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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Northern Monkey,


    i think if Taylor was a few years older could have a chance of being captain. I was told that he is loud in the pitch. Something we're lacking.


    He USED to be loud on the pitch, but you don't seem to see that now. Not a surprise under ROeder, but a shame to see still.


    I used to think exactly that about Taylor, i had high hopes for him as a player and a captain. We need rid of the awful manager soon, though, before he turns Taylor into another Bramble.

  2. I still think Parkers a better player than Jenas, and I think selling Jenas and buying Parker for less was good business, although Im sure others on here will disagree.

    Parker has got the ability to grab a game by the scruff of the neck and dominate a midfield, something Jenas never did. perfect examples are Arsenal last season, and I thought he was excellent against Liverpool a few months ago. He was superb for us last season and at the start of this one untill he broke Jimmy Bullard's leg, and people saying his absence from the team last season was the reason for our improved form is bollocks imo - surely it was because of the sacking of Souness around the same time.

    I think its clear Parker has suffered from having to play next to another defensive player in Butt or a ineffective Emre, and not really knowing what his role is - something that is down to the management.

    He's been poor at times this season, but he hasn't been as consistently poor as Jenas was. I think playing in a largely unsuccesful team and having the captaincy have caused people to notice his faults far more than they ever noticed JJ's.


    Parker couldn't dominate a kids match.


    Disappointing HTL. Made a lot of good and valid points about Parker and his role in the team etc., ends up making NM-esque childish comments which have no basis in anything to try and provoke a reaction. I thought more of you....


    :lol: :lol:


    I like it. You say something some nobhead doesn't like, and you're childish.  :lol:


    :lol: I thought you would be used to the notion of hyperbole by now?!


    Is it not a slightly childish style to express things in an over-simplified version without going into real detail to explain why you hold such opinions? And do you not think it's fair to say you post a lot of what you do to get a reaction? Otherwise why would you be so curt, and always post things that you know will provoke people?


    Not having a go at your opinions btw, aree with a number of things you say.


    No, i don't think those things.


    I am often curt because i am normally doing something else at the same time (multi-tasking, see, i can watch TV AND slag off a cunt like ROeder at the same time, i'm liek some sort of machine, me), and because thats my particular style: sort of an anti-HTT.

  3. Northern Monkey, at this time i think Butt more than deserves to be captain. He's got the experience we need.


    Remember us losing to AZ Alkmaar Away ? Who was the only person in our team who really wanted that win ? It was Butt and thats what a captain really wants. Victory to his team.


    So far we've had 'being here the longest', 'having experience' and the (actually non-existent) 'spark to win us a game' as reasons to give different players the captaincy.


    Butt is possibly the best shout, but only because of the paucity of actual leaders. There isn't one proper leader on that pitch, and until we buy one, there never will be.

  4. I still think Parkers a better player than Jenas, and I think selling Jenas and buying Parker for less was good business, although Im sure others on here will disagree.

    Parker has got the ability to grab a game by the scruff of the neck and dominate a midfield, something Jenas never did. perfect examples are Arsenal last season, and I thought he was excellent against Liverpool a few months ago. He was superb for us last season and at the start of this one untill he broke Jimmy Bullard's leg, and people saying his absence from the team last season was the reason for our improved form is bollocks imo - surely it was because of the sacking of Souness around the same time.

    I think its clear Parker has suffered from having to play next to another defensive player in Butt or a ineffective Emre, and not really knowing what his role is - something that is down to the management.

    He's been poor at times this season, but he hasn't been as consistently poor as Jenas was. I think playing in a largely unsuccesful team and having the captaincy have caused people to notice his faults far more than they ever noticed JJ's.


    Parker couldn't dominate a kids match.


    Disappointing HTL. Made a lot of good and valid points about Parker and his role in the team etc., ends up making NM-esque childish comments which have no basis in anything to try and provoke a reaction. I thought more of you....


    :lol: :lol:


    I like it. You say something some nobhead doesn't like, and you're childish.  :lol:

  5. houillier??



    having said that, the journal hints that roeder may be off in summer anyway unless 'results dramatically improve'


    Dear god. Now we have a lose-lose situation. We play badly, on the plus side, we sack the lying cunt, on the negative side, we have played/done shite. We play well, on the plus side, we've played well, on the negative side, we keep the wanker.



  6. Just out of curiousity..


    Why was Parker given the captaincy? I can name a few who deserve to be captain other than him.


    Name one who deserves it at all?


    Given, Solano?


    Butt << without thinking twice



    Emre (second choice captain)

    Dyer  <<  yes, dyer !!


    Butt? Poissibly, i guess

    Solano? No

    Given? No chance.

    Emre? f*** that. HE disappears too much.

    Dyer? Thats a f****** laugh.


    And Nate - no, PArker hasn't looked like a captain. That wasn't my point. My point was that none of them have.


    Dyers got that spark to captain a team to victory. Thats what i think.


    What spark? He creates very very little. He runs around a lot, but his end product is weak. We already have someone like that in Parker, so why change the captaincy on a like-for-like basis.


    Dyer is clearly no leader on the pitch - none of them are.

  7. Just out of curiousity..


    Why was Parker given the captaincy? I can name a few who deserve to be captain other than him.


    Name one who deserves it at all?


    Given, Solano?


    Butt << without thinking twice



    Emre (second choice captain)

    Dyer  <<  yes, dyer !!


    Butt? Poissibly, i guess

    Solano? No

    Given? No chance.

    Emre? Fuck that. HE disappears too much.

    Dyer? Thats a fucking laugh.


    And Nate - no, PArker hasn't looked like a captain. That wasn't my point. My point was that none of them have.

  8. I love the idea that people slate him for coming up with excuses and slate him when he comes out and says he needs to replace half the team



    Who's slating him for saying half the team needs replacing?


    there were some on here a few days ago alluding to the fact he shouldnt have demoralised the poor dears by coming out and saying how crap we were


    Because it worked didn't it? His comment really got his team playing.


    Now half the team are totally coasting to the end of the season, more so than before, making them unusable or a complete liability if they do play, because they will know who he means, no doubt about that, he's just made a bad situation worse, and when it comes to sell these players, we haven't got a hope in hells chance of regaining any money as clubs know were desperate to offload.


    We win all round with the comments dont you think?


    so basically, he should keep his mouth shut


    of course no-one would whine about him doing that I guess


    If all he's going to do is whine about mythical injuries, blame everyone but himself, and tell lies, then yes, i'd rather he shut the fuck up, and i wouldn't slate him for it.

  9. Just out of curiousity..


    Why was Parker given the captaincy? I can name a few who deserve to be captain other than him.


    Name one who deserves it at all?


    Given, Solano?


    Given can't assert himself on his defence, he'd be a shit captain.


    Solano hasn't looked like a captain this season, really. He's just a less-bad right back than Carr.

  10. I love the idea that people slate him for coming up with excuses and slate him when he comes out and says he needs to replace half the team



    Do you love the fact that he's a lying, useless shithouse of a manager?


    I'm amazed he's stuck it out this long. And Parker.


    You're amazed HE'S stuck it out this long?? I'm amazed it took so long for him to be found out, tbh.


    He's a fucking woeful manager, who brings sod all to this club. Sooner we sack the little clown the better.


    As for Parker, he's just a really, really average player. We paid far too much for him, but thats because we're star-struck when it comes to the big clubs.

  11. Dyer plays better as a second striker than he does in midfield.




    No, he plays better as a second striker than he does on the right wing, because he's a shite winger. He's a pretty poor striker, but he's a worse winger.

  12. I love the idea that people slate him for coming up with excuses and slate him when he comes out and says he needs to replace half the team



    Do you love the fact that he's a lying, useless shithouse of a manager?


    I think this is what Glenn will play:




    Solano - Taylor - Ramage - Babayaro


    Dyer - Butt - Parker - Duff


    Sibierski - Martins



    Swap Solano with Carr, and yes, i think the clueless cockney cunt really is stupid enough to play that team.

  14. Couldn't help but laugh at these comments


    'Things aren't as bad as the fans seem to think'


    'It's a very thin dividing line between winning and losing'


    'There are a lot of teams below us and they have less points'


    The man is a genius FFS


    We must have some secret, invisible points stored up somewhere. Soon, this clueless cunt Roeder will go "ta-dah!!!", and we'll immediately be 5th.


    What a wanker this man is. He's starting to make Souness sound like a rational and honest man.

  15. As other have said before, he has found his level. Fair play to the lad, he is doing very well but with all our strikers fit he would be lucky to be 4th choice and he isn't happy with this so there isn't really an issue.


    We've only really got 2 worthwhile strikers, though. We actually need a 3rd striker, and have Shola as an avoid-if-possible 4th.


    Exactly!  But you're forgetting about Shola's potential - he's a future Englabnd stiker you know!   ;D


    Don't, mate, seriously. Some idiot will fall for it again, and start talking about how he must be good because he once managed to control a football and scored a couple of goals.

  16. As other have said before, he has found his level. Fair play to the lad, he is doing very well but with all our strikers fit he would be lucky to be 4th choice and he isn't happy with this so there isn't really an issue.


    We've only really got 2 worthwhile strikers, though. We actually need a 3rd striker, and have Shola as an avoid-if-possible 4th.

  17. Cracking thread this, by the way. A pleasant change from slagging off the current lot... let's share it out in equal measure with the previous dross as well, it's only fair. You've been in fine fettle lately though Stevie, and I'm glad the Barton thing wasn't as irrational as I first felt it might have been, thanks to you and Yorkie/'s Dad.


    Let's not sidetrack it with bullshite though, eh lads? I'm sure this could turn out to be a quality thread if people's agendas are put to one side.


    Yes boss, right away boss.

  18. I reckon Emre's a class player in all honesty, and he could have been so good for us. I'd love to see him in a team like Arsenal - who play good, penetrating football on the floor - short passes, a sheer driving force. That's what Emre's so good at - driving forward and stirring things up.


    Even if he were to stay, it just won't have worked out for him here. 1, because of the injuries to him, 2, because of the injuries to players around him, 3, because of the general averageness of the team itself, and 4, he's never been used properly. Or very rarely.


    I really like Emre, but we won't have missed him if he goes.


    Yup. Nothing to do with his inability to assert himself on a game in real terms, or his knack of disappearing in big games.

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