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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Glenn Roeder will be Newcastle manager on September the 1st.


    If he isn't - ban me.


    You know - everyone knows - that you aren't ITK, and that you are only saying he'll be here becayse he "has a contract". As if thats ever stopped a manager being sacked.

  2. Butt,Parker and Given are doubts for this match, Emre, Sibierski  and Duff are out



    If all are confirmed out,i would like to see us play:




                               Solano   Taylor  Bramble  Carr


                                 Milner      N'Zogbia     Luque


                                       Owen      Ameobi   Martins



    But i am thinking Roeder would go with Dyer in instead of Luque, and putting a Midfield of Dyer-N'Zogbia- Milner ..or using one of our defenders in the midfield and keeping Zoggy on the bench






    Luque again?? Give it up, man.

  3. At Liverpool he's been in a rotation policy. Martins has been the only choice pretty much all season.


    FYP ;)


    Like may Dutch forwards/wingers he is wildly overated mainly cause he scored a hatful of goals in a weak league. We will see, but I think Martins will score more (Owen you can bet your house on it) than Kalou or Kuyt next year. Kuyt overall game is better than Martins but he has no 'X' factor.

    Martins has often scored when we were getting pummeled for posession and had no control of matches. I don't think he will ever have a first touch or develop the awareness of Anelka, but he will get his share of goals.


    Well, I like players more who regularly contribute to the game and make the team better as a unit. So I can easily do without a player whose only contribution is the occasional flash of magic and whose 'X' factor is to stand out in between crap. People often say that the goal from Martins saved us from relegation. I won't deny that, but I am not sure if actually a player with better positional play, better movement and better link up play would have made an even bigger impact in those games we lost easily as we couldn't create anything up front (i.e. the games against the likes of Charlton, Man City etc.)


    Owen is better at these parts of the game but is often completely anonymous. He was even shocking in the West Ham game but got a hattrick. 


    And? Of course a player can be poor at times, especially strikers relying on service. But in gerenal, Owen's all around game is way ahead of the game of Martins. It would have made much more sense to buy a supporting striker for Owen for the long term and maybe a goalgetter for the short term. This would have also saved us from relegation imho. But now we face the problem of having to multi-million pound strikers who probably hardly fit together. Martins game is very limited imho and I am not sure if actually the role he played at Inter was getting the best out of him - being a super sub to throw on at the end of matches. For 10m a bit of a luxury if you ask me.


    Maybe but we only bought in one striker so a support striker would have been useless with nothing to support.


    We probably would have done better if we signed McCarthy and Anelka but we signed Martins and he has done a good job. Doesn't deserve half the stick he gets and the negative parts of his game are vastly exaggerated because people think others are over-rating him.


    martins has done some good stuff, but he has also shown some glaring and serious deficiencies. to ignore these would be foolish. we desperately need a player to go alongside Owen, how  Martins will be accomodated is less important than getting the best personnel for the club.

  4. the solution to our problems in defence is to buy a  right back, two centre backs and a left back.


    we can bleat on as much as we like about not having the money to do all of that, but fundamentally, if we want to fix ourselves, thats what we need.

  5. Hyypia?


    Well done to Glenn for realising what we need, like. We're crying out for an experienced head at the back.


    yeah, well done Glenn, you clueless c***. You're a year too late, and not capable of the job, but well done.


    Its like a teacher saying well done to a retarded kid who has just managed to understand that 1+1 = 2 a year after his classmates started learning pythagoras and calculus.


    Not really, to be fair.


    Well, LITERALLY, its like saying well done to a stupid, crap, useless, worthless manager, who has realised a year too late soemthing that pretty much everyone else in the country knew ages ago. But you get tmonkey's point.


    I do, yeah.


    God damn monkeys, always sticking up for each other.



  6. We need creativity and movement in midfield. Goals win games obviously, and it's true if we weren't so uncreative we would have picked up MANY more points. That needs to be addressed more than a complete defence overhaul. We should be looking to improve the defence obviously, but not all in one transfer window as we'll end up scoring fuck all goals. again.




    I still beleive we are 3 players and a manager short of a top 4 side.


    3 players?




    Your laughing and you don't even know their names.....Bit of a gamble... :cheesy:





















    Ok maybe 4. But I don't beleive we are in a position to buy more than that this summer.


    4 players? I refer you to my earlier "hahahahahahahahahaha"


    You think we have SEVEN players good enough for the top 4? Christ, thats being kind.


    I can count 2. And 3 more who MIGHT become good enough. But only 2 now.


    NM we haven't got the money to spunk on a whole new team. I DO believe with a top notch manager and good organisation 3/4 good buys we can challenge for top 4 yes. Shoot me. :)


    Spurs and Everton and Bolton who all at some point challenged for the top 4 last 2/3 seasons are very average sides.


    Its not about what we CAN buy, it's about who we WOULD need.


    You think shite like Parker, Dyer, Carr, Bramble et al are good enough?


    We have a keeper and a striker who are good enough now, thats it.

    Martins, the Zog, Taylor (and maybe Milner, POSSIBLY) might become good enough.

    The rest aren't, and won't be.

  7. Hyypia?


    Well done to Glenn for realising what we need, like. We're crying out for an experienced head at the back.


    yeah, well done Glenn, you clueless c***. You're a year too late, and not capable of the job, but well done.


    Its like a teacher saying well done to a retarded kid who has just managed to understand that 1+1 = 2 a year after his classmates started learning pythagoras and calculus.


    Not really, to be fair.


    Well, LITERALLY, its like saying well done to a stupid, crap, useless, worthless manager, who has realised a year too late soemthing that pretty much everyone else in the country knew ages ago. But you get tmonkey's point.

  8. We need creativity and movement in midfield. Goals win games obviously, and it's true if we weren't so uncreative we would have picked up MANY more points. That needs to be addressed more than a complete defence overhaul. We should be looking to improve the defence obviously, but not all in one transfer window as we'll end up scoring fuck all goals. again.




    I still beleive we are 3 players and a manager short of a top 4 side.


    3 players?




    Your laughing and you don't even know their names.....Bit of a gamble... :cheesy:





















    Ok maybe 4. But I don't beleive we are in a position to buy more than that this summer.


    4 players? I refer you to my earlier "hahahahahahahahahaha"


    You think we have SEVEN players good enough for the top 4? Christ, thats being kind.


    I can count 2. And 3 more who MIGHT become good enough. But only 2 now.

  9. Hyypia?


    Well done to Glenn for realising what we need, like. We're crying out for an experienced head at the back.


    yeah, well done Glenn, you clueless cunt. You're a year too late, and not capable of the job, but well done.

  10. We need creativity and movement in midfield. Goals win games obviously, and it's true if we weren't so uncreative we would have picked up MANY more points. That needs to be addressed more than a complete defence overhaul. We should be looking to improve the defence obviously, but not all in one transfer window as we'll end up scoring fuck all goals. again.




    I still beleive we are 3 players and a manager short of a top 4 side.


    3 players?



  11. Significantly better player than Sidwell, likewise would have him here if we had a manager who could control him/keep him in line.


    If Stuart Pearce can't, who can?


    Someone competent.


    He best not come here then.

  12. One season too late mate...If Roeder decides to bring him now then that would be enough proof to everyone that Roeder is CLUELESS as he could have tried to get him at the start of the season instead but he didn't...


    I think thats been proven a while ago.


  13. We need a f****** playmaker. Welcome to the real world Michael Owen, where you will be asked to jump 10ft high just to see the patch on the ball.


    We need a quality striker and proper quality in the midfield. 37 goals scored tells it's own story and it's one that won't be fixed by signing a left back, no matter how much some people think it will.  :D


    Next year we've got a quality striker in Owen, and promising talent in Martins. Ameobi and to a lesser degree Carroll/Sibierski/Dyer can do a job. Agree on the midfield.


    44 goals leaked tells another story, next year we have nobody whatsoever to play in the defence, never mind left back...


    We've done this before though, so i'm going to be quiet now. ;)



  14. Kuijt actually has impressed me a lot. His goal return isn't too bad and his workrate and movement is exceptional. To say that Martins has been a better value is kidding yourself.


    I think it's close. Tbf to Martins, Kujit has been playing for Liverpool all season and our boy for a Sunday league side.


    Kuyt has still been better, all round.

  15. Nothing more to say on the Spurs rumours, excellent way of quashing them then.

    I think he meant nothing more to say on it after what Roeder had said, It looks more like he has been worried about the club wanting shot of him and not a case of him wanting away like had been suggested on here.


    Why would we want shot of him man? I mean he gives so much to the team.

    He probably read the fkn s**** on here and believed it. :D


    All that shite abotu him being a great player? Christ, i hope he didn't believe that, the diseased little cunt.

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