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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Ermmm, am I the only one that considered the option of appointing Glenn as DoF and bringing in another manager?


    Glenn Roeder has experience with the academy, he keeps on bringing youngsters through into the team, he was the one that mentioned expanding the scouting network, etc, etc.


    I'd think that's a job that would suit him.


    And then we get a good manager who's a tactical genius.


    It's something I could see happening, a way of Roeder getting shipped out of the hot seat without actually having to be fired.


    He doesn't have the credentials to be a DOF though and would be a flop in that role IMHO.


    Sacked or shunted sideways?  Suppose it depends how FFS would repay loyalty.  I totally agree with your thoughts on GR's likely success as a DoF, doesn't have have the attributes that would be needed, Pleat is better qualified.  Moving Roeder to a position of DoF very much would be a 'jobs for the boys' appointment.


    If the DoF has anything to with the actual football, it'd also be a very bad appointment.

  2. I know of at least one club that has gone bust and dissapeared 20 years ago. I severly doubt any of their former supporters are still sat in the pub saying they don't follow a team


    I've been following your arguments closely, and I'm of the opinion that since you're hypothetical is somewhat outside the square, you should also expect some answers to be outside the square too...


    You've said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that people who say they don't support football are mocked as boring etc. But what if you turn it around and say something like "I don't follow football anymore, Shepherd killed my love for it"?


    Because something very comparable happened to me in a different code. Born in a rugby league region, I followed league right up until the Super League War in 1995, at which time my club was forced to merge with our fiercest rivals (now just think about that for a second - we are talking on a Newcastle-Sunderland scale here). From that moment any love I had for the game died, I didn't ever watch another game again. When asked who I support, I adopt an aggressive bluster and say "f*** League, Rupert (Murdoch) killed the game for me"


    Which is why someone saying they would jack it in is not unreasonable - such a scenario as posited in your opening post would be enough to totally and absolutely kill someone's love for the game



    hardly a common scenario though is it, only in a few pubs someone asking you who you support is going to mean Rugby League. And if i'm being honest, I can't see why you wouldn't grudgingly at the end of the day continue to support the merged team, if it's the only way the game survives. I't happening up here right now with Edinburgh/Glasgow/Borders. At the end of the day, you've probably just hastened the death of RL altogether


    I think I can hear you ma shoutin a'ye



    eh? who the fuck are you btw?


    Don't go getting all deep and meaningful on us. Just make an inane, childish, misplaced jibe about how shit a poster he is, and defend Roeder a bit, there's a good lad.

  3. so the allegation is now that Zog has played s**** because Anal has picked on him all season?


    just how much of precious c*** is he?


    No, I woudl agree with the possible reason given above by 'tomi' - Father dying last season, Being hailed as bright prospect then being dumped for Duff, Best mate (boum) leaving - these may have been factors - not just criticism by a local journo.


    However, the question is why is Oliver seemingly going after N'Zogbia alone, and not the rest of the player that have underperformed this season - such as Duff, Carr, Babayaro to name a few??


    In todays article he even questions who would pay any money for N'Zogbia, given his performances this season??!!


    It just smacks of a vendetta against the player, nowt else - it can't really be called 'constructive criticism', can it???




    for all the shite players they may be, have Duff, Carr, Babayaro ever refused to play for the club when asked, or bitched when not selected?


    I don't know. And neither do you.


    Rumour is that Duff and Babayaro are in the pick-their-games club, but thats clearly unsubstantiated, and probably off the mark.

  4. If the world was about to blow up? Which planet would you move to?


    whats the situation with our moon? has it gone awol?

    It's going to blow up too. Stick to the question.


    Can we build a new Moon, and live there?



    We can live on another moon, just not ours. I'd go for Titan.


    Fuck that. Methane lakes? Not for me. Also, its only the second biggest moon.


    Ganymede for me. Jupiter is way cooler than Saturn anyway. tbh.

  5. hardly a common scenario though is it, only in a few pubs someone asking you who you support is going to mean Rugby League. And if i'm being honest, I can't see why you wouldn't grudgingly at the end of the day continue to support the merged team, if it's the only way the game survives. I't happening up here right now with Edinburgh/Glasgow/Borders. At the end of the day, you've probably just hastened the death of RL altogether


    Well, here in Australia (well, in the northern states anyway), if you don't follow league you can't hold a conversation in winter - it effects your social skills in exactly the same way not following football would in England :lol: Hence why I said it was comparable. Indeed, it was exactly why I had to develop the aggressive bluster - because people think you're a poof if you don't follow league!


    And since this is a hypothetical thread - are you saying you would support a merged Newcastle-Sunderland club if it was forced on you? Not being a Geordie, I can only go on my assumptions, but I would have thought if that ever happened the entire city would turn their backs on the game and follow either league or union!



    given a choice between a merged club or switching to Boro/Hartlepool/Whitley Bay/Blyth I would support the merged club. I think the directors would be banking on that aswell


    the question being, where would they play and what would they be called?


    Nevergoingtohappen FC

  6. If you all think it would be just grand to play a player who from one week to the next you werent sure was loyal to the club or was committed to the cause that's fair enough. f****** daft if you ask me


    So we should only play those who we KNOW are loyal or committed? So thats about 3. We're going to get tonked, every week.


    Starting line-up to include Peter Ramage, Lee Clark and Steven Taylor


    Given, Ramage and Taylor. Clark is too creative for Roeder.

  7. If the world was about to blow up? Which planet would you move to?


    whats the situation with our moon? has it gone awol?

    It's going to blow up too. Stick to the question.


    Can we build a new Moon, and live there?



  8. If you all think it would be just grand to play a player who from one week to the next you werent sure was loyal to the club or was committed to the cause that's fair enough. Fucking daft if you ask me


    So we should only play those who we KNOW are loyal or committed? So thats about 3. We're going to get tonked, every week.

  9. Reading the argument it seems what you really want to know is what teams people like as well as Newcastle. . .


    I look at Carlisle's results and Im happy when they win same with Barcelona but I dont support them. When watching games as a neutral I try to work out what result is best for Newcastle and then choose who Im supporting based on that.


    When it doesnt affect Newcastle at all I usually choose the team where I like a particular player or I just end up finding myself supporting one side regardless


    However if there was no Newcastle no I wouldnt support another team in the same way, England matches would probably mean more but as this hasn't happened it is hard to say how anyone would REALLY react.




    I like ManU as well as NUFC, but I don't think I could end up honestly following them and defending them to mates, so no, I don't think its the same as asking who else do you like



    I suspect most wouldn't support another Premiership/Championship club. Except those fans not from Newcastle, whose link to NUFC is intangible anyway.

  10. Newcastle Utd






    On paper aye :D


    On paper we now have 3 wingers (4 if you count Solano, but as he is now a right back, i wouldn't).


    How can that be the strongest?


    if you realize my sarcasm... it is about... on paper of winger quality that we have it's not about quantity... which it's true... many people was predicted how good the quality winger that we have duff, zog, dyer, milner.... who doesn't rate them when this season was started???? but when season already nearly finish ...we all know... the don't fulfill their potential... right???


    like i said, i wouldn't have Dyer as a winger, never have. He's a central player.

  11. So much for the all the talk of him being the 'future of Newcastle United'.


    Hypocrite? Roeder? Surely not?!


    perhaps Roeder could already see he was turning into a precious cunt, and was trying to inspire some loyalty in him?


    really is laughable when people think they know a player from what they see for 90 minutes every other week, when the manager sees every aspect of his life


    Yes, our outstanding manager is definately the right man to make judgements on players, and is clearly capable of identifying and fielding the right players.

  12. As far as Owen goes, I dont mind him not playing until next season, as long as he doesn't play for England in the Summer.


    So, if Shepherd and the clubs legal people are confident the FA can't demand or make Owen turn out for them, then I say lets wait until pre-season, and let him fully recover.


    However, if it appears that we wont be able to stop England calling him up/playing him, then i say stick him back in now, at any level - I'd far rather he got injured again playing for us, than for England.


    And, am I wrong to be quite happy to see Ameobi on his way back as well??  :uglystupid2:




    Yes, you are.



  13. Zoggie being in the reserve team may be more about getting him match fit, getting more game timer under his belt now Duff is out.

    I still think he will be away at the end of the season but I do not think his inclusion in the reserve team is an indication of that.


    How many other players go into the reserves to get match fit under Roeder?


    Lee Bowyer, Ameobi, Clark, Ramage, Owen would have had he been ready.


    Did Carr? Shambles? Duff?




    Didn't think so.


    At least we'll know, now that Duff is fucked.


    If he plays Dyer out there before The Zog, we'll know that Roeder is an even bigger waker than i thought.

  14. so we have 41 people wanting to vote and 14 wanting to ruin it for everybody




    :lol:  Awwww will the big boys not play nice, Vic. :(



    2 statistical samples show a consistent 15% of the board are willing to ruin it for the rest of us


    Very consistent, 2 samples.

  15. Zoggie being in the reserve team may be more about getting him match fit, getting more game timer under his belt now Duff is out.

    I still think he will be away at the end of the season but I do not think his inclusion in the reserve team is an indication of that.


    How many other players go into the reserves to get match fit under Roeder?


    Lee Bowyer, Ameobi, Clark, Ramage, Owen would have had he been ready.


    Did Carr? Shambles? Duff?

  16. Zoggie being in the reserve team may be more about getting him match fit, getting more game timer under his belt now Duff is out.

    I still think he will be away at the end of the season but I do not think his inclusion in the reserve team is an indication of that.


    How many other players go into the reserves to get match fit under Roeder?

  17. Game of the season? Newcastle 4-1 AZ


    Player of the season? Milner


    Young player of the season? Milner


    Individual performance of the season? Edgar vs Man Yoo


    Goal of the season? Martins v Spurs


    Save of the season? Krul (AZ)


    Best team performance of the season? AZ Home


    3 players you'd sell...Carr, Shambles, Ameobi


    3 players you'd (realistically) buy...Young, Baines, Ashton


    Player you'd least want to leave...Given


    Guess first player we'll bring in...Gooch (yes, Roeder IS that stupid).


    Overall view of the season? Fucking awful. Embarassing int he main.


    Will Roeder be in charge on Septermber 1st 2007? No (we have to try to stay positive)


    Outlook on next season? 14th if Roeder is in charge, 6th to 18th if someone else comes in.

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