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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Hyypia would be a mistake imo


    A mistake for Hyypia you mean!


    JOKE honest!


    It wouldn't be a mistake at all. He'd be a hugely calming influence for Newcastle. He's played well this season when called upon, and he had a very good season last year. He's still an excellent defender, and well suited to the prem and the bombardment into the peno box that accomapnies it!


    Doesn't matter about his age or pace, he's always been slow.  He ain't done so badly for himself without that pace.


    Some of our fans (wrongly) think Shambles is blessed with great pace.


    A slow, good defender, or Shambles? Christ, i'd pay the stupid fat useless monkeys metro fare to the airport myself.

  2. Like may Dutch forwards/wingers he is wildly overated mainly cause he scored a hatful of goals in a weak league. We will see, but I think Martins will score more (Owen you can bet your house on it) than Kalou or Kuyt next year. Kuyt overall game is better than Martins but he has no 'X' factor.

    Martins has often scored when we were getting pummeled for posession and had no control of matches. I don't think he will ever have a first touch or develop the awareness of Anelka, but he will get his share of goals.


    It is different though. Kezman is basically a poacher with a slight physique, whereas Kuyt, like Kalou, is an all rounder. It isn't surprising Huntelaar is yet to be bought by an European giant as he is similar Kezman, with his limitness rending him more highly floppable in foreign leagues.


    Kalou, like Marins, is bought with future in mind. I wouldn't them mind not scoring tonnes of goals immediately, as long as they show potential and promise. Kuyt is bought to deliver immediate results, and I definitely won't say that he hasn't.


    I agree Martins has shown promise. Thing is, teams like us don't spend THAT much money on a player "for the future" - not when you only have one actual striker at the club, and he's crocked.

  3. Would like Landon Donovan here. Still young, an attacking midfielder/centre foward. Rob Lee-ish


    ahhhhh hahahahahaha you must be on crack...or didn't watch a bit of the world cup. i live in the US..the only place that whinny cunt can survive and score a goal or two


    The only place?? You clearly haven't seen much scottish football. ;)

  4. It's one of those things that I'll only discover once the game starts. The voices in my head will then take over.


    I'm not sure that anything's been decided, but realistically, defeat in the next two games would increase the pressure on Shepherd to replace Roeder and hopefully take himself off as well. It'll increase the determination of the Halls to sell up or at least push through other changes.

  5. No title, just a big steaming turd on the front.


    Do you think we could find a big enough picture of Albert Luque?


    Not one from a game where he played well in. Unless you can capture a still off the internet from his pre-Toon "highlights" compilation......

  6. http://www.ave-it.net/astonvillakit.jpg




    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah get it away, get it away!!


    What, the strip or the duvet cover??

  7. "Fuck off Roeder you cock-sucking lying cretin"




    Add the word "useless" between you and cock and that's pretty much spot on.


    There wasn't room on the front of the DVD, i didn't want the lettering to be too small. :)


    Glenn Roeder doesn't make excuses for the DVD title!


    But....we have had the worst series of DVD-based porblems in the history of home sports viewings......

  8. "Fuck off Roeder you cock-sucking lying cretin"




    Add the word "useless" between you and cock and that's pretty much spot on.


    There wasn't room on the front of the DVD, i didn't want the lettering to be too small. :)

  9. Would allardyce's backroom staff be accompanying him? he employs 21 full time specialists, without them he may be much less effective, O'Neill without Robertson and Walford, or Dalglish without Harford, for instance. Though, if Allardyce is given carte blanche to bring in whoever he wants and revolutionise the running of the club from the top to bottom, he'd be a very good choice as manager.


    It's definitely the case that for Allardyce to have the kind of impact that makes him worth the bother, "backing the manager" would mean Freddie doing more than just providing some funds for players.


    It would also mean us lot being patient for a while. I doubt there'd be instant fantastic results. Allardyce, or any manager, would need a season or two to get things sorted.


    I think there would be an immediate improvement, not to the levels we think we SHOULD be at, but just getting rid of the existing cretin would make us better.

  10. No, i don't want us to lose.


    But if we do, i'd be nowhere near as arsed as i used to be - partly because i expect it, partly because we'd be beaten by a better team with a better manager, and partly because it would speed that lying wankers departure.

  11. Think most people would have said Huntington was better than Baba before the AZ game..


    I woudl still say that. He's still played better for us that Babayaro this season.


    Think its more of a case of "xxxxxxx is the worst player in the world, my nan would do better..." Huntington at left back against AZ was far worse than Baba has ever played for us imo. At least Baba knows where he is supposed to be even if he is half arsed and not very good most of the time.


    If Babayaro knows where he should be, then he shoudl be taken to court for the wages he was paid for pretty much every game he's ever played for us, because he totally ignored that.

  12. Glenn Roeder will be Newcastle manager on September the 1st.


    If he isn't - ban me.


    You know - everyone knows - that you aren't ITK, and that you are only saying he'll be here becayse he "has a contract". As if thats ever stopped a manager being sacked.


    Not that at all. I just don't reckon he'll get sacked. Or resign.


    FS has seen through Roeder. He's gone man.


    Knowing Shepherd as well as i do, ;), i just don't think he wants to get rid of him. Largely due to all of this Geordie nation stuff... he's already dubbed Roeder an adopted Geordie, and he knows that someone like him gives him the best chance of his dreamy team-of-eleven-geordies.


    Plus, he's already promised to give him the players he wants in the summer.


    He'll sack him 10 games-ish into next season, i reckon.


    Promised to give him the players he wants???? You believe that?

  13. Glenn Roeder will be Newcastle manager on September the 1st.


    If he isn't - ban me.


    You know - everyone knows - that you aren't ITK, and that you are only saying he'll be here becayse he "has a contract". As if thats ever stopped a manager being sacked.


    Not that at all. I just don't reckon he'll get sacked. Or resign.


    You don't think Roeder has been sussed?? He's finished, thank fuck.

  14. i would be tempted to throw Gooch in for one of the next two games, Bramble in the seconed,just to make sure they are still shit..


    and i really think we should play ALL of our subs/reserves in the Watford game,just leave Owen- Ameobi as they need games to return to fitness




    I think we can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are still shite.


    I'd play Ameobi ever second i could for the rest of the season, in the hope of crocking him for good.

  15. Who do wehave fit out of the centre backs?


    And by that, i mean ones that aren't big piles of donkey jizzum like Shambles and "Gooch".






    Just leaves Taylor doesnt it?


    What about the second string?


    And by that, i still don't mean big piles of donkey jizzum like Shambles and "Gooch".


    Second string are worse than the donkey jizzum tbh.


    I very much doubt that. For example, Edgar is better than Babayaro. 2nd string better than jizzum, right there.

  16. Butt,Parker and Given are doubts for this match, Emre, Sibierski  and Duff are out



    If all are confirmed out,i would like to see us play:




                               Solano   Taylor  Bramble  Carr


                                 Milner      N'Zogbia     Luque


                                       Owen      Ameobi   Martins



    But i am thinking Roeder would go with Dyer in instead of Luque, and putting a Midfield of Dyer-N'Zogbia- Milner ..or using one of our defenders in the midfield and keeping Zoggy on the bench






    Luque again?? Give it up, man.


    Hey, i said this is how I  would play :D


    I know, and thats just as bad. :)

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