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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. In 2006 the Shepherd apologists blamed Souness for all the problems, like the £12m loss made that year.


    I guess the £25m loss to be made this year will be Roeder's fault ?




    Nah. He wasted a chunk of it, but its not his fault. NEXT SEASONS losses will be partly down to him, as its his fault we're shit.

  2. To be fair, Scotland is not technically a country, Vic is correct.


    Sorry, yes, its techniclaly a "kingdom" or soemthing, isn't it.


    However, in football terms, as in all terms, it is effectively a different country. The difference is semantics - some definitions have all of the "home nations" as countries.


    right, so now Gibraltar is a separate country too?


    In football terms, yes.


    In political terms, its a territory, or somesuch, yes Teacher?

  3. I think (hope) that this is purely a short term move till the end of the season? Or is that even allowed?


    No, mate, seriously, its Roeders idea of a player we should maybe sign.


    And there are still a mental few who think he's worth keeping on! :lol:



    have you any idea how many players get trialled over the year?


    Not a clue, same as you.


    Do you know how many defenders Roeder has bought despite us being desperate since before he got the job? Thats right, none. A (late) freebie of a player who has never really been fit, and the loan signing of a not very good player.


    He's a fucking genius, your pal Glenn. I hope he stays forever and ever. I've never been to see a game at MK Dons.



    that's the hilarious thing though, despite the hundreds of posts you make on the same lines, and the stamping of feet and the crying, HE WILL BE HERE UNTIL HIS CONTRACT IS UP



    that my histrionic friend, is a cast iron guarantee, from you to me


    We'll see, mate, we'll see.


    Regardless of whether he stays or not, he's still fucking rubbish. And a cunt.

  4. To be fair, Scotland is not technically a country, Vic is correct.


    Sorry, yes, its techniclaly a "kingdom" or soemthing, isn't it.


    However, in football terms, as in all terms, it is effectively a different country. The difference is semantics - some definitions have all of the "home nations" as countries.

  5. Geez, heather McCartneys false leg would be out the window with the amount of knee jerking going on here.


    More than likely he has been recommended by Emre, its a puzzling move, surely no-one that can realistically give us anything but back up next season, but yes he certainly has experience.


    9/10 we never sign anyone that comes on trial, there is nothing wrong with looking.


    Gareth Bale is our number one target for LB, id imagine when we dont get him we will look elsewhere for a similar young LB.


    People thinking if we sign this guy (which we more than likely wont) he will be our number one LB must be mental, or in the same line of thinking we will be selling Owen and Martins and pinning our hopes and number 9 shirt on Sibierski.


    Its debatable whether Babayaro will be around this time for next season but its not unthinkable we might want to sign more than one LB so we have three players capable of playing there. Baba has more than not been praised by Roeder, but given his injury problems having 3 LB's should give sufficient cover for Baba's injuries, more competition and more experience.


    Tbh its probably just a mate of Emre's getting a favour off our man, trial aside him being linked with us will interest a few other clubs.


    Entirely supposition? Oh yes.

  6. I think (hope) that this is purely a short term move till the end of the season? Or is that even allowed?


    No, mate, seriously, its Roeders idea of a player we should maybe sign.


    And there are still a mental few who think he's worth keeping on! :lol:



    have you any idea how many players get trialled over the year?


    Not a clue, same as you.


    Do you know how many defenders Roeder has bought despite us being desperate since before he got the job? Thats right, none. A (late) freebie of a player who has never really been fit, and the loan signing of a not very good player.


    He's a fucking genius, your pal Glenn. I hope he stays forever and ever. I've never been to see a game at MK Dons.

  7. Will you ignorant fuckers stop referring to Scottish clubs as foreign


    Stevie can't help it, he's got a handicap, but you other people should know better


    Its a different country. Did you miss that day at school?


    don't be fucking ignorant


    Ignorant? They're a different country. Therefore, technically, they are foreign. Get over it/yourself.


    except they're not


    go and look it up if you need to. Eejit


    Yes, they are. What country do you think they're in, like? :lol:

  8. Will you ignorant fuckers stop referring to Scottish clubs as foreign


    Stevie can't help it, he's got a handicap, but you other people should know better


    Its a different country. Did you miss that day at school?


    don't be fucking ignorant


    Ignorant? They're a different country. Therefore, technically, they are foreign. Get over it/yourself.

  9. Scroll further down from that article it says Roeder thinks hes been best player last 2 games

    To be honest I'd probobly agree. Nobody has really stood out in the last 2 games and Duff has been as solid as anybody.


    He's not stood out, so he can't be singled out as the best player.


    As for the idea of believing a fucking think Roeder says: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. Will you ignorant fuckers stop referring to Scottish clubs as foreign


    Stevie can't help it, he's got a handicap, but you other people should know better


    Its a different country. Did you miss that day at school?

  11. It's really sad when you realise that your team will never score a goal like that for as long as you live.


    It's even sadder when you se how football can be played(Roma) and the team that you support is miles(some managers and a chairman) off that standard. But the saddest thing is when you see what an incompetent manager we have, and that his babbling is tolerated.



  12. Everton being interested in Parker could be an interesting one. If they were, and bearing in mind how much England Internationals get over-valued maybe we could throw in a couple of million as well in an attempt to pick up Arteta - someone who could add a bit of class to the midfield.


    Absolutely no chance of that happening.


    Alas so.

  13. I can think of only three -- Hamann, Jenas and Woodgate -- but I've got a feeling there may be one more...


    we made a hell of a profit out of players like Gazza, Beardsley and Waddle.


    Shame we don't make managers sell players like that anymore eh eh  mackems.gif


    Les Ferdinand.


    I miss him. :(


    He was one of my favourites too. Seemed a genuinely nice bloke as well as a top centre forward.


    One of the few times I've given a toss about a player from another team getting crocked was him, straight after he left us.


    What a player he was. People shite on about Ameobi being a good enough striker, and Dyer contributing to the team, but there was a fella who WAS good enough, and contributed massively, and was a genuine asset to the team.


    I remember watching an interview with him, sometime after he'd gone. He was asked about it and seemed saddened it had happened. He then said something like "But you have to learn that in this business you're just a commodity."


    It made me think about the fact that this was the other side of the coin from the issue of some players not caring about clubs much beyond the size of their wage packets.


    Not that anyone could have ever levelled that complaint against Sir Les.


    Not if they'd ever watched a game where he played for us, no.

  14. Bernard? free from France, sold him for £600,000 to Southampton

    Ruel Fox - £2.5m from Norwich - £4m to Spurs (just out of the ten years)

    Darren Ambrose maybe?


    At the end of the day, if clubs keep thinking Newcastle will pay over the odds for players, then they'll keep charging us them, and Shepherd will just keep paying them.


    Didn't we have to pay £500,000 for Bernard? Not as a transfer fee. It was some kind of compensation.


    I thought that was The Zog? Maybe i'm mixing them up, they all look alike to me.









    The French, i mean.

  15. Really hope United go through,if you think united fans are arrogent cunts,wait till you see Roma fans..


    How man, you're a Newcastle Fan. We're United, they're ManUre.


    Calling them 'ManUre' is more embarrassing than 'United', to be honest.

    Do you prefer Red Manc Scum then?



    Dirty Red Wankers?

  16. The club have received £3.3m in compensation for the injury to Michael Owen. The club have used this amount to reduce their costs. This means that they would have normally had to say that their costs were up from £40.3m to £45.1m, but instead made it look more acceptable at £41.8m


    What a load of sh*te man. :lol:


    Where's the reasoning that "but had Owen been fit, we might have scored an extra 15-20 goals this season, been 4 places (or £2m higher), and still in cup competition.



    aye, without even looking, I KNOW that macbeth will portray the club in the worst light possible, and not consider the playing side of it.


    So why bother.


    Just think where we would be if we hadn't bought Woodgate, Dyer, Bellamy, Robert, Parker, Butt, Martins, Owen etc etc over the past years, instead buying players for 500 grand or something to keep the books right.




    Aye, and just think where we'd be if we hadn't bought Marcelino, Maric, Viana, Cort, Luque, Bassedas and Boumsong.


    45m quid the lot.


    Aye, all the shite boards back their managers with that sort of money, just like their predecessors always bought international footballers instead of selling them all. As a long term - cough cough - fan you know this though don't you.


    BTW - you forgot your hero Arsprilla, who scored 2 goals in his last season, and played well in about 1 game in 10 before that anyway.


    Are you still dishing the dirt on the club you say you support to lundun scumbag journos who hate Newcastle ?



    Are you still confusing me with Freddie Shepherd and Douglas Hall?


    45m quid the lot.


    Aye, all the shite boards back their managers with that sort of money, just like their predecessors always bought international footballers instead of selling them all. As a long term - cough cough - fan you know this though don't you.


    BTW - you forgot your hero Arsprilla, who scored 2 goals in his last season, and played well in about 1 game in 10 before that anyway.



    18 goals in 50 appearances (1:2.8) . Better than, say, Wyn Davies (1:4.1) but not quite as good as Pop Robson (1:2.5).


    And yeah, I do know what year it is. You're the one who seems to have difficulty understanding that a lot more has changed in the last 20-30 years than just the composition of the board.


    nearer 1:3 than one in 2, in fairness, according to your figures.


    Although, in REALITY, he got 9 in 48 league games.  Which is 1:5.3


    You're welcome.



  17. I think (hope) that this is purely a short term move till the end of the season? Or is that even allowed?


    No, mate, seriously, its Roeders idea of a player we should maybe sign.


    And there are still a mental few who think he's worth keeping on! :lol:

  18. I don't want ManU go through... i just like to see Ronaldo cunt face crying again :lol:


    And trying to find the number for Barca's president in his mobile, without letting Ferguson see him.

  19. I can think of only three -- Hamann, Jenas and Woodgate -- but I've got a feeling there may be one more...


    we made a hell of a profit out of players like Gazza, Beardsley and Waddle.


    Shame we don't make managers sell players like that anymore eh eh  mackems.gif


    Les Ferdinand.


    I miss him. :(


    He was one of my favourites too. Seemed a genuinely nice bloke as well as a top centre forward.


    One of the few times I've given a toss about a player from another team getting crocked was him, straight after he left us.


    What a player he was. People shite on about Ameobi being a good enough striker, and Dyer contributing to the team, but there was a fella who WAS good enough, and contributed massively, and was a genuine asset to the team.

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