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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. exactly . This is what i mean dyer 3 years ago man u were linked for £20m now quotes of 5mill at the most


    Dyer was only linked for £20m by his agent, idiots, and a very small section of the press.

  2. What financial capital have we got in our team. Previous years we have been able to sell players and recieve a bit of money for them. I have a look now and think the only capital we would have is with Martins, Owen, Dyer and Maybe steven Taylor.


    This to me is not good as it will either mean we will have little money in the summer as we will not be able to raise any with the dross int he current squad.



    You think Dyer has a significant value? Mental.


    Given to a small degree, Taylor, Milner, The Zog (small), Emre (small), Owen and Martins.

  3. Well

    I am not sure if the childish remark is aimed at me but I fail to see what I posted there that was.


    Also in reply to the statement that I should stop saying you weren't banned have a look at what I posted, I never said you weren't I passed comment on the editing of posts...


    no, it is not aimed at you. It is aimed at the clueless, and very sad wullie, who appears to have been the one that had nothing else to do, and to a lesser extent baggio for supporting him, because although he talks bollocks when he spouts his DOF stuff he can back it up with some facts. It is just that I disagree. And I can also back it up with examples.


    I am aware you didn't claim to be saying that I was banned, so apologies for that, but I am making the point that I actually was banned - for comments made on another message board - and somebody knows that it is true, that person being the one who banned me. I would guess it may be the same person who edited the post, who knows, and actually, who cares. Such daft things are just the actions of tossers mate.




    Out of interest how long ago was this banning?


    Also if the post was edited then surely someone would have noticed it before, maybe even at the time or did someone wait a few months, edit it then hope someone would check randomly some time in the next year or so and bring it back up again? All seems a bit too much like grasping at straws to me.


    Surprisingly - possibly - for you, close to the mark. I can't see the poster leaving it if he had been aware of it can you ?


    This point has been made previously btw


    HTL, swindonmag and stevieh84 - at least - will confirm that someone on toontastic has a history of this sort of thing.






    Close to the mark?


    I kind of remember editing going on but wasn't that quoting and editing the text not actually editing the original post?


    Not sure how it works on that board but any other forum I have used it comes up with a notice stating the time and date something was edited?


    shouldn't pass opinion if you don't keep up with whats going on






    Well your "story" seems a bit too strung out to me and you never admit when you are wrong but hey ho carry on Jackanory.


    OMG Gemmill you edited my post!!!!11111oneone!!!111


    Prove it.

  4. No Bent. We got enough of good attacking player and the defence need the money moore if we want to defend next season.


    :lol: :lol:


    We have ONE good enough forward, one potentially good enough, and NOTHING else. Well done.

  5. Bottom line:-


    He's not even Championship standard, man.

    He MUST go before he is given the chance to complete his hat trick and get us relegated next year.

    I agree with every word on nufc.com, and the problem is the fat b*stard.

    His unnerring ability to pick the worst possible manager for NUFC is eerie.


    Add in the fact that fair enough, Allardyce might not be ideal, but we HAVE to get better than Roeder ASAP, and you've got it.

  6. Is that you admitting it was your old post? ;)


    I'll admit to owt me, doesn't make it true. Like those nerds at the end of Dead Poet's Society, only less gay. And not standing on a desk. And not a boarding school hom.


    O captain, my captain!


    Thats the nerds! God bless them, and their sentimental claptrap. Next time round that campfire, you KNOW the boarding school freaks would have been "experimenting" with each other cocks, not poetry.....

  7. Very funny Mick. Brilliant actually - you moan about the match non-stop but still you probably go dont you - hmm why is that - if u dont enjoy it dont go and if u do go dont boo turn your back like the rest of these ignorant glory hounds - if u all want success for your club that badly go and support the top 4. If not stop fuckin moaning




    you were probably one of the "i support Souness/Roeder because he's the manager of the club and we have to support the club" nobheads weren't you.


    It should be fairly obvious by now, even to Luque's rent-boys, that he must be showing an extremely poor attitude on a day by day basis toward training, building up to match day and probably even toward being a part of the 'group' of players.


    In short, he has an attitude problem that is down to him and nobody else.


    Wonder no more.


    I would be on your side if our manager is Mourinho, SAF, Wenger, or even Allardyce.


    But what we have is Roeder, this explains everything.


    Did Roeder make him unabel to control a football, run to the correct positions, or pass with anylike like a pro footballers level of skill??


    Was Roeder controlling him remotely?


    I can't believe there are still fans wanting to suck him off because of a cleverly editted stuff on the web, and a reputation in Spain.


    How many people who go to the match - and see the movement off the ball, etc, that you DON'T see on telly - actually think he was a good individual footballer, and how many think he stank like Shambles jockstrap?


    For me - jockstrap.

  9. how clearly fake is the west ham one??

    It definately their new shirt, but obviously the sponsor is put on with photoshop. XL will be their sponsor tho, and their logo will look like that.


    i know that, it just looks shit with the logo faked on.

  10. Roeder will be manager next season, the reason for this is he's on 2 year contract and once that is up Shearer will become manager. If Allardyce is appointed this summer Shearer won't be manager for as soon.

    I for one would love to see Shearer manager so am prepared (and pay for my season ticket) this season to endure the torture (hope I'm wrong) of Roeder for Shearer to take over.


    That is ENTIRLEY conjecture.


    Also, there's a good chance we'd be in the Championship if Roeder stays, i reckon. Is it worth THAT, just to get a fella in who ised to be a very good footballer, years ago?

  11. Aye he's been on SSN denying the campbell rumours. Fair enough the policy of not spending money on players over 30 but can't help feeling that he regreted missing out on Campbell.


    Exactly - could have had him for nowt last summer - if he wants him this year, Redknapp will want a decent fee, as he has another year left on his contract.


    Still can't understand why he passed up the chance on Campbell, then signed Sibierski - other than shear desperation at the end of the transfer window!




    Stupidity, desperation and a lack of managerial ability.


    In other words clueless rat


    I think clueless is kind. Mr Bean is clueless. Frank Spencer is clueless. Roeder is a stupiud, lying, good for nothing cunt.

  12. Aye he's been on SSN denying the campbell rumours. Fair enough the policy of not spending money on players over 30 but can't help feeling that he regreted missing out on Campbell.


    Exactly - could have had him for nowt last summer - if he wants him this year, Redknapp will want a decent fee, as he has another year left on his contract.


    Still can't understand why he passed up the chance on Campbell, then signed Sibierski - other than shear desperation at the end of the transfer window!




    Stupidity, desperation and a lack of managerial ability.

  13. It was live on BBC1 this game, I've still got it on tape somewhere, and Jimmy Hill says it at the end "what a wonderful day it will be for English football when Newcastle are back in the top flight competing for trophies."


    Live ?


    I'm gonna challenge you on this


    We lost 2-0 at OT last game of our relegation season (88/89) - quite why that game would be live


    Sure you haven't got MOTD highlights?



    I'm sure it'll warm up soon.....

  14. Glenn On Summer Signings Latest


    GLENN Roeder says that he has already identified some of his summer transfer targets and promises a busy close season at St.James' Park.


    The United boss has met with chairman Freddy Shepherd in recent weeks to discuss close season signings, and Roeder admits he already has some players in mind.


    Glenn told nufc.co.uk: "It will be a busy summer, I've already had meetings with the chairman and there are more meetings planned.



    Glenn's meeting list


    1.  Get sacked

    2.  Agree compensation/pay off

    3.  Agree gagging clause

    4.  Say goodbye to players & staff



    <crosses fingers>

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