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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Anything directors do to improve the club at any stage is with the intention to improve the club which automatically boosts the share price, whats wrong with that ? You and others make comments on business, this is business isn't it ? Do you not want them to improve the club ? Do you understand this was my meaning, or not ?


    I didn't understand what point you were making, I presumed you seen a post by me mentioning the board and went off on one like you usually do.


    I've no problem with what the board are doing, I think it's great that they are looking at ways to improve the clubs finances which can only be a good thing for us long term, I've spoke before how I think the club is understaffed at management level so it was also good to see them bring in this chap Walton to supervise the whole project.


    As for your point about a takeover, I'm not naive enough to think anyone will be better than the current board however anyone spending the kind of money being talked about to buy NUFC will know doubt want to see the clubs value rise, the obvious way to do that is to invest money and push on to the CL.


    I'm not completely ungrateful for what the current board have done for us, however even you will find it hard to deny that the club are going in the wrong direction and have been for a while now, nothing that a top manager (or DOF ;)) wouldn't sort out I know but after the appointments of both Souness and Roeder I have no faith in Shepherd or the other directors employing that man.


    Therein lies the crux of the problem. Every right-minded fan of NUFC knows that Roeder is at best a clueless fool, but few now have faith in The Fatman and his chums to make the right footballing choice - get rid of him and get a proper manager in.

  2. Parker doesn't deserve this shithouse of a club


    Nearly right.


    Maybe he should go somewhere that his fucking stupid tackling, and utterly useless twisting and turning on the ball, allied with his lack of leadership ability and ineffectiveness in controling the midfield, will be better received.

  3. Barcelona.... their fans never took defeat with gracefully


    I'm sure if you ask some Liverpool fans they'll disagree with that.


    And they'd be exactly the right fans to ask, the graceless twats.


    As for foreign clubs, i find it hard to really hate any of them, cos they rarely interact with the club i support! If i had to, i'd say Rangers.



    Duff shouldn't be first choice, so no problem.

    Emre has proven v inconsistent, in fairness.

    Parker is very average.

    Dyer is also very average, produces very little.

    Solano should maybe stay as cover, but he'll likely be past it as a first team player.


    They still need replacing if you sell them.


    Yes, they do. And seeing what tehy actually provide us, that wouldn't be too difficult.


    There is nothing to get out of Shambles, Moore, Babayaro and Carr, though.


    Agreed, but replacing Duff, Emre, Parker, Dyer and maybe Solano?


    They might not be flavour of the month but try replacing that lot on a tight budget. Bearing in mind our need for a whole new defence and Roeder's "patient" movement in the transfer market.


    Dyer and Solano espescially have been two of our best players this season. Best of a bad bunch maybe, but clubs who sell their best players usually end up in trouble.


    Duff shouldn't be first choice, so no problem.

    Emre has proven v inconsistent, in fairness.

    Parker is very average.

    Dyer is also very average, produces very little.

    Solano should maybe stay as cover, but he'll likely be past it as a first team player.

  6. Yep. I imagine many of us could think of people we'd rather have to some degree or other, but I've said for some time that some of his particular strengths are areas in which we're particularly weak. Cutting-edge off-field techniques, a Manager who knows his own mind and will demand the best from the Board, and the knowledge of how not to throw the ball directly to the opposition in your own half, for example.


    Get out. And take your new-fangled thinkings with you. There's no place for the likes of those ideas at SJP.


    so Roeder is a crap manager because he doesn't spend his training time with his international footballers telling them not to throw the ball to the opposition?


    Not going to answer the question Alex put to you or will that show you up as being someone who puts in a random comment without the knowledge to actually back it up?


    How is he anything like Roeder?



    down boy


    he's an average English type motivator and tactician who doggedly sticks by his favourite players


    howzzat for starters?


    You said average. Therefroe he is nothing like Roeder.


    funny how the players would rather blame the fans for their lack of confidence than the piss poor roeder though isn't it? How odd. Like to see how Bolton would perform infront of 52,000 Northern Monkeys


    I would love to see examples of Roeder being even average.


    Well? Playing Carr as soon as he's fit? Solano off for Milner? Letting Bramble ever play for us?


    I'm sure you have loads of examples, though.


  7. Yep. I imagine many of us could think of people we'd rather have to some degree or other, but I've said for some time that some of his particular strengths are areas in which we're particularly weak. Cutting-edge off-field techniques, a Manager who knows his own mind and will demand the best from the Board, and the knowledge of how not to throw the ball directly to the opposition in your own half, for example.


    Get out. And take your new-fangled thinkings with you. There's no place for the likes of those ideas at SJP.


    so Roeder is a crap manager because he doesn't spend his training time with his international footballers telling them not to throw the ball to the opposition?


    Not going to answer the question Alex put to you or will that show you up as being someone who puts in a random comment without the knowledge to actually back it up?


    How is he anything like Roeder?



    down boy


    he's an average English type motivator and tactician who doggedly sticks by his favourite players


    howzzat for starters?


    You said average. Therefroe he is nothing like Roeder.

  8. Re throw ins - why have we not been getting Gooch to do these long throw-ins a bit more?  They're miles better than any Emre set-piece, judging by the one against Citeh at the weekend.


    Running past the ball, as fast as we can, and slamming first face into the post would be better than Emres set pieces recently.

  9. Yep. I imagine many of us could think of people we'd rather have to some degree or other, but I've said for some time that some of his particular strengths are areas in which we're particularly weak. Cutting-edge off-field techniques, a Manager who knows his own mind and will demand the best from the Board, and the knowledge of how not to throw the ball directly to the opposition in your own half, for example.


    Get out. And take your new-fangled thinkings with you. There's no place for the likes of those ideas at SJP.


    so Roeder is a crap manager because he doesn't spend his training time with his international footballers telling them not to throw the ball to the opposition?


    No, he's a crap manager for being unable to manage very well at all.

  10. he'll last till the end of his contract


    wtf does anyone think anything different? It's not rocket science


    Ah, yes, but hopefully his contract will be terminated asap. I assume thats what you mean.


    meaning his contract won't be terminated. It runs out next year FFS


    So why would he still be here for another year??


    He certainly SHOULDN'T be, but why do you think he should?


    fucking hell your your one dimensional arguments are hard work


    I dont give 2 fucks if he stays or goes. I'm saying he WILL be here to the end of the contract


    And i'm saying WHY do you think that? And you still aren't answering.


    he was specifically signed on a short term contract because that was all that was needed to achieve success, and to prevent it looking like he was sweating the club for his contract, and to save the club the need to pay out a stupid Souness like compo claim for early termination


    So you think he'll be kept on when we've come THAT <does tiny gap sign with thumb and forefinger> close to relegation, and the fans are calling for the Fat Mans head?


    He's a failure, he's failed in his biref, and he's proven himself to be incapable of the job. I genuinely can;t see him starting next season in a job. Thank fuck.


    I'd bet money on it


    On Shepherd sticking to a plan, when the fans turn on HIM. Good luck with that.

  11. If we sell all the players mentioned in that article we will go down. We can't afford to replace them all with similar or better players. If Glenn is still in charge it is his job to try and take this club upwards and that will involve getting the best out of some of these players whether he likes it or not. If he doesn't think he can do that then he shouldn't have ever taken the job.


    Worrying times.


    There is nothing to get out of Shambles, Moore, Babayaro and Carr, though.

  12. Yep. I imagine many of us could think of people we'd rather have to some degree or other, but I've said for some time that some of his particular strengths are areas in which we're particularly weak. Cutting-edge off-field techniques, a Manager who knows his own mind and will demand the best from the Board, and the knowledge of how not to throw the ball directly to the opposition in your own half, for example.


    Get out. And take your new-fangled thinkings with you. There's no place for the likes of those ideas at SJP.

  13. he'll last till the end of his contract


    wtf does anyone think anything different? It's not rocket science


    Ah, yes, but hopefully his contract will be terminated asap. I assume thats what you mean.


    meaning his contract won't be terminated. It runs out next year FFS


    So why would he still be here for another year??


    He certainly SHOULDN'T be, but why do you think he should?


    fucking hell your your one dimensional arguments are hard work


    I dont give 2 fucks if he stays or goes. I'm saying he WILL be here to the end of the contract


    And i'm saying WHY do you think that? And you still aren't answering.


    he was specifically signed on a short term contract because that was all that was needed to achieve success, and to prevent it looking like he was sweating the club for his contract, and to save the club the need to pay out a stupid Souness like compo claim for early termination


    So you think he'll be kept on when we've come THAT <does tiny gap sign with thumb and forefinger> close to relegation, and the fans are calling for the Fat Mans head?


    He's a failure, he's failed in his biref, and he's proven himself to be incapable of the job. I genuinely can;t see him starting next season in a job. Thank fuck.

  14. he'll last till the end of his contract


    wtf does anyone think anything different? It's not rocket science


    Ah, yes, but hopefully his contract will be terminated asap. I assume thats what you mean.


    meaning his contract won't be terminated. It runs out next year FFS


    So why would he still be here for another year??


    He certainly SHOULDN'T be, but why do you think he should?


    fucking hell your your one dimensional arguments are hard work


    I dont give 2 fucks if he stays or goes. I'm saying he WILL be here to the end of the contract


    And i'm saying WHY do you think that? And you still aren't answering.

  15. "my information is that as long as United are playing Premiership football next season, the board of directors at St James' Park have no intention of changing their manager."


    Fuk me the ambitions of this club are superb.


    Visionary, isn't it?


    Our target is now Premiership survival. And its fucking hit and miss if he's good enough to manage that. Jesus.

  16. Any competent left back would be better than what we have now, ditto right back by the end of the season.


    So of course we'd have him, but he'd never come here, he's way above us.


    I think you're overrating him tbh.  He's generally solid and dependable, but not exceptional.  Comolli has said Flamini hasn't developed as expected, so maybe a change of scenery would be best for him.


    Have you seen us?? He's going to want Champions League or thereabouts, not near-relegation candidates.


    I reckon that's bravado. He's at a club that plays in the Champs League every year, but can't get in. I wouldn't be too surprised if he settled for us, given the wages we pay, if he got paid a fair chunk and played week in week out - which he probably would.


    I'd be amazed, personally. Although i don't think he'll be this years Rooney/Ronaldo/Rivaldo season ticket-selling lie. I think Fatty might have this season off from that particular routine, and rely on our awe and worship of the £300m white elephant - i mean expansion/redevelopment plan - to boost flagging interest in NUFC.

  17. Any competent left back would be better than what we have now, ditto right back by the end of the season.


    So of course we'd have him, but he'd never come here, he's way above us.


    I think you're overrating him tbh.  He's generally solid and dependable, but not exceptional.  Comolli has said Flamini hasn't developed as expected, so maybe a change of scenery would be best for him.


    Have you seen us?? He's going to want Champions League or thereabouts, not near-relegation candidates.

  18. he'll last till the end of his contract


    wtf does anyone think anything different? It's not rocket science


    Ah, yes, but hopefully his contract will be terminated asap. I assume thats what you mean.


    meaning his contract won't be terminated. It runs out next year FFS


    So why would he still be here for another year??


    He certainly SHOULDN'T be, but why do you think he should?

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