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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    So this is the reason why we brought this Turkish left back to the club, because Emre is homesick. BUT they have no intention of signing him?? And becasue he shares the same agent as Emre WTF??



    Yeah, sounds pretty mad.


    This club is becoming more and more of a joke FFS


    Taking care of our better players and trying to keep them happy, good man management by Roeder.


    how long should we keep someone random around to keep a very ordinary, oft-disappearing midfielder happy?


    Are there no turkish people in Newcastle he could make friends with??

  2. Roeder you stupid c***


    Moore is the slowest player in the world and Carr is useless troll


    And yet Moore is our best defender, and because of two tripe seasons on the bounce, Moore is packing up and jetting off home to take advantage of the 24 hour drinking law in Oz.




    He's not even our 2nd best defender, he's bloody awful.

  3. So i'll ask again - a player is absolutely shocking, awful. Again. How do you suggest that fans get across their displeasure at this?


    Express your opinions in a unabusive ways.



  4. For christ sake. People are moaning for the sake of it.


    It's a no risk situation. See if he's any good, and then moan if neccessary.


    You trust Roeder to make the right decision? We can't afford for him to be allowed to make the choices.

  5. Christ, will he not shut up.  What we need is a transfer window.  He sharp f****** clams up after one of those.


    Not really mate, once the transfer window opens, he'll go on bout we will be getting three top players by next week and then present us with the likes of Sibi and Bernard. As soon as the window slams shut, he'll then say that he does not want to be judged till he gets his own squad of players!


    Wrong!  In the immediate aftermath of a transfer window, he's quieter than Stephen Hawking in a power cut.



    Stephens chair runs off a standard car battery! He said "Theesssse willlllll givvve me toooo hourss off poweerrrr"!


    So he should be alright





  6. So, you think no displeasure shoudl ever be shown towards the players if they perform absolutely terribly, and let their team mates/fans/etc down?


    Showing your displeasure does not mean abusing a person, of course unless you are incapable of doing such.


    You must adore Ameobi, Shambles and Babayaro then. And they'll like you too, their ideal fan. :lol:


    Putting words in my mouth eih? Very typical of you.



    So i'll ask again - a player is absolutely shocking, awful. Again. How do you suggest that fans get across their displeasure at this?

  7. sad day for the toon if we get a journeyman on trial who hardly any bodys heard of and cannot get a game anywhere but here .how far have we have fallen, 4 years ago this simply would not have happened . :'(


    Its a good symbol of our decline that anyone actual thinks he might be a decent capture. :(

  8. They are entitled to do whatever they want, frankly. Thats their choice.


    Physical abuse? f****** grow up.


    You are the one who should grow up. You wrote the bold bit yourself.


    What should we do, then? How do we get across fans displeasure at, say an utterly, utterly inept and s*** performance? How do we let the players/management/board know that we are not happy to accept s****? What's your answer?


    Boo the manager. Boo the chairman. They are the people in charge, especially the latter who has misled fans and treat fans with contempt for years.


    And I don't think that booing is "needless abuse", its a way of getting across displeasure, but not during the actual game.


    What has Parker done to warrant your abuse? Simply being an average footballer? It is needless to boo a player simply because he is very average. It is needless to boo an average player  who has given his best in abusive manner. It is hence a needless abuse to boo an average player abusively.



    So, you think no displeasure shoudl ever be shown towards the players if they perform absolutely terribly, and let their team mates/fans/etc down?


    You must adore Ameobi, Shambles and Babayaro then. And they'll like you too, their ideal fan. :lol:

  9. Can't wait till he leaves and becomes the new Hughes, Speed, O'Brien :D


    Slow, dark haired journeyman?


    Players seen as not good enough but as soon as they leave people are saying we should have never have let them go etc...


    I remember when it happened with AOB of all people!


    I think those people were drunk.


    Fact is, AOB was on the same level as Shambles, neither of them are/were good enough, and i will be as happy to see Bramble fuck off as i was when we peddled AOB. The team is better without them.

  10. Have you any idea how far this club has fallen in the past 4 years, and have you any idea how many decades we are going to be suffering this shambles?


    We've fallen in the last 4 years, but we've fallen and risen in the past aswell. In 1998, for 4 seasons we finished 13th twice and 11th twice, but then we rise again at get in the Champions League.


    Without meaning to sound like NE5/HTL, we've 'fallen', yet we still spent £15m last summer - far more than most clubs. We've been shit this season, but we've not exactly done a Leeds have we? If we were bottom of the Championship 4-5 years after being CL Semi Finalists, then we'd be able to worry! A few decent signings and we've got the potential to be a good team again.



    at least 4.


    As for NUFC.com, they HAVE disappeared up their own arses, but at least they care.


    They are a bit "soopafan", but they are right about one thing - if you don't go to the game, you have less right to comment on that game. Because you don't see enough of the game, simple as.


    Agreed, and if you travel over 1000 miles each for each home game does that get you a special award? Maybe qualifies you for a wank off Dyer? 


    Soopatosser tbh.


    I think that if you have to cross more than one timezone, Dyer picks you up in his Hummer, and you get to suck him off on the way to SJP.



  11. Chopra scored for fun in all levels but he never made, I really hope Carroll makes but we'll just have to wait and see.


    Hope are talking about another Chopra and not Michael "The new Shearer" Chopra who is the second greatest player we ever let go ever!!!!11!!


    No, the other one, the one who was shit at the highest level.


    You're thinking of the GOOD Chopra, the one who was GUARANTEED to be great in the premiership, and was not at all a lightweight, below par striker.

  12. There seems to be a general problem with European police forces. although I have to say fair dues to the sausage eaters at the world cup, who actually seemed to be abit more relaxed than their reputation would suggest.


    The thing that really gets me is that if it was English police the cries would be going out from all over Europe about heavy handedness and breach of Human Rights.  It seems that this is the only country where that applies and that European forces have free reign especially in Italy.  For every European match there should be a fairly large contingent of the local plod going out to act as liaison with Johnny Foreigner and explain the cultural differences beforer wading in with their tear gas and batons.  England has worked hard to clean up the problem of football violence, it's a about time the rest of Europe followed suit. [/rant] :police:


    A good idea, but then you get some forces in this country who are absolutely fucking clueless, and wouldn't be able to tell Johnny F how to police a Summer Fayre, never mind a match.


    Until the filth in places like Italy end their relationship with the "ultras", its never going to change. The concept of polic no-go areas in certain grounds, organised ambushes and murder of police officers in any other country would lead to a clamp down by the rozzers. In Italy, they still turn a blind eye to the badness as long as there's foreigners to batter.


    Mind, some of the travelling Man Utd fans can be utter cunts as well. But thats hardly an excuse to hit them with sticks.

  13. They are entitled to do whatever they want, frankly. Thats their choice.


    So fans are free to physically and verbally abuse any players?


    SO you think no-one should vent their feelings at half time, or after the game? Should we all cheer loudly and shout "ole!" every time PArker twists uneccessarily into the path of another opponent, or Shambles loses yet another man he's "marking", thus legitimising their shitness?


    No I don't think so.


    I reserve the right to let my voice be heard after the match. Thats our chance.


    Well if you can't express your opinions without resorting to needless abuse, that says a lot about you.



    Physical abuse? Fucking grow up.


    What should we do, then? How do we get across fans displeasure at, say an utterly, utterly inept and shit performance? How do we let the players/management/board know that we are not happy to accept shite? What's your answer?


    And I don't think that booing is "needless abuse", its a way of getting across displeasure, but not during the actual game.

  14. Sidwell - nowt special.




    Sidwell - Good player on a free.


    Really? I've only seen him a few times for full games, and he's looked nothing special. Maybe as a squad player, if we pay him particularly low wages, it'll be ok. We don't need any more journeymen for the first team, we have enough of them already.

  15. And Dyer and Emre.


    Its partly that spinning on the ball thing, i'm guessing. There's no need for it, it does no good, and if anything it wastes time we have that we could be pressing the attack.


    I don't personally believe in booing players DURING the game, but fans should be able to let their feelings be known at half time/after the game.


    So the fans are entitled to abuse Parker, simply because he is not a good enough footballer? If you want to abuse a player, what's the difference between abusing him during the game and only during half time or aftermath?


    They are entitled to do whatever they want, frankly. Thats their choice.


    SO you think no-one should vent their feelings at half time, or after the game? Should we all cheer loudly and shout "ole!" every time PArker twists uneccessarily into the path of another opponent, or Shambles loses yet another man he's "marking", thus legitimising their shitness?


    I reserve the right to let my voice be heard after the match. Thats our chance.

  16. I can't understand how some of you say he's shit when you haven't even seen him play. Unless you're going by fifa07 or pes.  Looks like he has a lot of experience but that's all I can comment on, never seen him play.

    Welcome To Newcastle-Online.


    Knee-jerk City.


    Avoid if looking for the town of Common Sense, you passed that a long time ago..


    Yeah, common sense says that he's BOUND to be a great player.


    What next, Steve CLaridge? He's got bags of experience but no top achievements too.

  17. I'm a waverer about LuaLua, i really am.


    That's pretty tough - isn't the boy only 16? But as others have said, at that age it's more about coaching and development, and it no one would say we have the setup to groom young talent...



    It IS very early, although soem real, genuine talents are already knocking on the door at 16 - look at Vaughan at Everton.

    Vaughan is 18 I believe.


    He was the youngest goalscorer a while back.

  18. A friend of mine went over for this game and I'm yet to find out whether he was involved at all. The fans were all warned before they went re: the high probability of trouble, but like ourselves - why the hell shouldn't we/they go and support our respective teams in a so-called civilised country? And when is something going to be done about the Italian police?!

    Will you disown your friend if he describes people who treat him badly using the c word, because your human development dictated that the c word is forbidden?


    I'm more concerned with whether he's okay at the moment actually, Stevie, than with a pathetic internet argument.

    I'm disgusted I have to feel inhibited in 2007, because a THIRTY THREE year old woman finds certain words offensive.  I hope the cunts ok too.


    32 actually. And thanks.

    A friend of mine went over for this game and I'm yet to find out whether he was involved at all. The fans were all warned before they went re: the high probability of trouble, but like ourselves - why the hell shouldn't we/they go and support our respective teams in a so-called civilised country? And when is something going to be done about the Italian police?!

    Will you disown your friend if he describes people who treat him badly using the c word, because your human development dictated that the c word is forbidden?


    I'm more concerned with whether he's okay at the moment actually, Stevie, than with a pathetic internet argument.

    I'm disgusted I have to feel inhibited in 2007, because a THIRTY THREE year old woman finds certain words offensive.  I hope the cunts ok too.


    ha ha! You feel inhibited?! Somehow i doubt it.


    PS - cunt is allowed now.

  19. I'm a waverer about LuaLua, i really am.


    That's pretty tough - isn't the boy only 16? But as others have said, at that age it's more about coaching and development, and it no one would say we have the setup to groom young talent...



    It IS very early, although soem real, genuine talents are already knocking on the door at 16 - look at Vaughan at Everton.


    Its far too early to say how he'll go, of course i just don't know if he's shown enough to hint that he will develop into a very good player. For every Wayne Rooney there are hundreds of Danny Cadematri's.

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