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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The very fact that he seems comfortable here is an indication of how little he gives a toss about his game. If he was really trying to be a top player, he'd be itching for a move.


    I think that's bollocks tbh.  Should nobody be content at NUFC then?  Should they all see themselves as too good and be looking to move on?  I think Dyer is well aware that we're probably about his level.


    He's been here a while, and his football and fucking stagnated. That much is obvious to anyone. The club is going nowhere. He has 2-3 years of top football left in him if he's lucky.


    He's here for the dough, obviously.


    Where do you think he should be targetting for his next move?  Assuming he doesn't want to leave the country? 


    Does the same apply to Parker, Duff, Given, Martins, Owen etc etc....the list goes on.  If the club is going nowhere for Dyer, it's going nowhere for all of them too.  You can't just apply this to Dyer because you don't like him.


    He's not good enough - noone wants him, and never have, apart from us, the only club stupid enough to pay him the salary of a top player.

  2. good article in parts.  Hes right about martins hes very inconsistent.


    roeder is a blot on the nufc landscape ....only here as a ffs puppet.


    very true. But the best player since Pele if you listen to the amount of sucking-off that goes on on here.


    There are plenty of kneejerks, but I'd say the majority think he's a good / very good player, but with loads to improve on.




    There we go look - a very good player. I don't think so. He's prven to be inconsistent, with flashes of good play, and also glimpses of shocking decision-making.

  3. It's not just his lack of ability that hurts us, it's the wages he takes from us, the time he spends out injured, his attitude off and on the pitch. The very fact that he seems comfortable here is an indictment of how little he gives a toss about his game. If he was really trying to be a top player, he'd be itching for a move.


    he must know, deep down, that he's not good enough to be a top player.


    I don't know, this is the bloke that is best mates with Titus Bramble.  :jesuswept:


    Fair point, he's not exactly going to win Mastermind, is he. Although in fairness, he probably struggled at the Richard & Judy say-what-you-see thing.

  4. I think the Zog will become a great player, not at this club or under this manager.  He was frustrating when he played this season ? or was it the back of last.  He kept recieving the ball and constantly ran into other players befoe releasing it. I would like him to stay but under a manager that can bring a player forward, something we have done the opposite of for many years.


    heard it all now. Manager to blame for player running into opponents


    You have just proved how crap your understanding of football is, not that the whole forum hasn`t realised how pathetic you are weeks ago.


    "He kept recieving the ball and constantly ran into other players befoe releasing it. I would like him to stay but under a manager that can bring a player forward,"


    are you fucking blind? I'm only reading what you wrote. Sorry if that makes you look like an idiot


    Its not Roeders fault that The Zog ran into someone. It IS his fault for being unable to develop/inspore/coach players.

  5. It's not just his lack of ability that hurts us, it's the wages he takes from us, the time he spends out injured, his attitude off and on the pitch. The very fact that he seems comfortable here is an indictment of how little he gives a toss about his game. If he was really trying to be a top player, he'd be itching for a move.


    he must know, deep down, that he's not good enough to be a top player.

  6. good article in parts.  Hes right about martins hes very inconsistent.


    roeder is a blot on the nufc landscape ....only here as a ffs puppet.


    very true. But the best player since Pele if you listen to the amount of sucking-off that goes on on here.

  7. If I met ronaldo i'd chin the cunt!


    Far too many of you cream over his irrelevant step overs and fancy tricks which mean fuck all,he's got to be the most annoying player i've ever had the misfortune to watch.


    Put it this way, i'll sit up and take more notice of him come next year if he repeats his play of this season, but he won't, any player can have a wonder season, but only the best can sustain it!


    No, you wouldn't.

  8. Keep him.  There are literally dozens of players in our squad that I'd get rid of ahead of Dyer.  I'm not saying he's a world-beater, but if we're prioritising players we should get shot of, Dyer comes way down the list.  Anyone that doesn't see that he's one of our more important players when fit is a *pulls spacka face*.


    How rude.


    The fact that Dyer is one of our best players says more about how crap we are as opposed to how good Dyer is.


    It also logically says sell the shitter players first though, surely?  Or should we start this restructuring by disposing of our better players and retaining the crap? :razz:


    Get rid of very mediocre players and replace them with others who, at a lower cost, will provide a greater return. Its not too difficult, even for Roeder, surely?

  9. I always ask this question and never get an answer.  Where is the actual propf that Dyer gets paid £80,000 a week?  Because until I see some good sources for this I'm going to keep assuming its nothing but exagerated paper talk.


    How much do you think he's on?


    £50,000 to £60,000 would have been my guess.


    Double what he's worth, i reckon.


    He contributes very little, other than running around fairly fast and then losing the ball. Which seems to be enough to fool some people into believing that he's top class. :lol:

  10. Overall, youd expect the manager to be responsible for:


    - the coaching methods

    - the backroom staff

    - the fitness training

    - the tactics and style of play

    - the mentality of the team

    - the organisation, movement, drilling of the team (ie coaching)

    - motivation of the team as a whole, team talks, etc

    - handling problem players

    - handling the media

    - buying/selling/retaining players


    So quite clearly, the manager can be held responsible for pretty much everything. The only thing I thing he cant be blamed for are dips in form, personal problems of players affecting their performance, etc. Everything else - from players who simply arent good enough (ie manager's reponsibility to get rid and replace), to the way the team play, the mentality and tactics, the team talks, player instructions and roles (eg sit back, attack) - everything can be pointed towards him.

  11. I'm pretty sure that heroin anaology is flawed like!


    Really? I don't.


    I know why some people drink-drive. Can't comprehend it. I know why some people choose to live in a caravan. Fucking can't comprehend it. Not everyone can totally understand everyone elses choices.


    Doesn't seem so outlandish to me.


    One is a simple decision: I think I'll support Man Utd against Roma, the other (heroin) is most likely a complicated issue based on previous drug use, friends, where you grew up, ease of availability, etc. I don't think you'll find many people who suddenly go 'Oh, I think I'll become a crack addict this year'.


    Drink driving, then, or choosing to live in a caravan, or wearing bright yellow. It doesn't fucking matter which analogy you personnally like, it still stands.

  12. I'm pretty sure that heroin anaology is flawed like!


    Really? I don't.


    I know why some people drink-drive. Can't comprehend it. I know why some people choose to live in a caravan. Fucking can't comprehend it. Not everyone can totally understand everyone elses choices.


    Doesn't seem so outlandish to me.

  13. The Irish pundits, mainly Eamonn Dunphy, don't think Ronaldo is that good at all and pretty much say you know nothing about football if you think he's the current best player in the world.  It's so hilarious.  :lol:


    They won't have "Stevie", "Xavi", or another of the two-syllable lot at LFC up there instead by any chance, would they?


    He actually said those 2 were useless after Liverpool knocked out Barcelona.  mackems.gif


    Tonight he called Rio Ferdinand a tramp, it's comedy gold.


    Is he your comedy commentator, then? I like the sound of him. :lol:

  14. you're English. Man Utd, Chelsea, Wigan, Blackburn etc etc are English. It's not exactly hard to comprehend even if you don't support them yourself.


    No, i don't comprehend it. I spend every weekend hoping they lose. Why the fuck would i suddenly want them to become more successful?


    i think you're pretending not to comprehend it, simply cos you don't agree with that line of thinking. this happens every champion's league week, people suddenly get a bout of brain disease and pretend they can't understand something that is perfectly understandable.


    btw i do generally support english clubs in europe, but i can understand why another english person wouldn't.


    No, no, you misunderstand. I know WHY some fans say they do this, i just don't comprehend the whole thing - it makes absolutely no sense to me.


    To extend it further: i know why some people do heroin, but i can't comprehend it.

  15. I'd always want an English team to win over a foreign one, I can't understand why you wouldn't to be fair....


    What link do i have to them? The same league? So what, they aren't playing in or representing that league, so its irrelevant.


    I don't support Germany on the world cup because they are European. I don't support Torquay in their league because they are English.


    They have fuck all to do with the 2 teams i support  NEwcastle and England. I don't support any other teams, because to do so woudl be - in my opinion - odd. I don't "support" a spanish team and/or an italian team as well as Newcastle - they have fuck all to do with me/where i'm from.

  16. The Irish pundits, mainly Eamonn Dunphy, don't think Ronaldo is that good at all and pretty much say you know nothing about football if you think he's the current best player in the world.  It's so hilarious.  :lol:


    They won't have "Stevie", "Xavi", or another of the two-syllable lot at LFC up there instead by any chance, would they?

  17. People here hate those clubs mainly because of their fans,but trust me after you meet fans from italian or spanish teams,you will do what i do,support English team playing in CL as if they were Newcastle..


    Spot on mate, exactly!


    Wrong, though.

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