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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. honestly roeder should be using injuries as an excuse. He was never able to put out a consistent team, and was without two of his best players , ameobi and owen, for essentially the whole season.  I don;t think roeder is a top draw manager, but injuries this term were a very legitimate problem.


    If Ameobi is one of out best players, then we should request to be demoted to the Championship.

  2. Mercenary Michael was injured playing for England so the FA should pay for all his medical costs at least.

    Newcastle shouldn't be out of pocket by one penny.

    I agree with Fat Fred on this one.

    I agree but will it make much difference if he plays the last four games of the season, are the FA really going to be that pathetic about it?


    Yes, yes they are.

  3. Newcastle Utd






    On paper aye :D


    On paper we now have 3 wingers (4 if you count Solano, but as he is now a right back, i wouldn't).


    How can that be the strongest?







    Awaits head explosion.


    Central midfielder, surely?


    And if he IS classed as a winger, it doesn't exactly strenghten the argument that we have the best wingers, as his ability is very poor out there. He's an average Premiership central attacking midfiedle,r granted, but he ain't no winger.

  4. Essien and Carragher deserve the nomination more than any 2 of Gerrard, Fabregas and Giggs.


    And I aint having Ronaldo taking both awards. Ya he can have the main one but not the young one when theres a perfectly viable alternative (By which I mean a City player) available.



    A perectly viable, but not as good, alternative.

  5. Not talking about the manager, nor the chairman, nor the club structure. Purely about the players this time.


    Obviously we must always look to improve our squad but how? Who? Why? Where?


    If we have a scan on our current players




    Michael Owen - 27

    Shola Ameobi - 25

    Obefami Martins - 22

    Albert Luque - 29

    Andy Carroll - 18

    Antoine Sibierski - 32




    Charles N'Zogbia - 20

    Damien Duff - 28

    Emre Belözoğlu - 26

    Kieron Dyer - 28

    Scott Parker - 26

    Nicky Butt - 32

    James Milner - 21




    Celestine Babayaro - 28

    Steven Taylor - 21

    Peter Ramage - 23

    Oguchi Onyewu - 24

    Paul Huntington - 19

    David Edgar - 19

    Noberto Solano - 32

    Stephen Carr - 30



    Shay Given - 30

    Steve Harper - 32

    Tim Krul - 19


    I omit O'Brien and Pattison as I don't think they have future in this club. I leave out Bernard, Bramble and Moore because it is apparent that they will leave after this season.


    We don't have an old squad, nor a young one. So we have no need to start purging senior players yet.


    It is glaring that the department most lacking quality is our defense. Babayaro not good enough, Ramage not good enough, Carr not good enough, Huntington and Edgar going out on loan, Onyewu and Taylor not really good enough. The only reliable defender is Noberto Solano. We are in desparate need for a new quality central defender, preferably with leadership qualities, to lead and partner Taylor. Onyewu can go or stay, if he stays he would only be a 2nd string defender. I'm inclined towards him staying, as his height could prove useful in certain situations.


    The priority, the big signing, the trophy signing come this summer should be an excellent central defender, ideally in his mid twenties, nearing his peak, can lead the line and more importantly could settle in immediately. This sounds like a big ask, but that's where the careful and thorough scouting comes in and how a huge chunk of transfer fee (10 to 15M) could be justifiably spent. Then, get a forward minded left back who could support the left winger well.


    We shouldn't get rid of Babayaro and Carr as yet, as I doubt we could find their replacements easily without breaking the bank. After spending so much on the new central defender and left back, relegate B & C to second string.


    Meanwhile, we should keep pursuing quality Bosman players. Well done Glenn for not missing Sidwell out. There are other good bosmans players too and we would want shot if we don't throw our weights around. Here is a list made by someone else


    Sylvain Distin

    Steve Sidwell

    Sanli Tuncay

    Javier Saviola

    Yidiray Basturk

    Claudio Pizzaro

    Tal Ben-Haim

    Ivan Klasnic



    In the long run, we will need to rid Babayaro, Carr,  Onyewu, Sibierski, Butt and Solano. But we could do these in next January and next summer.


    Assuming Sidwell coming to Newcastle this summer, within a summer our new squad could look like


    Martins, Owen

    (Sibierski, Dyer, Ameobi)


    Zoggy, Emre, Parker, Milner

    (Duff, Sidwell, Butt)


    New, New, Taylor, Solano

    (Babayaro, Onyewu, Ramage, Carr)





    This, certainly, is a good squad who capable of challenging top 6.


    No, its not. Your strikeforce is a decent enough player who might turn out great, or might not; an injury prone star who may or may not even be here; two striekrs who are nowhere near good enough; and an average midfielder who makes a bad striker.


    Not a forward line that will be firing us to the top 6.

  6. There is no clause. This is nonsense originally spread by jealous scoucers. However there IS somethng in Owens contract reg Euro football, but it doesn't apply cause he has been injured.


    you guess. cos you don't fucking KNOW any of that.


    for what its worth i can't see him staying here for the rest of his contract. or that he has any drive to stay here to 'pay us back'.thats a load of shit. 

  7. :lol:


    to the roeder sympathisers : fucl off.


    the time for nicities is done. roeder must go asap, and i for one - amongst the majority- will be pleased when his damaging tenure is over.

    yeah i sympathise,no problem getting rid though for better........theres the problem.....coleman?,o'neill?  not convinced


    not convinced that they are better?? he is the worst manager go the league, and our worst for a while. anything would be an improvement. not saying 'anything' is the long term answer, but he is a bloody awful manager.

    not sure what "go the league"means but saying "anything" would be an improvment is farcical,i see no reason to think pearce,moyes,coleman,redknapp,etc would be any better.....would be happy i f roeder left and redknapp came in,after all it's an improvment in your mind


    in, not go, sorry. its this xda.its an idiot.


    roeder is the single worst manager in the league, so any replacement from the league would be better, yes.


    and if you think Redknapp or Moyes couldn't do better....you're very wrong, and i can't be chewed arguing with that kind of rank stupidity/blindness. look at the league table.


    roeder is fucking poison.

  8. roeder, get to f***.


    if any fan of this club thinks that shola 'donkey s***' ameobi is anywhere near good enough to play in the first team of a premiership club, then you are mental. mental. he makes Dire look like a good striker. and that takes some f****** doing.




    I'd love to see Shola actually start scoring regularly next season, purely for your reaction. Not that I think it'll happen, before you go off on one.  ;)


    Anyway, with any luck Shola will be battling a new arrival for the 3rd choice striker role come next season to back-up Owen and Martins. He may even have a good chance of starting some games if Owen and Martins don't work together as a partnership, which is very possible.


    wanting him to play is akin to wanting us to lose, and be mocked soundly.


    so roeder is no doubt desperate to play him.


    glenn the cockney rat roeder - mackem plant.

  9. :lol:


    to the roeder sympathisers : fucl off.


    the time for nicities is done. roeder must go asap, and i for one - amongst the majority- will be pleased when his damaging tenure is over.

    yeah i sympathise,no problem getting rid though for better........theres the problem.....coleman?,o'neill?  not convinced


    not convinced that they are better?? he is the worst manager go the league, and our worst for a while. anything would be an improvement. not saying 'anything' is the long term answer, but he is a bloody awful manager.

  10. He won't go. I actually think that he really feels like he has to give us a season after all the money we paid.


    total supposition.


    in fact, after the mythical man utd bid, thats the 2nd biggest load of shit in this thread.


  11. ha ha.


    you believe roeder. good lad, keep it up.

    FFS you find 1 manager who doesn't lie...like i've said over and over again,they all tell what they think we want to hear,that goes for ferguson,wenger et al


    correct. so believing anything that one like roeder, who has been lying to US directly, is mental. or juvenile, most likely,

  12. :lol:


    to the roeder sympathisers : fucl off.


    the time for nicities is done. roeder must go asap, and i for one - amongst the majority- will be pleased when his damaging tenure is over.

  13. ... and TBh could Fergie or Wenger do any better with us this eason


    I like your optimism over Roeder, but to say SAF could have done no better this season? Oh now come on. :laugh:


    we might of gained a couple more points here and there, but are you honestly saying we would be challenging for a champions league or even automatic uefa spot.


    SAF would have already bought better, made better team and tactical choices, and not been such a cretin.


    to even pretend SAF couldn't do better than a pathetic, lying, woeful piece of s*** manager exposes a painful lack of knowledge of football.


    and if you try to pretend there's an injury crisis, you're a liar and an idiot.


    there WAS an injury crisis and i'm saying he wouldn't of completely revolutionised our season even he can't bring in at least 6-7 players that wen need in the time-frame that GR had and you have to bare in mind that GR wasn't even certain of his future in the last summer window and players in the january window are


    there was no injury crisis, there was a manager who had not addressed our problems. show me todays crisis..there wasn't one. just a shit manager and the shit choices he made.


    you strongly inferred that SAF could do no better than this pile of lying, pathetic shit, and in doing so, you made yourself look stupid. that showed an incredible lack of knowledge or understanding, well done.

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