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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. ...Or do you accept that we could sell them on the cheap, throw loads of money at trying to replace them, and end up with a similar or worse bunch of players and even bigger debts?


    The sensible thing to do, in my view, would be to keep the likes of Dyer, Solano, Parker, Emre, even Duff, and throw our money at the defence. I really think people are overreacting about some of our players. Bring in a top manager and you'd soon be raving about players you thought were average because they'd be played to their strengths, coached in a system which works. I remember when Hughes was 'a good utility player' and Bernard was 'quality'. Those were also the days when we were devastated to finish 5th. We had a good manager then. It's not that hard to finish top 6. Spurs, fair enough they've spent heavily and have quality around the pitch, but take a look at Reading and Bolton and ask yourself, honestly, how many of those players are better than average? You may say Dyer is an average player but he played nearly every game when we finished 3rd. Good managers get the best out of these players. Hughes and Bernard have done nowt since they left. We know the potential of Dyer, Duff, Emre to perform, I'd rather keep them and get a good manager in.


    Very well said. I totally agree.




    Dyer contributes very little, in fairness. More than Duff, and more than Emre on his "disappearing" days. But he's still very fucking average.



  2. Have you any idea how far this club has fallen in the past 4 years, and have you any idea how many decades we are going to be suffering this shambles?


    We've fallen in the last 4 years, but we've fallen and risen in the past aswell. In 1998, for 4 seasons we finished 13th twice and 11th twice, but then we rise again at get in the Champions League.


    Without meaning to sound like NE5/HTL, we've 'fallen', yet we still spent £15m last summer - far more than most clubs. We've been shit this season, but we've not exactly done a Leeds have we? If we were bottom of the Championship 4-5 years after being CL Semi Finalists, then we'd be able to worry! A few decent signings and we've got the potential to be a good team again.



    at least 4.


    As for NUFC.com, they HAVE disappeared up their own arses, but at least they care.


    They are a bit "soopafan", but they are right about one thing - if you don't go to the game, you have less right to comment on that game. Because you don't see enough of the game, simple as.

  3. Chelsea / Valencia 1st half was great, espically Silva's goal.


    I only saw one goal all night. Stupid channel hopping. :(


    You should have put Match Choice on and the goal update red button thing would have popped up.


    Oh, NOW you tell me. Thanks for nothing.



  4. not a wonder shot... it's about the team's complete harmony, understanding, combined and individual skills.


    It was a good goal. Utter nonsense to say we've never scored one like that or will.


    when was the last time you saw us score a goal after 3 or 4 precision passes?


    We scored loads under SBR.


    I agree, but that was 3 years ago :(


    You can use a PC and the internet and you're only 2 years old? Impressive. ;)


    By the age of 5 I think I'll be qualified enough to be a moderator ;)


    Only if you have a nasty fall and bang your head.

  5. Maybe not the next big thing but if we really give him a chance he can become good squad player for us


    We need a better setup to support him that what we have now.

  6. I, for one, cheer for the British teams in the Champions League, regardless of who they are. Though, I'm not too broken up when Man U lose.


    I still find that odd.


    Proud to be British, maybe?


    I'm proud to be English, but i don't support other English teams.


    I think i'm a bit old-fashioned, as discussed before. I think you should support the team from where you come/at least have a strong link to. So i can't get my head around supporting any team that doesn't fall into that category. Maybe i'm just odd. Well, more odd than normal, i mean.


    I accept that like, but I just never know why people pretend they don't understand why other people do it.  I'm a bit like yourself, I don't like to support other British teams, just reminds me how s**** we are.


    No, i genuinely don't understand. Like how i don't understand why someone would support a team where they don't come from as theur first team. I genuinely don't understand the mindset, its not rational to me, but hey ho.


    Well, the only reason I could understand it is if somebody spent most of their life in one city, then had to move to another for work, family, school and the like. 


    Thats a link i was talking about. I can understand that, or even if your parents moved somewhere else and they brought you up as a fan of the original team. But having no strong link and then becoming this superfan of another citys club, baffles me.

  7. [quote author=Northern Monkey link=topic=38139.msg767794#msg767794 date=1175719648


    No, i genuinely don't understand. Like how i don't understand why someone would support a team where they don't come from as theur first team. I genuinely don't understand the mindset, its not rational to me, but hey ho.


    There is so little about passionately supporting a sports club that can be described as "rational" though.


    Very true, mate, i just don't get why anyone would choose to support a team from bloody miles away, that they have no link to.


    I've always been eternally grateful i wasn't born in Blyth! (not just for footballing reasons, in fairness).

  8. I don't think he can be the "next big thing", but if we had a decent man agement and coaching setup*, i think he could possibly become a valuable asset for the team.


    * So no, then.


    He's actually really good, I don't rate all of the academy/reserve side, i think we're carrying dead weight in most areas, but Carroll is the true bright spark.


    Carroll, Lua Lua, Donaldson, and possibly Cavener. These are the lads I tip to make it 'big', whether it be at Newcastle or otherwise.



    By valuable asset, i meant good first teamer, i just don't know if he'll be the next "bog thing" as in our star player.


    I'm a waverer about LuaLua, i really am.

  9. I, for one, cheer for the British teams in the Champions League, regardless of who they are. Though, I'm not too broken up when Man U lose.


    I still find that odd.


    Proud to be British, maybe?


    I'm proud to be English, but i don't support other English teams.


    I think i'm a bit old-fashioned, as discussed before. I think you should support the team from where you come/at least have a strong link to. So i can't get my head around supporting any team that doesn't fall into that category. Maybe i'm just odd. Well, more odd than normal, i mean.


    I accept that like, but I just never know why people pretend they don't understand why other people do it.  I'm a bit like yourself, I don't like to support other British teams, just reminds me how shite we are.


    No, i genuinely don't understand. Like how i don't understand why someone would support a team where they don't come from as theur first team. I genuinely don't understand the mindset, its not rational to me, but hey ho.

  10. I, for one, cheer for the British teams in the Champions League, regardless of who they are. Though, I'm not too broken up when Man U lose.


    I still find that odd.


    Proud to be British, maybe?


    I'm proud to be English, but i don't support other English teams.


    I think i'm a bit old-fashioned, as discussed before. I think you should support the team from where you come/at least have a strong link to. So i can't get my head around supporting any team that doesn't fall into that category. Maybe i'm just odd. Well, more odd than normal, i mean.

  11. It usually takes a while for a manager to build a new squad look at the few seasons it took SBR to remove the shite and reduce the wage bill while slowly adding his own pieces of the puzzle, with a few mistakes along the way and that's partly because of money but also because you need to see how it all fits together. You can buy six new players who've never met each other and throw them all into the first team and it might well not work however good they are.


    It's a bit like commercial airliner design. You have to be conservative, because if you get it wrong the thing falls out of the sky. So you don't come up with a radical new airliner that's completely different to anything that's gone before. You build on previous designs.


    Or, of you are Roeder, you try to sellotape on more wings, and don't bother with any engines.

  12. Wish someone would just clatter Stephen Carr and put him out for the season.


    f****** hate it when people wish our players got injured.







    Agreed though :D

    Isn't it an exception when its Carr. Hate the bloke.  ;D


    Moore is no better than Carr as a footballer. Roeder, you cunt.

  13. Is anybody surprised this is the best option for left back our 'scouts' have come up with?


    no, considering it's the middle of the season


    I didn't know there was no football being played in the middle of the season like.. Figures then..  :uglystupid2:


    wtf are you on about you tool?


    you wanna go and ask any club if they'll let us trial their left back? go right ahead




    Maybe we could actually go and SCOUT some players, and get a dewcent left back, instead of having to look at aged freebies?


    Oh, no, we can't, because Roeder is fucking clueless in the transfer market, as well as tactically and as a man-manager.

  14. Profits can be worked out two ways.


    The first is did the player cost more than he was sold for?


    The second is that the transfer fee is spread over the period of his contract so if he costs £10 million and is on a 5 year contract we'll write off £2 million per year, if we sold him after 4 years for £3 million it would be classed as a profit, I think that's the right way to explain it but others will know better.  That's why Sir Bobby said we'd made a profit on Carl Cort, it was an accounting profit.


    We should also factor in wages paid through the life of his contract, and the savings made on future wages not paid.

  15. I don't think he can be the "next big thing", but if we had a decent man agement and coaching setup*, i think he could possibly become a valuable asset for the team.


    * So no, then.

  16. If we could get Ashton and Bent (not the shit one) for the money we sold Martins for (unlikely, as we wouldn't get more than we paid, granted), i'd take it.


    Martins could well turn into a great, great player, but he's far from that now in fairness.

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