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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. bringing in better "big name" players won't help us long term; if we still have a s*** manager/coaches/scouts/youth system we'll never progress




    Fix the head and the body will take care of itself. ;)


    We all know that Shepherd and Roeder will remain here next season so we have to accept the fact that Roeder will spend the money in the summer


    We don't know that. We have to pray to any God you can find that Roeder is not here.


    That man should be allowed to spend NOTHING. Not a penny. In fact, we should be billing HIM for fucking us up.


    He hasn't really fuked us up with his buying though.


    Souness you can blame for that, and even SBR, they wasted more money than anyone in my lifetime, GR has been ok in the transfer market, just crap at everything else.


    If he is in charge and buying, we'll be getting sensible players in imo, although i would like a new manager buying his own team from the start, not playing with someone elses after they've been sacked just after the window has closed.


    Roeder has been awful. Martins, fair enough, but he's paid £10m for a player with potential, when we need someone who has already realised theirs. He wasted £5m on a player we didn't need. He brought in Bernard AFTER the window closed, and has never played him. And he brought in Gooch, who is not good.


    He shoudl never be allowed to buy anyone again, although bearing in mind he shouldn't be allowed to manage a club again, thats a given.


    Can't argue with that  :lol:


    Gooch could of easily worked, if he went to another EPL team it probably would of worked for him, same thing with Duff, even though i agree we didn't need him, at £5m i thought it was the signing of the season, and so did most.


    Martins was a gamble, imo its paid off, he's worth a lot more now than when we bought him, especially if Chelsea are sniffing.


    If we put Duff up for sale in the summer there is no way we wouldn't get our money back, i think we might even make a profit on the transfer fee, but taking into account wages we'll probably break even.


    And we'll have failed to buy the left back, centre back and striker we've needed since day 1 - and whom Roeder has utterly failed to get.


    Is it his fault or the man upstairs?


    Don't forget GR just hands over a list and FS is the one who goes out to buy.


    GR has very little say in the final decision on where to spend the cash imo.


    We all know GR is in a job as FS can control him without much squealing.




    If you're defending his transfers with Martins, you have to kick him for the utter lack of defenders that we needed more than anything. He's the manager, its his responsibility.

  2. bringing in better "big name" players won't help us long term; if we still have a s*** manager/coaches/scouts/youth system we'll never progress




    Fix the head and the body will take care of itself. ;)


    We all know that Shepherd and Roeder will remain here next season so we have to accept the fact that Roeder will spend the money in the summer


    We don't know that. We have to pray to any God you can find that Roeder is not here.


    That man should be allowed to spend NOTHING. Not a penny. In fact, we should be billing HIM for fucking us up.


    He hasn't really fuked us up with his buying though.


    Souness you can blame for that, and even SBR, they wasted more money than anyone in my lifetime, GR has been ok in the transfer market, just crap at everything else.


    If he is in charge and buying, we'll be getting sensible players in imo, although i would like a new manager buying his own team from the start, not playing with someone elses after they've been sacked just after the window has closed.


    Roeder has been awful. Martins, fair enough, but he's paid £10m for a player with potential, when we need someone who has already realised theirs. He wasted £5m on a player we didn't need. He brought in Bernard AFTER the window closed, and has never played him. And he brought in Gooch, who is not good.


    He shoudl never be allowed to buy anyone again, although bearing in mind he shouldn't be allowed to manage a club again, thats a given.


    Can't argue with that  :lol:


    Gooch could of easily worked, if he went to another EPL team it probably would of worked for him, same thing with Duff, even though i agree we didn't need him, at £5m i thought it was the signing of the season, and so did most.


    Martins was a gamble, imo its paid off, he's worth a lot more now than when we bought him, especially if Chelsea are sniffing.


    If we put Duff up for sale in the summer there is no way we wouldn't get our money back, i think we might even make a profit on the transfer fee, but taking into account wages we'll probably break even.


    And we'll have failed to buy the left back, centre back and striker we've needed since day 1 - and whom Roeder has utterly failed to get.

  3. You genuinely are one of the most sinfully boring posters.


    Because i'm realistic? Well done, you're the bestest fan in the world.


    You're just a smart arse mate. Sick of seeing you just write people's posts off with simple, arsey, one-liners. Just ain't good to read.


    Oh, so now you're the post police?


    Wind your neck in mate. I don't like some of the drivel you post, but i don't go round crying like a smacked bitch about it.


    Post police, not quite. I just said you were boring.


    Smacked bitch, nah. I said you were boring.


    Two things which i stand by. :)


    Ooh, i'm cut to the quick, now.


    Well, i'm not, but i hoped it might make you feel better, you clearly have the painters in.


    You get on with your little posts, and i'll get on with mine. Good girl.

  4. Roeder's wasted a third of what he spent in transfer fees so far, and a shitload of wages on Bernard. I wouldn't class that as 'ok'.


    We'd get our £5m back for Duff from the Spuds any day of the week, maybe more if to be believed.


    Bernard will cost the club £200,000 (£4kpw) to find out he was crocked, a month's wages for Luque, or two weeks for Owen.


    Martins has doubled in price as well.


    Duff? Thats not proveable, plus we have paid his wages.


    WE HAVE NO LEFT BACK - thats a failure in Roeders part.


    And MArtins has not doubled in value, thats laughable.

  5. bringing in better "big name" players won't help us long term; if we still have a s*** manager/coaches/scouts/youth system we'll never progress




    Fix the head and the body will take care of itself. ;)


    We all know that Shepherd and Roeder will remain here next season so we have to accept the fact that Roeder will spend the money in the summer


    We don't know that. We have to pray to any God you can find that Roeder is not here.


    That man should be allowed to spend NOTHING. Not a penny. In fact, we should be billing HIM for fucking us up.


    He hasn't really fuked us up with his buying though.


    Souness you can blame for that, and even SBR, they wasted more money than anyone in my lifetime, GR has been ok in the transfer market, just crap at everything else.


    If he is in charge and buying, we'll be getting sensible players in imo, although i would like a new manager buying his own team from the start, not playing with someone elses after they've been sacked just after the window has closed.


    Roeder has been awful. Martins, fair enough, but he's paid £10m for a player with potential, when we need someone who has already realised theirs. He wasted £5m on a player we didn't need. He brought in Bernard AFTER the window closed, and has never played him. And he brought in Gooch, who is not good.


    He shoudl never be allowed to buy anyone again, although bearing in mind he shouldn't be allowed to manage a club again, thats a given.

  6. he is Roeder without expectant fans and a good run in a job tbh


    bit of a chip on his shoulder too


    He's far better than Roeder. Wanker Glenn would never be able to do what Fat Head has done.


    You're right about the chip, though. He's a bloody awful loser.

  7. bringing in better "big name" players won't help us long term; if we still have a s*** manager/coaches/scouts/youth system we'll never progress




    Fix the head and the body will take care of itself. ;)


    We all know that Shepherd and Roeder will remain here next season so we have to accept the fact that Roeder will spend the money in the summer


    We don't know that. We have to pray to any God you can find that Roeder is not here.


    That man should be allowed to spend NOTHING. Not a penny. In fact, we should be billing HIM for fucking us up.

  8. Like FS said, independant from the clubs finances, we have made quite abit this season even without the desired silverwear. £20mil would be sufficient to get us started on the road to success come the summer.


    No, i'm afraid it wouldn't.


    We need, just to have a team anywhere near good enough:








    CB (cover)

    LB (cover)

    CM (cover)

    RW (cover)

  9. Given where we are, i'd take him, but he'd be some way from ideal if we weren't in the s***.


    I started supporting Newcastle, among all other things, because Newcastle always played attacking football wit lots of flair.


    The way Bolton play, defensive and unattractive, I wouldn't take him for free. But, considering the deep trouble we're in, I admit he might be a solid temporary solution for a couple of seasons.


    Thats what i meant by the "some way from ideal" thing - he's not a manager i'd want here, i think his tactics are insipid, he moans too much, and his insistence of a few key players who are nowhere near good enough at this level is baffling. So in many ways he is similar to Roeder, just nowhere NEAR as utterly shite.


    We'd probably do fairly well under Allardyce, certainly we may be in with a shout of top 6/7, and thats forward movement for us from the shitheap that wanker Roeder has put us in, so we would have to take him if we could.


    Mind, his head is fucking MASSIVE. he'd have to learn to stabd further away from the camera when he's on Sky. Jesus, its scary.

  10. You genuinely are one of the most sinfully boring posters.


    Because i'm realistic? Well done, you're the bestest fan in the world.


    You're just a smart arse mate. Sick of seeing you just write people's posts off with simple, arsey, one-liners. Just ain't good to read.


    Oh, so now you're the post police?


    Wind your neck in mate. I don't like some of the drivel you post, but i don't go round crying like a smacked bitch about it.

  11. no one answered in the other post BUT


    does anyone have the first clue as to whether he is still being investigated?


    Don't think so. I think his son is off the hook as well. But thats just a memory i had of a month or two back.

  12. In the kingdom of the utter shite, the very very average man is King. Or something.


    He's an average player, no doubt, but thanks to the obvious culprits, averageness is something we now need to aspire to. He'll never be a great player, and he'll never contribute much, but at least he's not Parker.

  13. Northern Monkey, at this time i think Butt more than deserves to be captain. He's got the experience we need.


    Remember us losing to AZ Alkmaar Away ? Who was the only person in our team who really wanted that win ? It was Butt and thats what a captain really wants. Victory to his team.


    So far we've had 'being here the longest', 'having experience' and the (actually non-existent) 'spark to win us a game' as reasons to give different players the captaincy.


    As we're both agree, we have no natural leader on the pitch, so how do you think the captaincy should have been decided? And do you not think the captain needs to be someone who is virtually gauranteed a starting place?


    I don't think it matters who the captain is tbh, none of them are capable of doing the job, so it might as well be given out randomly.

  14. Fuck off Roeder. Just fuck off.


    Take your stupid tactics, insane team selection, whining voice, lies, excuses and pathetic excuse ofr a career, and fuck right off.


    I genuinely hope that when this cunt is sacked by us, he never works again. I hope he is such a pariah, he won't even get a seat next to that cretin Murray on C5s football programmes.

  15. But he's from a top four side, and therefore is automatically on our list of players to buy as we defer decisions as to what makes a quality player by simply buying from top four sides rather than trusting our own scouting 'network'.


    But they ALWAYS turn out to be world class - Babayaro, Parker, Duff, etc - so e can't complain.

  16. Fundamental to our problems is that we have:


    • Some real shite on decent money (Moore)
    • Some real shite on good money (Babayaro, Bramble, Ameobi, Carr)
    • Some very, very average players on great money (Dyer, Parker, Duff)
    • A manager who is abolutely incapable of seeing his own fuckups, and who will play the shite because he is so terribly, terribly bad at his job

  17. Dinho: you want one of two of the most defensive managers in Europe? They're both good managers, but I can't see their football going down so well at Newcastle.


    I think it would.


    We've grown up a lot since the KK days, we understand its not all about flashy brilliance and scoring as many goals as possible. Some if not most would be happy with well thought out team performances, and coming away with the odd goal and a clean sheet, meaning winning games, i know i would.


    The added flair and entertaining football would be the icing, but right now some plain cake would be nice.


    I hate to say this, but true pre-KK supporters already knew that. Lumping long balls forward with clueless centre forwards chasing it was pretty much the order of the day for quite a long time, apart from the odd blip when we weren't fighting relegation. But I'm sure you know this  :lol: - especially playing in europe which was a pretty reasonable "icing on the cake".



    Here comes Lisa with her bile.



    Valid comment. YOU may have "grown up", but some of us already had done so, which flies in the face of your claim that you yourself are a "pre-1992" fan.


    I've no wish really to harp on about it, and wouldn't need to if people like you told the truth or found a proper perspective.


    Never mind, I found the comment fantastically amusing and ironic, which is why I replied.


    I was 11 in 1992 you idiot.  :rolleyes:


    a smoky pub for the afternoon, then on to a place full of drunks, yobs and arses to watch a shite team being beat and then watch everyone get into fights.






    plastic fan tbh

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