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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. 12m is too much money for Bent.


    6m would be about right...


    I dont think he is the answer to our front line.


    I cant see a mix of our front me working anyway you look at it.


    Shola + Owen

    Shola + Martins

    Owen + Bent

    ... etc

    ... etc


    you get the idea


    You see a combination of Shola and someone else working?? You don't actually watch any of our games, ever, do you.


    At Liverpool he's scored ONE more goal than Martins. He is 4/5 years older and he has NO pace. Liverpool have struggled all season with their lacklustre forward line. He will NOT be first choice next term.



    oh yes he will.


    Kuyt has had a decent, if not great first season. The one issue is his lack of pace, but Liverpool would have known about that when they signed him. So it obviously isn't a huge issue to them.


    Of the strikers we have now, Crouch and Kuyt should be here for the long term, both are good strikers that both offer a very different style of play, and if Liverpool get a good goal scorer in, there is no reason whatsover to suggest that Kuyt wouldn't be a regular. He will be. They have two good all rounders who work their arses off for the team are are good for 15 - 20 goals each. What Liverpool need is a bit more variation in their forwards, and a bit more quality to add to what they have. But hell - who doesn't need a bit more quality eh!


    Crouch will be sold and Kuyt will step down the pecking order when Villa and one other arrive. Kuyt is ok and has done a goodish job, but for me hasn't lived upto the hype when it seemed 2/3 years ago 12 clubs were after him.


    ITK? No, just guesswork. Well done.


    Assuming Sam Allardyce is indeed appointed as our new manager ...


    1. How much time are you willing to give him before you demand success?


    A good manager will show within a few months that he is such - not necessarily by immediately threatening the top 6, but by the way he goes about things - new players, tactics, team selection, getting rid of the rubbish, etc. If he does that, and proves that he is good enough in the first instance, he should get a couple of seasons to have a crack at it.


    2. What's the target you set for him?


    Establishing us as a permanent top 6 team,who with a bit of luck could maybe even challenge for 4th. I think that is the level he should be aiming at as a manager, and its the position from which we shoudl then be looking to get a great manager.


    3. If we play ugly, but get results, are you happy? If we play ugly, yet results are not good, will you still be happy?


    Its a common but surprising misconception that people who claim to watch football, and feel they have the right to comment on it, say that Bolton play ugly. They play PHYSICAL when they have to, and they don't give up. but 'ugly'? No.


    4. If Sam Allardyce decides to pick a fight (verbal or whatever) with someone (FA, Arsene Wenger, Roy Keane, Freddy Shepherd), will you support him?


    That depends on the context. Only a moron would blindly support someone just because they play for/manage NUFC, if they are in the wrong.


    5. Will you applaud the board if the appointment of Sam Allardyce turns out to be a good one, eventually?


    Yes. If they get stick for fucking up, they should get praise for doing well. Also, the tone of the question is rubbish...."eventually"? No-one knows how fast he'd turn out to be a good appointment, if at all. To assume it would be "eventual" is wrong.


    6. Will you slag the board, if the appointment of Sam Allardyce turns out to be a sad tradegy?


    Depends. If he is given the right backing, and the right players, and royally fucks it up, then they got the wrong man again, so they'd deserve criticism.


    7. If Sam Allardyce turns out to be a success, will you gloat that you have always wanted him to be our manager?


    I haven't always wanted him. I'd rather have others, but as our manager is the worst in the league, he's a far better option currently.


    8. If Sam Allardyce does not turn out to be a success, will you gloat that you have always NOT wanted him to be our manager?


    No, thats a fucking stupid question. But i woudl state that i wanted someone else.


    9. Does it matter if Allardyce's recruitments are mainly foreigners, regardless if he delivers results?




    10. Will you be happy to trust the club's sizable (assumption) on Allardyce's hand?


    That question makes fuck all sense.



  4. Carrick is far, far better than Parker.


    Anyone who geniunely thinks Parker is better either have a bizarre idea of what a midifelder should do, or is looking at him through typical Toon-tinted glasses, in the same way some do when they talk about Dyer being international class, or Shambles being a premiership-level defender.



  5. Assuming Sam Allardyce is indeed appointed as our new manager ...

    7. If Sam Allardyce turns out to be a success, will you gloat that you have always wanted him to be our manager?


    No, I have always prefered someone else (Le Guen, Hughes, Keane, Boothroyd, Lippi, Sachi) to Allardyce. Allardyce would be a decent choice I am more than happy with with but I still won't take the credit for "recommending" him.






    piss take, surely? :D


    No, i doubt it.



  6. Yeah, and some morons used to still think Souness should stay, just like some do now.


    It doesn't matter what people on here want, only one moron has any say on him going or staying, unless the Halls show an interest.


    As soon as the fans turn on the fatman, the manager is gone.

  7. Assuming Sam Allardyce is indeed appointed as our new manager ...

    7. If Sam Allardyce turns out to be a success, will you gloat that you have always wanted him to be our manager?


    No, I have always prefered someone else (Le Guen, Hughes, Keane, Boothroyd, Lippi, Sachi) to Allardyce. Allardyce would be a decent choice I am more than happy with with but I still won't take the credit for "recommending" him.





  8. Of course he'd need some time.


    It took Robson a few seasons to get us sorted, weeding out shite and getting on top of the wage bill. We put up with it because we knew he had a pedigree and we trusted he had a plan.


    Allardyce's pedigree is not so illustrious, but if we're buying him it's because he's proven himself over a long period at a club with scant resources. There'd be fuck all point in appointing him if we were demanding instant success.


    If does get the job, the best thing he can do at the outset would be to make a kind of Churchillian, "I can offer you nothing but blood, sweat, toil and tears" speech, just so everyone understand it would be a grind before it got better.


    There are no instant solutions to a club in our position.


    My point is that tactically and team-selection wise, he could not be as fucking incompetent and damaging as Roeder, so we would automatically improve.


    Not saying he's going to be the immediate solution, but automatically we'd get better through not having that wanker in charge.

  9. 46 people want NUFC to lose - ok then u sit down when an NUFC goal goes in then u stupid pricks - you're not real supporters ur just clueless wankers


    You're a laugh a minute, sorry, ur a laf a minit.




    OMG!!111 etc...


    tbh. imho.

  10. If they have the nerve to do a lap of "honour" (honour?? hahahahahahaha), then they absolutelty deserve to be booed like the shite bunch of twats they are.

  11. Something everyone seems to forget about Allardyce is that it took him two seasons before he got Bolton established in the Premiership and could build on it. Would he really get 1-2 seasons at Tyneside before he starts getting results?



    Difference there was that Bolton had a pretty shit team with no money.


    We've got a good team with good players and money to spend.


    Wrong and wrong.

  12. He did Souness. And the domestic situation was just as dreary, if not worse before that particular summer.


    Not after he's sussed him. He got rid.


    He only sussed him when three players collided.  bluelaugh.gif


    Bugger, thats not going to happen now. They just stand there now, watching oppositiion players run past them, while drooling slightly and rocking gently back and forwards.

  13. ...based on what he's done here, under two awful managers, and after suffering a terrible injury just weeks after his transfer. He'll do well for them.


    Yeah, none of it is due to him not being very good at football.

    yea, man.. tell me who plays good under Roeder


    Tell me when he's played well for us under anyone.


    Nobody is trying to argue he has played well for us, it's the fact you deny he's ever been a good footballer that is funny.


    No, i deny he has ever been for US. I don't pretend to have watched 'every foreign game ever honest'. I've watched him play for US, and he's been shite for us, consistently. Not bacause of anyone elses fault, but because HE failed to show any individual ability on the few occasions he managed to waddle over and get the ball.


    He's been shite for us, and i hope he fucks off and never comes back.

  14. ...based on what he's done here, under two awful managers, and after suffering a terrible injury just weeks after his transfer. He'll do well for them.


    Yeah, none of it is due to him not being very good at football.

    yea, man.. tell me who plays good under Roeder


    Tell me when he's played well for us under anyone.

  15. I've been really impressed by George Macartney over the last few months playing left back for West Ham (Puts tin hat on).


    In terms of improving our squad, we could do worse than him, Volz (even though he had a shocker for Fulham last weekend against the Arse) and Hoyte.


    Sign that lot and sign one superstar defender and still get change out of £11m I reckon.


    Substantial improvement on Carr/Baba and Co and those lada are far more likely to actually want to play for us rather than pick their games and they'd be wages of less than £15k per week.


    We don't need to improve our SQUAD yet - our FIRST TEAM needs players first.

  16. ...based on what he's done here, under two awful managers, and after suffering a terrible injury just weeks after his transfer. He'll do well for them.


    Yeah, none of it is due to him not being very good at football.


    You're clueless if you think Luque's performances in a black and white shirt are an accurate reflection of his ability.


    Erm, i've seen every game he's been involved in for us, i think, and he's been rank.


    But you expect us to believe that he's a good player??


    Let me guess: its the fault of injuries/managers/colleagues/fans/media/ley lines/the Reformation......


    What a load of balls.

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