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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I'd wager that Roeder will be the first our in the summer, with Sam not coming in.


    As would i. And i fear who WILL be coming in.


    Shepherd actually managed to get a worse manager than Souness this time. f*** knows what'll happen next time.


    Steve Bruce anyone?  :banana:


    I really can't see Allardyce having already been lined up.  Sounds like ITK bollocks. 

    But having said that, if Roeder loses next week he will probably go anyway.  And we'll all suddenly remember how tedious, annoying and bitterly disappointing the search for a manager actually is. 


    Not as tedious, annoying and bitterly disappointing as having Roeder as manager.


    Agree about Big Fat Sam, and the ITK bollocks.

  2. If we get rid of Bramble and are stuck with Gooch as his replacement we're the ones who've been fucked up the arse with a trumpet


    Gooch is no worse than Shambles, and costs us a lot less. And at the end of the season, Gooch is gone as well, so we're winners!


    Either way, it can only be in the best interests of the club for this fuckwit to leave. Inferring that because another player is also not very good means we would be harmed by keeping Shambles is laughable.

  3. Because people have jumped off the 'he's a world-class defensive midfielder' bandwagon are finally starting to recognise there's more to the position than just 'running around alot & trying to smash everything that moves', they're seeing the true colours.... a very average footballer.


    And this warrants Parker those abusive boohs? If we should boo a very average football player why don't we boo Edgar, Huntington, Gooch, Harper, Babayaro, Taylor, Bramble, Moore, Carr, Milner, Butt, Duff and Sibierski?


    And Dyer and Emre.


    Its partly that spinning on the ball thing, i'm guessing. There's no need for it, it does no good, and if anything it wastes time we have that we could be pressing the attack.


    I don't personally believe in booing players DURING the game, but fans should be able to let their feelings be known at half time/after the game.

  4. TBH, sacking Roeder will only be the simple, short term solution to appease the fans.


    However, the root of the problem will remain at the club until he is hounded out: Shepherd.


    BUT - Roeder has to go, regardless of Shepherd. He simply isn't good enough. Having the best chairman in the world wouldn't make Roeder a competent manager.


    Yes mate, I'm not saying Roeder should stay, just stating that given the prediciment of the club, Shepherd should have been peddled way before he appointed Roeder.


    Undoubtedly. He shoudl have gone when Souness did. Culpability was clear.


    I'd let him run a business, but his footballing brain is as tiny as Brambles.

  5. Pretty sure we made a loss on Faye. Think we bought him for £2.5m and sold him for £2m. Could easily be wrong, but that's what the brain's giving me at the moment. Also, didn't we get half a mill for Rob Lee from Derby or thereabouts? Could that have snuck into profit?


    I think you're right about Faye. I think we sold him for about 2million times his actual worth, but i'm sure we paid more than that for him.

  6. ...Or do you accept that we could sell them on the cheap, throw loads of money at trying to replace them, and end up with a similar or worse bunch of players and even bigger debts?


    The sensible thing to do, in my view, would be to keep the likes of Dyer, Solano, Parker, Emre, even Duff, and throw our money at the defence. I really think people are overreacting about some of our players. Bring in a top manager and you'd soon be raving about players you thought were average because they'd be played to their strengths, coached in a system which works. I remember when Hughes was 'a good utility player' and Bernard was 'quality'. Those were also the days when we were devastated to finish 5th. We had a good manager then. It's not that hard to finish top 6. Spurs, fair enough they've spent heavily and have quality around the pitch, but take a look at Reading and Bolton and ask yourself, honestly, how many of those players are better than average? You may say Dyer is an average player but he played nearly every game when we finished 3rd. Good managers get the best out of these players. Hughes and Bernard have done nowt since they left. We know the potential of Dyer, Duff, Emre to perform, I'd rather keep them and get a good manager in.


    Very well said. I totally agree.




    Dyer contributes very little, in fairness. More than Duff, and more than Emre on his "disappearing" days. But he's still very fucking average.




    True. But average defenders would be a massive step forward. If getting them means keeping Dyer, then it's an improvement at least.


    No doubt - average defenders would be a massive, massive improvement on Shambles, Moore, Babayaro, Damage and Carr. But i don't think it needs to be an "either/or" thing. For the money we pay, we should get better than Dyer, and that should be seperate to the need for actual defenders, not instead of.

  7. TBH, sacking Roeder will only be the simple, short term solution to appease the fans.


    However, the root of the problem will remain at the club until he is hounded out: Shepherd.


    BUT - Roeder has to go, regardless of Shepherd. He simply isn't good enough. Having the best chairman in the world wouldn't make Roeder a competent manager.

  8. Once again... Given Roeders playing stuff choices and ability I sincerly think that Luque is not such crap as allmost everyone here seems to think. He can pass the ball, cross and he can be a danger from set pieces in what we obviously lack quality. If he can make something special in 1 out of 3 games, which he is allmost certainly capable of, that is something. Most of current players haven't done 1/2 of that. Now it's to late. The 2 excuses for a manager have completely ruined his morale, and confidence. I mean... he was prepaired to take a pay cut to go to PSV, and what has the useless rat done. Denied him a move because he "needed" him. How many games has he played after that? While Duff and Zog were injured O'brien and Pattison had a nod before him. Fuckin insanity. I'm allmost certain that if he played as many games as Sibierski did, he would do much better. Let's face it... If you were threated like he is, how would you be motivated in that 1 substitute appearance in 10 games that you were given. Considering of course that you were a star in former club.


    Roeder must go as soon as possible.


    Roeder is a dead man walking, to put it bluntly.



  9. Most Crosses                  Stewart Downing (Middlesbrough) 300          

    Most Offsides                  Benedict McCarthy (Blackburn) 55          

    Most Fouls                       Steve Sidwell (Reading) 80           

    Team with most fouls       Watford 471          

    Team with most shots      Man Utd 441          


    Tacklers                           Team Tackles Success rate        

    McCann                           Aston Villa 153 70%        

    Parker                              Newcastle 148 79%        

    Sidwell                             Reading 116 77%         

    Xabi Alonso                     Liverpool 114 81%        

    Brown                             Fulham 108 73%


    Indeed he is another Parker?


    I think this bit highlights the pointlessness of these statistics.


    They probably meant fouls.

  10. pity our manager would have to watch him 6 times then say he is not what we are looking for age wise then sign a donkey .


    I'd be surprised if he watched him at all. Didn't bother with Gooch (clearly).

  11. never met one newcastle fan in california, though i did meet a rabid alan shearer fan who spent her life savings on going to his testimonial. have seen quite a few newcastle shirts in LAX airport though.


    not abroad obviously but london is full of geordies who have moved away for work. my uncle (scouser) says whereever he travels on his business he ends up bumping into geordies and scousers, his boss is from Gateshead for instance.


    One place in London where I work sometimes has more Geordies on the staff than Londoners.


    When I'm there, the Barley Mow in Duke Street is a great pub to watch Newcastle games. Full of Geordies. Unfortunately loads of scousers turn up there for Liverpool games, but otherwise it's free of rival supporter infestation.


    Sure they aren't Irish/Danish?




    You've done well, then. The Danish Red Shite are my favourites.


    Although a pub i drink in up here is good - a management team of RS, and not a scouse accent to be heard.

  12. That wouldn't be a first mate.


    You'll be sorry. He can be very cutting, with his words. Very cutting.


    Monkey's clearly crying inside


    Crushed I tells ya. Look, he hasn't made an anti-Roeder post for 4 minutes!


    Not just on the inside, not now.






    PS - Roeder is a lying cunt. :lol:

  13. never met one newcastle fan in california, though i did meet a rabid alan shearer fan who spent her life savings on going to his testimonial. have seen quite a few newcastle shirts in LAX airport though.


    not abroad obviously but london is full of geordies who have moved away for work. my uncle (scouser) says whereever he travels on his business he ends up bumping into geordies and scousers, his boss is from Gateshead for instance.


    One place in London where I work sometimes has more Geordies on the staff than Londoners.


    When I'm there, the Barley Mow in Duke Street is a great pub to watch Newcastle games. Full of Geordies. Unfortunately loads of scousers turn up there for Liverpool games, but otherwise it's free of rival supporter infestation.


    Sure they aren't Irish/Danish?

  14. Big Sam in with Speed assisting would be a good shout.We need someone who understands the club and what requirements we have as fans and Speedo could do that.With all the investment for the ground,i can't see any investors investing on a club with Glenn Roeder at the helm.He'll be gone as soon as the season ends.


    Nah, mate, Invicta's been polishing his ball, and he KNOWS he'll be here until the end of next season. Don't argue with him, or he'll call you a name. :(

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