Souness than he has for Roeder so far


    No, he didn't. Not genuine first team player.s.


    And even when he DID have some out, they were often shite players he has failed to replace despite this being an absolute imperative.

  3. Mark Hughes for the toon


    the only manager that could realistically come to the Toon, and he's got 1 point less than the OMFGZZZ WIZ GUNNA GET RELIGATED Roeder


    go figure, who says fans are stupid?


    You've no idea who woudl realistically come here.


    And a manager with one less point than us, but you forget to mention a poorer squad. You're a genius.

  4. How stupid is this. Player does well, down to him. Player does shit, down to Roeder. Get a grip lads.


    I have never once said a player has played shit due to Roeder.  I have said before the TEAM has played shit due to Roeder. There is a big difference.


    No, you said no-one had improved under Roeder. When i gave some examples this was put down to the player not the manager. Same difference tbh.



    They havn`t really improved due to Roeder though have they ?  As I said further up Dyer said it was down to alot of work put in by Saunders. Sibs just got lucky and has looked as crap as before against big sides. Milner was let know that he was playing for his furture at SJP or elsewhere this season.


    Parker, Zoggy, Emre and Duff have all been a shadow of what they were before Roeder got here or their previous clubs.


    Parker and Emre offered nowt to the team under Souness. Cant see how their perfomances this season are 'a shadow of what they were' under Souness tbf.


    Dyer was tlaking about his finishing skills, not his running on and off the ball or his passing.  



    Sorry got a bit busy there.  I still doubt it was much to do with Roeder, he hasn`t been that different to the odd game under Souness. 

    I will ask him later, not that I would put the reply on here but for my own peice of mind.


    Ask who? Dyer?


    Yes. Last time I spoke to him was on msn, well the misses was before the AZ game at home, he said he would score a goal to cheer her up. He did and was laughing about it the next day.   I will pm you the answer. I`m just pretty sure Roeder has had nothing to do with the slightly improved Dyer.  He was away down here pretty much all the time out injured with a specialist. Roeder didn`t get that much time if any to improve him before he played, therefore I believe he had nothing to do with it.


    What slightly improved Dyer? He's still the same no-end-product waste of money he has been for years.

  5. ..............Given................








    Swap Milner for Dyer and that's how I'd want us to play in most away games. For home games, also swap Parker for Emre.


    You would not get a decent cross  more than once every 5 games or so. Awful midfield.

  6. Well as said on "good info" and its from someone who has told me numerous things and got them all spot on N'Zogbia has had a bad attitude for quite a while.


    In regards to the other "bad apples" Bramble is actually having his bags packed and what exactly has big bad Dyer done since Roeder has been in charge? Apart from the hideous crime of having a piss in the street what has he actually done in the last couple of years? Is Roeder expected to research before his time here and kick out those who may have been a little naughty?


    no, but he is also supposed to work with better players to identify and resolve personality issues.

  7. Reminds me of Chopra when he was scoring for the reserves but didn't make it. Of course no one gave him a chance because of Shola being the next great white hope.


    Alas neither of them were any good.

  8. Not being funny but we attracted Duff and Martins, both big names in the game. The whole "Roeder can;t attract big names" has already been proven wrong. The truth is he is just shit in a transfer window due to his hesitation to actually make a decision!



    You think Duff came here for Roeder ?  Your deluded. He came for the money and his mates in the team. Martins has come from another country and would do anything to play in the premiership.


    What he said.


  9. Well, I agree with vic.


    If you totally disregard all of Mourinho's achievements, his record does indeed look a bit crap.


    In fact, if you disregard completely all of the great things he's done, and the fact that he has not relegated numerous teams, he's on the same level as Roeder.

  10. Glem cockerney Rodent is pushing out the best prospect at the club. Kapish?


    If only life was as simple as that, obviously no chance that it could be wonderboys fault.


    probably not blameless, but Roeder is a fuckwit, he's proven himself more than capable of this. Its his job to keep talent like this. Not lose it.

    I blame Roeder for this one, on good info aswell.

    explain, please


    I could tell you but then I would have to kill you      :coolsmiley:  :knuppel2:


    Tell him! Tell him!!!

  11. "lets give him one more chance, he's BOUND to perform".


    No, actualky, lets not. He's been s****, he is s****. Get rid.

    Luque is on our side man.. he's a victim of Roeder's genius, just like you and me


    He's been shite for us from day one, regardless of the manager.

  12. I certainly don't think Roeder is the man to take us forward but the way people go about defending their favourites as if they can't have done anything wrong and its up to the manager to control these people no matter how they act is just silly.


    Someone made a good point the other day about Luque, as he hasn't performed he is the one obviously in the wrong but as Charles has given us one excellent season it must be "fuckwit" Roeder.


    I don't often claim to be "ITK" but I do know someone who gives me spot on info about training ground stuff and he was telling me in December about how we had really good team spirit about from N'Zogbia who was acting the billy big bollocks and had a bad attitude in general.


    Yes he looks a special player and yes the manager should be able to handle difficult players but how far do you go? N'Zogbia should expect a bit of competition and although I think Duff always getting the nod is stupid because he has been shit that doesn't even come into it if Charlie is thinking he is bigger than the team.


    As long as we get performances on the pitch (N'Zogbia hasn't exactly shone this season *before the excuses look at the way Milner has gotten on with it despite being treated a lot worse!*) it seems some people think the players should be able to do whatever they like (Bellamy throwing a chair at the coaching staff over a row about a parking space!).


    Now I am not comparing Charlie to the poisoned dwarf but we don't know exactly what is going on behind the scenes but to expect the manager to put up with anything as long as said player is performing is just silly. Do you with Mourinho, Ferguson, Wenger etc.. would put up with anything? I bet they wouldn't! Ferguson has a proven history of getting rid of very good players because of their attitude problems and still being succesfull (again before anyone jumps on me I am NOT comparing Roeder to Ferguson!)


    No-one on here knows what goes on on the training ground, we can all just make our opinion on the 'facts' we have.


    For me, The Zog could be a special talent, and a good manager would be able to handle any youthful attitude. The fact that anyone might want to get rid of him because of some supposed 'billy big bollocks' attitude while accepting the continuing employment of Shambles and Dyer is beyond me.


    if The Zog really IS a bad apple, peddle the cunt, but lets have a GOOD manager have a look at him first. And if he has to go, lets not pretend some of his peers are anything but horrible little scumbags as well.



  13. Glem cockerney Rodent is pushing out the best prospect at the club. Kapish?


    If only life was as simple as that, obviously no chance that it could be wonderboys fault.


    probably not blameless, but Roeder is a fuckwit, he's proven himself more than capable of this. Its his job to keep talent like this. Not lose it.

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