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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Do Boca Juniors have a relationship set up with any clubs?


    If not, it would be worth trying to follow it through. Imagine having an exclusive link with the club with the best academy and youth scouting setup in South America.


    ...and a manager with no fucking clue.


    It's be even more annoying than it is now. At least now we know our squad are in the main bollocks. It's be even worse torture watching Roeder destroy us with good players.


    Tbh, the amount of quality in our squad is depressingly high.


    No, its not. But please feel free to put on some rose tinted (or in some cases entirely opaque) glasses about Ameobi, Dyer, Shambles, Babayaro, Moore, Duff, Luque, Sibierski, etc.

  2. Do Boca Juniors have a relationship set up with any clubs?


    If not, it would be worth trying to follow it through. Imagine having an exclusive link with the club with the best academy and youth scouting setup in South America.


    ...and a manager with no fucking clue.


    It's be even more annoying than it is now. At least now we know our squad are in the main bollocks. It's be even worse torture watching Roeder destroy us with good players.

  3. Our over-expetancy as fans.


    Two losses in a row and you have SKy new breeds and idiots all over here demanding change from Chairman and Manager to tea lady and kitman.


    We've never won fuck all in most of our lifetimes, why the fuck do we expect and demand success and if we havent got it in 12 Months we want wholesale changes?


    Another shit season this Year and apathy setting right in will weed a lot of the shit out hopefully  :coolsmiley:


    Then maybe the team can perform without a crisis every other week  :angel:


    To perform, we need a decent manager and a top half Premiership team. We have neither.

  4. http://Two losses in a row and you have SKy new breeds and idiots all over here demanding change from Chairman and Manager to tea lady and kitman.


    This "Sky fans" sh*t boils my piss. Considering everyone under the age of 25 wouldn't have really been match-goers before Sky came in with the Premier League, it's bollocks.


    There are still a lot of fans who actually think that itsbetter to watch on the telly, and feel qualified to comment on the entire game despite only therefore seeing a part of it. THAT'S what Sky has done to the fans.

  5. Lee Clark - Coach or Scout? Roeder, you're an idiot.


    As for Anal: Nobby "just edges" ahead of Asprilla as the greatest South American player we've had????? Now, there was no doubting Tino's ability, but coem on, how important has Solano been to us??? Fuck off, Oliver, you're an idiot.


  6. Made a couple of mistakes but did well in general. No doubt anything good from the performance will be ignored by the "Bramble is the worst defender ever" crew.


    He didn't do too bad, but he made some shocking decisions to backup the idea that he is not capable of having an entirely good game. Overall, i'd give him a 6/10.


    Keeping Bramble would be an acknowledgement that s*** is good enough.


    a 6 out of 10 (harsh btw) implies a sound performance. Against Chelsea i'd say that is a good game


    personally i thought he was shakey first 5 mintes of both halves, but apart from that, he was great. The way he was imposing himself in the last half hour, winning everything, putting in killer tackles............


    i'll miss that if he goes, we don't really have another defender in that mould


    We don't need him, we need a competent defender. He's too much of a liability.

  7. Milner is the only real right winger we have now, with Nobby being (a) 47 and also (b) our only right back.


    He could maybe be 2nd backup on the left, but we can't afford to lose him from the right too much, as there's no-one else to play there.

  8. Harper - 7 - did what he had to well. Better distribution that Given.

    Solano - 7 - our best right back.

    Bramble - 6 - Not bad, fewer fuckups, but still made his typical errors.

    Taylor - 7 - Did very well, considering who he was next to.

    Carr - 6 - Shite defender in "did alright" shocker. But please, in summer, fuck off.

    Dyer - 4 - Why does he get played there? Not a great footballer, and not a great winger.

    Butt - 7 - Again, impressive.

    Emre - 6 - Loses the ball too much still, but tried to make something happen.

    Milner - 7 - Still improving, deserves his place in the team.

    Sibierski - 6 - Did ok, nothing special. Shouldn't really get a game, but we are desperate.

    Martins - 6 - Positionally weak again at times. More bluster than product, but midfield yet again didn't help him.

  9. How can you include Carroll, Patisson, O'Brien and Edgar in the poll who have all played less than 5 games, and then not include Luque who has played in more and scored?[/Luque-fanboy]


    "player of the season", not "useless overrated shithouse of the season".

  10. Made a couple of mistakes but did well in general. No doubt anything good from the performance will be ignored by the "Bramble is the worst defender ever" crew.


    He didn't do too bad, but he made some shocking decisions to backup the idea that he is not capable of having an entirely good game. Overall, i'd give him a 6/10.


    Keeping Bramble would be an acknowledgement that shit is good enough.

  11. They are both "game-losers" but Bramble has quality moments in between which is the difference between the two. Like when he completely fucks up but managers to get back and put in a last ditch tackle, Ramage doesn't have the attribute (pace) to do that.


    Brambles pace is massively overrated, as is his pathetic passing.


    End of the day, neither of them should be playing for us, they're both utter shite.


    Shambles will never come good, as he is NOT a good footballer.

  12. Thats the thing, Bramble has been making mistakes for longer because he was seen as good enough a long time ago, Ramage wasn't ever really seen as good enough but got thrown in be because there was no other option, did ok for a few games and earnt a contract.


    Ramage is basically Bramble at his worst in every game he plays.


    BRAMBLE is pretty much Bramble at his worst in every game he plays. He only ever has 2 or 3 games a season where he doesn't make a cunt of himself and us.


    He's a laughing stock, and he makes us a laughing stock.


    I mean Bramble can do some excellent things during a game then throw it all away with somethng stupid. Ramage will play poor the whole game then make it even worse by gifting them a goal or 2.


    I don't think Ramage is any worse than Shambles. They are both game-losers.

  13. So all of that isn't necessarily about Bramble, then? The player who seemed to be the immediate casualty of the aftermath as he was dropped fully. Okay.


    I've never had Bramble down as being a genius... but surely he will realise exactly what the situation is, no matter how you try and spin it in Roeder's favour. He knows that before Onyewu got injured and before Moore got found-out he was never going to play for this football club again and he knows that Roeder has criticised him in the media after the AZ game, he will surely know that.


    Now, after being out of his plans there is a chance he might play for us again (only a chance mind, I wouldn't be surprised to see Ramage in there after all of this conjecture!) and Roeder's dangling this "carrot" in front of his face about getting a new contract. Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit of a daft motivation technique?


    Perhaps, if Bramble does play, he's doing nowt but putting himself in the shop window in order to try and drum-up his price a bit with a good performance? Or perhaps Ramage, as Oliver wrote, is still not match fit?


    We obviously won't know until the day what happens, but the original point remains that he was made a scapegoat and yet again it's blown-up in Roeder's face, seeing him do yet another one-eighty and having to pick Titus Bramble after all-but pushing him out of the door. You cannot deny this at all. The fact you're saying he was rightly made a scapegoat by Roeder and now saying Glenn is doing right by trying to motivate him to play (when surely Titus knows it's hopeless) is the real bollocks in this thread. Not the posts you've cited as being so.


    It's laughable, man. I can understand why people defend Roeder, but I wish they'd defend him on the things he actually does right and not when it's plain to see he's been made to look a clown again.


    hahahahahaahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

  14. Thats the thing, Bramble has been making mistakes for longer because he was seen as good enough a long time ago, Ramage wasn't ever really seen as good enough but got thrown in be because there was no other option, did ok for a few games and earnt a contract.


    Ramage is basically Bramble at his worst in every game he plays.


    BRAMBLE is pretty much Bramble at his worst in every game he plays. He only ever has 2 or 3 games a season where he doesn't make a cunt of himself and us.


    He's a laughing stock, and he makes us a laughing stock.

  15. Because if Chelsea lost Drogba for the whole season they wouldnt have suffered a hell of a lot!!?


    1. not even mourinho would whine so much about it, the way freddie whined over owen.

    2. chelsea would still be title contenders with or without drogba.

    what are you talking about? When terry was out for a period of weeks all you heard was "well, we're missing our best player" from mourinho. At least roeder didn;t start bitching about injuries until a few months of shit luck.


    Not shit luck. Shit management and shit transfer activity.

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