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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Mind, wait till he has 20 minutes of not too shite play in a game, and all of his defenders suddenly crawl out from under their rocks and start saying how he's proven he can do it.....

  2. We need to give them a chance, but everyone has the right to voice their opinion on how it'll turn out.


    Owen is not a player to drop deep, and i don't think Martins' ball control is good enough for HIM to, so i think they'll struggle. That, together with our poor central midfield (creativity-wise) and shite manager, does not fill me full of hope.

  3. Just don't think Shepherd wants to get rid.


    But if there was ever a time to get rid of Roeder, it is NOW. It really is decision time... Allardyce is potentially sat there waiting.


    I crave for it to happen, i really do. But i just don't think it will.


    Shepherd may be too stupid to do it NOW, but he'll do it, sooner rather than later.

  4. i

    Everton & Spain's Mikel Arteta.


    Who is not a striker.


    We're not going to have Roeder hopefully, so we'll be allowed to play STRIKERS up front, not 0 admottedly very very good - midfielders.


    The second part of my post was in reply to HTT.


    in that case, a superb choice, but never going to come here :(

  5. We do need strikers, mind.


    We have one great one, a potentially great one, a slow journeyman pro, and a big pile of donkey shite, pretending to be a footballer.


    but we also need a playmaker. Because even the fools who say it must be getting embarassed by the "Dyer is a matchwinner, defenders cower at the sight of him" lies.




    Diego, Tevez & Arteta are names i've suggested in the past, depressingly we're not in a position to attract any of them.


    Who hell he?

  6. If Roeder stays he'll be sacked 10 games into next season when we're languishing in the relegation zone and Sunderland are in the top half. Then Sheperd will appoint an equally incompetent manager, who will most probably enjoy a honeymoon period thus securing him a full season in charge, and the cycle will repeat itself.




    Thats going to be a struggle, we sacked Souness last time.....

  7. I think saying that players should never play for the club again and that players are a disgrace to the shirt on the back of a bad performance is a little extreme.


    It's hardly on the back of one bad performance though is it? Dyer is a f****** waste of space and has been for a long time. He's got no heart at all. Bramble has been making ridiculous mistakes for 5 or 6 years at this club and will NEVER be a good defender because of it.


    I was more referring to a comment earlier about Martins, but I dont agree with you about Dyer either though, I don't think he played particularly badly until he was asked to play DM when he didnt have a clue what he was doing and then was s***. He's not on blistering form but he isn't a waste of space. I don't know what other teams forum members are like and whether they are the same as on here but it seems that when a player hits a bad patch they are finished and should never play again, there is no patience.


    nobody's seriously calling for martin's head though? i believe that in dyer's case, he has the baggage of s*** from the past hanging on his shoulders. its almost as if he owes it to us to perform like stevie g week in week out, so fair enough.

    that being said, from an objective point of view, can u name me one aspect of his game which is better than average other than his pace and stamina?


    When he's on form I think he is very good at running at players and beating his man. He showed when he returned from injury that he can find the net as well. He is good at opening teams up, only problem with him however is where to play him. I think everyone is performing way under par under Roeder apart from maybe Milner, and we'll only see players shine when a manager comes in that knows what he is doing. I don't particularly like Allardyce but he could certainly do a lot for us and bring the best out of players such as Dyer.


    Yet historically his goals and assists figures are poor.


    He has little end product, just runs fast with the ball. Very, very average.

  8. Harper 5 - It makes me sad that we make a decent enough keeper play in the same team as Shambles.

    Solano 4 - Not a good game. But better than Shambles.

    Carr 5 - Less shite than normal, still has to go. Better than Shambles, despite being on the wrong side and thew wrong foot, and shit.

    Bramble 3 - Talent? Potential? Pace? Tackling? Get to fuck, you useless stupid fat monkey.

    Taylor 7 - Best defender again. A genuine talent, soon to be riuned by Roeder. Immeasurably better than Shambles.

    Milner 6 - Stop taking corners. Caused a few problems for the full back, but on the wrong side, again. Better defender than Shambles.

    Dyer 4 - You are not a great player, you are nto a captain, and you have no place at this club. Please feel free to actually have whatever made-up disease you claim to have for sympathy. Shambles Mk2.

    Emre 5 - Out of position (as 4 or 5 others were over the course of this game). Never plays that well when we are under the cosh, it seems. At least he's not Shambles

    (Ameobi 4 - touch of a (debutant) rapist. A striking Shamles.

    Sibierski 5 - Not a good enough player, but at least he gets in the right positions. Betterdefending than Shambles.

    (N'Zogbia 3 - nowt to say, except its probably Shambles' fault)

    Martins 5 - Not a good game, not the finished article by a long shot. Faster than Shambles.

    Owen 6 - Impressive return, but should be able to beat  ateam like Reading's offside trap more comprehensively. Hopefully this will come as he gets sharp again. The opposite of Shambles - talented, quick, able, not a useless stupid fat monkey.


    Roeder 2 - Get to fuck. Worst manager in the league. Shambles of a manager.

  9. We do need strikers, mind.


    We have one great one, a potentially great one, a slow journeyman pro, and a big pile of donkey shite, pretending to be a footballer.


    but we also need a playmaker. Because even the fools who say it must be getting embarassed by the "Dyer is a matchwinner, defenders cower at the sight of him" lies.

  10. Laugh at the cretins who defend him, as he takes us down.

    singing that last season weren't you ?


    Pack it in, you crazy stalker.  :lol:


    The manager you for some reason like is s***, the worst in the league, and has won ONE out of the last NINE games.



    the manager i like ???? nonono   the manager i think is better than the worst manager ever in the history of the world as you try to make him out......which one of those mentioned would you have instead?


    I can't remember who you were blathering on about. But in reality, i'd take any of them over Roeder.


    Who i have NEVER said is the worst ever in the history of the world. But he IS the worst in the Premiership right now.

  11. that has to be the single worst performance by a captain that I have ever witnessed - and thats any player for any team, not just the toon.

    He visibly couldnt be arsed when he realised he had to play a bit defensive.

    He should be paid off and kicked out of the club tomorrow... just take the financial hit. It will be worth every penny

    The man is a disgrace.




    Ooh, you wait till the fools who think he is international class get here. They'll call you names for telling the truth about poor ickle Kieron.


    The diseased, dirty little wanker.

  12. Laugh at the cretins who defend him, as he takes us down.

    singing that last season weren't you ?


    Pack it in, you crazy stalker.  :lol:


    The manager you for some reason like is shit, the worst in the league, and has won ONE out of the last NINE games.



  13. Just got a text off a mate - a non Mag - saying sorry, he can see why i have been so pessimistic. He set out in a single text the things that w****** Roeder can't see.


    There were also people on here saying give Roeder next season as well - you were wrong, most of us knew you were, and now you should own up.

    rather him than pardew,curbishley,coleman,pearce,o'neill showed us all this season hasn't he?


    allardyce is a maybe but your "anyone bar roeder" style rants without naming anyone is particularly childish.but then that's what we expect from you,there is excellent and shit.



    Roeder is the worst mamager in the league, but you won't be able to see that will you, what with your 'little problem'.


    Please feel free to put YOUR opinions down, instead of just bleating on about mine like a little pussy. Good luck with that.

  14. Never been good enough, but even a month or possibly less, there were mentals on here defending him.


    Useless fat w******. Potential? Oh yes. He has the potential to be a match loser every game.


    HA HA HA HA!!!!


    GREAT STUFF!!! We are from the same stock


    What are views on Peter Damage.


    he rates him highly.our 3rd best defender i think he said


    You're partly right, which is better than normal for you, i suppose.


    Ramage IS our 3rd best defender. But only because the others are so fucking awful.


    Taylo has talent, Solano can do a job, Ramage can sometimes hold his own, the other "first teamers" are absolute shite.

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